
Fatal flaws

"The first battle victory of E Division that Chief of Staff Chen said was in the Niutouling area-"

Zhuang Yan synchronized the screen of his laptop to the computer in the small conference room, and soon, a map of the battlefield posture appeared on the screen.

He picked up an electric pen, walked over to the screen, and drew a blue circle on the one out position of the map.

"This is a guard position set up by the Blue Army in the area of Niutou Ridge, with the strength of a battalion from the 113th Synthesis Brigade and a fire support position set up 10 kilometers to its rear. This intel was obtained by reconnaissance by a drone detachment of the E Division Reconnaissance Battalion ..."

He pulled up a picture-within-a-picture of an overhead view of the Niutou Ridge area, obviously captured by a drone at high altitude.

Looking at the picture, he could definitely see some camouflage netting covering something on the ground, not a lot, but he could tell that something was covering the lower surface.

Niutou Ridge was the frontline of the Blue Army's defense area, and Niutou Ridge was an important position to hold the nearby traffic routes, so tactically, it made sense to set up a guard position here.

The heads of the G Military Region stared at the screen and didn't seem to see any problems.

Drone reconnaissance was also a common tactic on the battlefield.

It was more intuitive and clearer than satellite reconnaissance.

"Did Division E send a ground reconnaissance detachment to verify?"

Commander Xu of the G Military Region snapped.

As a senior general, he was well aware that positions also had military camouflage science.

Although the technological means were very advanced nowadays, there were still some things that machines could not replace people.

Especially for the Blue Army's reconnaissance time is relatively short, if you rely on satellite or drone reconnaissance, you must stare for a long time, compare the before and after images, and compare the images before and after the Blue Army enters the Niutou Ridge position in order to recognize the authenticity of the authenticity of the authenticity of the authenticity of the authenticity of the authenticity of the authenticity.

Therefore, a drone reconnaissance alone cannot be fully used as a reference for giving orders.

Especially this time, the Blue Army opposite E Division were two of the first brigade-level units to be reorganized into synthetic units.

Both were singled out as optimal formations, former aces.

Zhuang Yan certainly understood what Commander Xu meant and immediately said, "Of course. I'm sure Chief of Staff Feng won't overlook this kind of error."

After saying that, he added, "They did send a ground reconnaissance unit to conduct field observations, and the intelligence sent back also confirmed the presence of Blue Army synthesized units in the area of Niutou Ridge, so E Division made a very bold decision, and at this point, I feel that E Division has made progress. Oh yeah, when I say there's progress, I mean the level of tactics compared to when we were fighting against the Prairie Wolf unit I was in on the prairie back then."

As he spoke, he pulled up another battlefield posture map.

"This one is the battlefield posture map that was sent back at 7am on the 12th."

He took a pen and drew two long arrows on each of the left and right flanks of Niudou Ridge.

"E Division, at about 7:00 a.m., used the tactic of frontal sheep movement, but actually the left and right flanks quickly maneuvered to penetrate and encircle, intending to take Niudouling in one fell swoop. ..."


Zhuang Yan's words were interrupted here.

The one who interrupted him was Shao Xianyong, the deputy commander of the military region.

"What time did you say E Division launched its attack?"

"Seven in the morning." Zhuang Yan said.

Shao Xianyong's brow wrinkled involuntarily, "I remember that the general attack time for this maneuver was 8:00 a.m., how come they did it at 7:00 a.m.?"

"Soldiers can't be too deceitful." Zhuang Yan laughed, "That's the experience I learned on the prairie back then. Fighting a war never says a good time or determines the location, tactics are especially sudden, and throughout military history, surprise attacks and sneak attacks are not uncommon."

Shao Xianyong suddenly realized.

When the E Division went to the prairie to participate in the red and blue confrontation, in the hands of Zhuang Yan's prairie wolf troops have suffered losses, in which the blue army does not follow the normal way of doing things led to the E Division was caught off guard and suffered a defeat.

I think this Wang Xinjun and Feng Huaijin must have a fresh memory, this time I heard that Zhuang Yan had returned to the military region's directing department, I'm afraid that he was guiding the Blue Army, so he simply came up with this.

"Surprise." Commander Xu said, "Soldiers are unpredictable, water is unpredictable. No problem."

Zhuang Yan said, "The problem is no problem, it's just that E Division made a mistake."

This remark once again caused surprise among the heads of the G Military Region, including the D Group Army.

Chen Shouzheng felt that Zhuang Yan had described an open door victory for E Division as a defeat, and of course felt uncomfortable in his heart, reminding, "E Division did take the position in one fell swoop, and it was a victory, that's a fact. Zhuang Yan, you don't seem to have objectively evaluated this battle."

Zhuang Yan said, "I have a basis for saying that. I would like to ask, did E Division ever effectively evaluate the commanders of the two brigades in front of them before attacking? Has it ever collected the character, behavior, tactics, and other characteristics of their main commanders? The combat performance of a unit is actually a reflection of the character and will of their principal commanders and their tactical level. It is very useful and necessary to take a peek and analyze the enemy commanders, and it is an essential part of battlefield intelligence gathering. If E Division's Division Commander Wang and Chief of Staff Feng they had done their research, I'm afraid they wouldn't have ventured into attacking Niutouling so easily. That's not a piece of fat meat, it's a piece of poisonous bait."

Shao Xianyong seemed to have heard something and raised his hand to signal Zhuang Yan, "Good, you continue."

Zhuang Yan said, "The brigade commander of the 113th brigade is a deputy division commander of a former ace division in the military region called Song Yiming, a person I understand and have crossed paths with. He graduated from an armored military academy, and his application of armored tactics is out of this world, and the Niutouling area is surrounded by mountains, so if I were Song Yiming, I wouldn't want to fight to the death with the E Division of the MOB formation in this kind of mountainous terrain."

