

Platoon affairs will be arranged in the evening half an hour before lights out.

Hou Jun or old habits, up first said the recent training, finished on the pull of the axiom, the axiom is finished, and pulled a little fat Wei secretly buy crayfish with a class of most of the new recruits to sneak to the late-night snacks.

Before Li Zheng did not ask Wei fat man is how money to Lao Chen to buy crayfish, and later realized that he is directly in the old Chen called his buddies at home, so that his buddies directly transfer to the old Chen, once a week to settle the bill, very punctual, never delinquent, so the old Chen this is so positive.

But Hou Jun did not criticize Fatty Wei, at least not the very serious and harsh criticism, but instead to the end of the sentence, thanks to Fatty Wei's blessing, our company's food on a grade.

Finally, as usual, Wu Yi, who is responsible for hosting the recollection, reminded his old squad leader: "Platoon leader, time ..."


Hou Jun seemed to come back to his senses as if waking up from a dream, and only then did he pull the conversation to this time using the armed belt to whip Li Zheng and Zhang Jian's ass this time.

"The purpose of today's meeting is actually another one, that is to review the matter of the day before yesterday morning when we ran five kilometers, I used the armed belt to whip Li Zheng and Zhang Jian all the way to force them to run faster and as a result, they broke the battalion's new recruits' record for five kilometers."

Once this was said, everyone's heart counted again.

Li Zheng thought to himself, this is not reviewing himself, it is simply praising his own achievements!

However, he had forgotten about this matter, because he didn't worry about it at all.

As for the company commander how to know, who went to sue, this thing he is not clear, and even did not think that Hou Jun will specifically open the platoon meeting to say this.

Hou Jun's eyes turned to Li Zheng, looked twice and then turned to Zhang Jian, who was sitting straight.

"In fact, we as soldiers are not to vacation, who all know that when the military training bitter, this thing you at home before you came should be psychologically prepared. Not after a few cold bones, where the plum blossom fragrance? When a soldier carries a gun, if you don t take off a few layers of skin, you can t be considered a good soldier ...."

Second squad leader Kang Zheng said, "Platoon leader, time is running out, lights out soon."

Hou Jun looked at the table, time is indeed not much, can only be already flow to the mouth words and swallowed back, once again back to business.

"The company commander asked me to review, so I'll review it. My starting point is good, just want to force out Li Zheng and Zhang Jian's potential, want to platoon results, want to let our company in the battalion to show their face, the results are there, but the means and methods are not right, although the pumping is the buttocks, but after all, it is also the pumping, which I want to apologize to Li Zheng and Zhang Jian, in the future, if you want to improve their own limits, want to let me pump, then I will pump again, or else I will not pump! ..."

Saying that, Hou Jun started to run the train again.

Listening to his meaning, that is, if you guys want to improve yourselves, you better let me smoke it, otherwise don't blame me if you can't train well.

Anyway, that's the meaning.

Li Zheng saw Hou Jun far away, simply take the initiative to end this topic.

More importantly, in his opinion, the platoon commander Hou Jun did not do anything wrong, he did get improved.

Hou Jun is usually fierce point, mouth is also ruthless, scolding people without mercy, the last time he demolished the flying strike hammer, he came up to kick in the ass, fierce like a wolf in the mountains.

But these days to get along, he more and more feel the rank of staff sergeant hanging on the acting platoon leader has a kind of indescribable sense of intimacy.

It was a kind of sternness like a father's, and like a brother's care, and a little bit of a mother's care.

Don't look at Hou Jun himself scolded his own soldiers scolded ferociously, so that he scolded himself, if someone else said half a sentence of his soldiers are not good he will bare his teeth.

Every night in fact, the latest sleep is Hou Jun, squad leader check bunk, he also check, several times in the night Li is confused Lake Lake, heard the door of the small room opened, Hou Jun out from the inside, holding a flashlight in the platoon room around, one by one to check the bunk, and then back to their own small room.

"Platoon Commander, that thing I have no problem with you at all, you smoked right, before I have never understood why the first five kilometers I can run so fast, after that I have not been able to run out of the original results, on the contrary, regressed, that day after the run I thought about it carefully, I feel that it is still inertia in human nature that dragged me down, ran hard, naturally relaxed, at the limit of the time is not willing to I'm not going to lie, it's my favorite part of the race. I won't lie, this is my sincere words, please platoon leader don't take things to heart."

Once these words came out, on the contrary, Hou Jun froze a little, with an extra layer of light in his eyes, he couldn't move his eyes from looking at Li Zheng's pair.

Next to him, Zhang Jian cast a look of contempt, as if sneering at Li Zheng that this was flattering.


Hou Jun, who had been stunned for several seconds, finally spoke again.

He pointed at Li Zheng and said to the others, "Look! This is a famous university student, analyzing profoundly and getting to the point."

After that, he turned to Li Zheng and cracked a smile, "Loud drums don't need heavy hammers! Since you understand, it's for the best. You kid is not bad, as long as you lay down your body and follow me to play hard to get, I guarantee that within a year, I'll train you into a top trainer! Do you believe me?"

Li Zheng nodded, "Believe!"

Hou Jun was very satisfied with the effect of tonight's platoon meeting, and announced loudly with a wave of his hand, "That's it then, meeting adjourned!"

This so-called "soldier beating" incident was considered to be over.

At night, according to the platoon's arrangement, Li Zheng stood the shift from twelve to two o'clock.

The company's guard post had a gun post and a duty post, both of which stood directly in the company's barracks.

One of the gun posts stood at the door of the armory, and the duty post on the first floor was unarmed and stood at the stairway.

And in the barracks there were also roving posts and lurking posts, those with guns and ammunition, and also the public duty squad at the battalion headquarters sent veterans to take charge of them.

The gun post is with live ammunition, so the recruit company does not make arrangements for the time being, all by the veterans to take turns to stand, the duty post on the first floor is arranged by each platoon of recruits to take turns, the turn of their own platoon's own squad, when the squad leader always have to go to check the post, lest the new recruits fall asleep and misbehave.

At eleven fifty-five, Yang Hui from the previous post came in and woke up Li Zheng, telling him to change the post.

Li Zheng sat up in the darkness for more than ten seconds, so that the soul that went to play chess at the Duke of Zhou to return to the shell, and only then numbly put on his clothes - the new recruits almost a month, the night is always on guard against the platoon or company blowing the emergency assembly, so they all have the experience of the clothes on the side of their pillows, a touch will be able to Touch.

Three minutes later, yawning Li Zheng came to the first floor duty post, and Yang Hui for the handover, with a hand hard dry brush a few face, sat down in the chair, took out a "criminal law eucalyptus case analysis" from his pocket, and read it tastefully.

Unconsciously time passes, do not know how long, suddenly heard two coughs in front of him, Li Zheng scared immediately closed the book, people swish stood up.

When he saw the person under the light, his heart immediately thumped!

It was platoon leader Hou Jun!

How come it's him?

Li Zheng's buttocks felt some hidden pain again.