
E Division's King of Talking Heads

Hou Jun's characteristic is that when he talks, there is no end to it, and finally Wu Yi reminded again, saying that the shooting range side is currently tense, or early to occupy the site is good.

Since the division is going to conduct a unified mapping test, the use of the shooting range is indeed tense.

Although each battalion has its own range, but each range only 30 shooting positions, a new battalion of three companies, a company has three platoons, a platoon has about 30 recruits, so the site is tense that is indisputable fact.

Finally arrived at the shooting range, a look, really black a head.

People from the second and third platoons had already arrived, and were sitting there waiting for the battalion's public service class to issue bullets and start shooting.

"Ouch! First platoon leader, how come you're late!"

Wen Lei, the second platoon leader, saw Hou Jun bringing his soldiers over and greeted him with a smile.

But without thinking about it, Hou Jun swept a glance at the soldiers of the second and third platoons and frowned.

"Second Platoon Leader, how many times are you going to fight?"

"Not many." Wen Lei said, "According to the arrangement, we can fight three times."

Actually, Hou Jun was also knowingly looking for words, his purpose was not to ask how many times people would fight.

"I say Second Platoon Leader, why don't you let us fight first, and then you fight after we finish."

"By what right!" Wen Lei was not happy: "Everything is about first come first served, isn't it? You guys are late, so just wait!"

A platoon to play three times, if just according to a practice shooting requirements of the time each time three minutes to play all five rounds of ammunition to count is not long, a total of 15 minutes, but this guarantee time up to a long time.

After all, it is the new recruits target shooting, no veterans pure.

Veterans can directly send bullets to the next class, so that they press their own bullets to prepare for the new recruits can not, to the public service class of people hand pressure magazine, and then wait for the new recruits on the shooting line and then give them to prevent the new recruits curious to the real bullets loaded into the gun to play with the fire that would be the end of the matter.

Although this kind of strange recruits are not rare, but not no, who all prevent this from happening.

Three rounds of shooting down, it is estimated how to be an hour.

Hou Jun said: "Second platoon leader, you say so is not right, first come first served is right, but you are the second platoon, second platoon, two, understand? We are the first platoon, one, understand?"

Hou Jun this kind of veteran, in the fourth company to stay longer than Wen Lei this kind of lieutenant platoon leader, Wen Lei is last year from the military academy assigned to the fourth company as a platoon leader, and Hou Jun in the fourth company to stay for almost nine years, full of ten veteran oil.

Not to mention Wen Lei, Xie Dong, this kind of captain from the fourth company out and back to the fourth company as a company commander Hou Jun see a big grin without a little bit of superior and subordinate appearance, not to mention Wen Lei.

In his eyes, Wen Lei is no different from the new recruits in front of him.

Wen Lei listened to Hou Jun's words, face black, said: "I said a platoon leader, how do I hear your words like cursing? What two? What two?"

He was a little angry.

This demonic veteran, he is usually careful to serve, but in front of so many new recruits, a mouthful of "two", no one can stand it.

"Voila! Misunderstood it!" Hou Jun said, "You are not the second platoon? I'm wrong?"

In his opinion, he was telling the truth, yes.

Wen Lei really can not take him, he is the second platoon, the ironic fact.

These veterans ...

"Anyway, no matter what, our people are pressing bullets, you don't want to think about it, you first platoon really think you are your own big brother ah?"

Hou Jun walked over, hooked Wen Lei's shoulder with one hand, and turned his head to glance towards the not too far away, and beckoned towards the third platoon leader Huang Junwei: "Third platoon leader, come over, let's discuss something."

Huang Junwei is also a second lieutenant platoon leader, originally did not want to provoke Hou Jun such veterans, he was in the second round, who grabbed the first with the target range are okay with him.

But did not think Hou Jun did not leave him behind at all, actually took the initiative to greet him over.

There is no way.

He could only go over.

To the front of the two people, Huang Junwei asked: "I ranked second, with me can have nothing to do with ah, do not pull me under the muddy water."