"So, when I was subjected to the first battlefield briefing, I had a feeling that something wasn't right, and then I looked at the map and understood Song Yiming's battle intent. Combine that with the other brigade of the Blue Army this time, the 32nd Air Assault Brigade, and his brigade commander, and I understood what they were going to do."

After saying that, he pulled up another map.

This time, Zhuang Yan directly drew a blue circle on a large, relatively gentle area behind Niutou Ridge.

"Here, this is where Song Yiming is going to fight E Division to the death."

This time, Commander Xu, Shao Xianyong, and a few others couldn't sit still and directly stood up, walking over to the large screen and staring at the basket circle.

"Jedi Wolf Valley area?"

Zhuang Yan said, "That's right."

He picked up an electric pen and continuously drew several arrows and then several circles on the screen.

"Brigade Commander Xu Xingguo of the 32nd Air Assault Brigade and I are old comrades in arms, and I know his thought patterns perfectly. He once served in the Special Forces and also studied infantry command at the Army Command College, and his experience and resume were taken into account when he became the Air Assault Brigade Commander after the military reform itself. This man's combat style is steady and fierce, tenacious and courageous, with a weakness of suspicion. Thus, I combined his and Song Yiming's combat styles to come up with an initial judgment-"

He tapped the screen and said to the several senior generals in front of him, "The Jiewolf Valley is about 130 kilometers away from the Niutou Ridge, so if I were Song Yiming, I would place my command in the Jiewolf Valley, and through the frequency of signals, the army's running trajectory, and troop deployment, etc., I would intentionally or unintentionally release false intelligence to the Red's E Division, so that they would know that the command is in the Jiewolf Valley. "

"From a military point of view, taking the Niutou Ridge would leave the Jiewolf Valley without any dangers to defend, and the E Division could completely attack the Jiewolf Valley with a full-scale heavy attack in a single blow to eliminate Song Yiming. And Xu Xingguo's Air Raid Brigade is a light brigade, if we take the Synthesis 113 Brigade, relying on E Division's armored forces, against a 32 Air Raid Brigade fighting ground Zhang, the odds are extremely good."

Chen Shouzheng could not help but ask again, "Such a tactic would have been no problem ... just ..."

Zhuang Yan smiled, "It's just that E Division didn't realize that the top of Niutou Ridge was a false position, and their attack on it went exceptionally well, ending the battle in less than twenty minutes, right? Unfortunately, it was just a fish bait, when E Division attacked Niutou Ridge, it was the hook that had already bitten."

"I think you know all about what happened later, Chief of Staff Chen, E Division immediately made a way to take trucks to travel along the highway to the east side of the Jedi Valley, all the way through the canyon, relying on tracked armored units to cross the valley and circle around to the west side of the Jedi Wolf Valley, and continued to launch a pincer attack to encircle the Jedi Wolf Valley, trying to eat Song Yiming's command."

"Originally, launching the general attack early and taking them by surprise was a good move, but unfortunately, the E Division's commanders used it in the wrong place and overestimated their own joint combat capabilities. While they were capturing Bull's Head Ridge, an unexpected hiccup occurred, and it also fully exposed the fatal shortcomings of traditional divisional combat units ..."

"What fatal shortcoming?" Shao Xianyong brow condensed with all the questions, he knew that in front of this Zhuang crazy not only sharp mouth, tactics is equally a ruthless role, these years he when the blue army, abused the whole army do not know how many red army.

Zhuang Yan said: "E Division's helicopter unit and the air force support unit are temporarily assigned, one is deployed from the group army, one is a brigade of the air force, there is a fatal problem, due to the early launch of the attack this thing is a temporary decision, so the original three-party study of the synergistic plan of action has been disrupted. The tactical arrangement was like a chain, with one ring changing and the other ring changing. They must have notified the land helicopters and the air brigade of the change of plan, that the original plan would be canceled and that the new one would be half an hour earlier. At that time, I guess the E Division did not know that they would attack so smoothly, twenty minutes to occupy the high ground, and greatly exceeded their original thought that it would take at least two hours of attack to take the Niutou Ridge plan, so that the entire Niutou Ridge is full of E Division, the air force side was supposed to fly to the area to conduct a number of fire support, and then received a notification that bombing was canceled, a change is okay, a change of successive changes, the E Division and the The communication between E Division and the land and air force was completely messed up, and the plan was changed once again. At the same time, the blue army has long been in the direction of the Jiewolf Valley arranged long-distance fire on the Niutou Ridge artillery coverage, the red army can either stay in the Niutou Ridge to be bombed into the dregs, or to send the air force to the Jiewolf Valley bombing, but the Jiewolf Valley side of the intelligence has not been named, the enemy's anti-aircraft equipment and long-distance fire equipment is not clear location, coupled with the two changes in the battle plan, the air force is afraid that the head of the exhausted air force, can not be adjusted to come over to the support of a short time, which led to the E Division only one way to support the E Division. This has resulted in E Division having only one way out, and that is to send its main force to attack in the direction of the Jedi Wolf Valley, reconnoitering as it goes, but in this way, they'll be completely caught in the trap ..."

Commander Xu pondered for a moment, also seeing some clues.

"Well, I'm afraid that this is the reason why E Division later lost its way in and out and lost everything ..."

Zhuang Yan said, "I said just now that the good show doesn't stop at the Jedi Wolf Valley, where the 113th Brigade's performance stage is, and the later moves of the 32nd Air Assault Brigade confirmed my prediction of my old comrade in arms, that their good show has only just made its debut ..."