Hou Jun said, "Huang Platoon, you're not being united when you say that, are you? You think I'm an unreasonable person?"

The two platoon commanders turned their gazes to Hou Jun's face almost at the same time, and it was almost as if they had written directly on their foreheads - that is!

Hou Jun was very sensible and hurriedly changed the topic, "I'm not going to fight for the first shot today, so, let's discuss something for tomorrow."

Hearing Hou Jun said not to fight, the two platoon commanders suddenly full of suspicion.

In front of this old soldier oil what all to fight first, suddenly said not to fight?

The tiger has changed to eat grass, hasn't it?

The sun reversed the east side came out?

"Tell me." Wen Lei cautiously replied, "What is it?"

Hou Jun said, "You see, everything has to have a rule, right? Today I was late, it is my fault, but the battalion is also, and do not arrange a fixed time, said whoever arrives first who plays first, so how can it work?"

Wen Lei said, "What's wrong with that? Each platoon flexibly arranges its own training time, if you have time you come early, if you don't have time you arrange to come late, I think it's reasonable."

"Unreasonable." Hou Jun said, "Why don't we privately come to a gentleman's agreement today, whoever has priority for the range during this time, whoever has priority, whoever has priority can use the range first. For example, if you Wen platoon get the priority, then tomorrow you just need to go to the range, I even if I arrive early, see you I let!"

Huang Junwei, listening from the sidelines, couldn't help but say, "Platoon Leader, why does it sound like a trap to me?"

Hou Jun said, "Bullshit! What trap? See, you're not united again, are you?"

Wen Lei wanted to know what Hou Jun was up to, so he asked, "Tell me, how do I get this priority?"

Hou Jun said, "Those who have the ability to do so will get it! You are not unaware of the rules of our troops, is a hero is a good man, the training field than than see. We use the target range, of course, priority is given to the platoon with the best fighting ability, right? Good training, good results, naturally, should be prioritized, just like the ace division ace army, equipment distribution also priority is not?"

Wen Lei this kind of understood, the old soldier oiler intends to bully people!

"You mean, your shooting level is the highest, in the future we have to go around when we see you?"

Hou Jun tsked twice, with a disgusted face, "Look at what you Wen platoon said? What do you mean by detour, we need to detour? Or to fight together, who is first and who is after the problem! There has to be a priority, right? Target position on so many, can not be a target position on the stacked lying on three soldiers is not?"

Huang Junwei grunted and said: "A platoon leader, I know you are a top sniper, said the shooting, I and the Wen platoon are not your opponent, but you can not be like this, right?"

Hou Jun Yang said angrily, "Hey! Third platoon leader how do you talk? Not united again aren't you? I said I would bully you guys with my marksmanship, right?"

Wen Lei said, "Since it's not, then tell me how to prioritize?"

Hou Jun pointed to the recruits behind him, "We can't compare, but the recruits can, right? This is the fairest, right? Think about it, every year at the end of the recruit training, the whole division has to carry out a big assessment, whoever has good results, the flag of the excellent battalion of recruits will go to who, good seedlings should not be more fertilizer? Who practiced well, then more practice, can not, side first go to practice empty gun aiming, rammed the foundation and then come to play live ammunition, not a waste of bullets, is not it? It's the people's hard-earned money that feeds us! You have to be aware of that, don't you?"

The big reasoning in a series of beads made the second platoon leader and the third platoon leader speechless.

Finally, Huang Junwei sighed and said, "Everyone knows that you Hou Jun's marksmanship is good, but no one knows that your mouth cannon kung fu is also the number one in E Division, okay, you have said so, then let's do it this way, the new recruits to compare, but it is fair."

Hou Jun gave a thumbs up, "That's right! Look at Yellow Platoon, their awareness is high! Aren't we also looking out for the regiment's honor?"

Wen Lei saw that it was a competition for new recruits and thought that it was fair, he thought to himself, "Damn it, my marksmanship is not as good as yours, is it possible that the new recruits I brought are not as good as you?

What's more, he still has the trump card in his hand!

"Good! I agree! Come on then, tell us how to compete! Set the rules."