
Do what you say you're going to do

Do what you say you're going to do.

Hou Jun was true to his word.

Starting the next day, the recruits of the first platoon were miserable.

From morning to night, not much time to rest.

Get up in the morning first a trip to five kilometers to open the body muscles and bones, and then began to engage in half an hour of formation, followed by physical fitness.

The next step is physical fitness. When you come back from drill, wash your face and rinse your mouth, then go to the canteen to eat breakfast and start drilling, this is the happiest time for Li Zheng's group of new recruits.

In the morning, generally speaking, Hou Jun will take the recruits to the range to play live ammunition, which is the head of the request, anyway, the bullet is the regiment, the funding is also the regiment out, he head of Li Hai-Ou does not hurt, the following big head of the soldiers are naturally also happy to go to the hard to make light of those stocks.

This thing has a chain reaction.

Originally, the number of times the recruits played the gun is not much, a recruit period down to play two or three times has been burned incense.

The second battalion of recruits of the Meng Hu Regiment was so engaged that every day the target range was banging and ringing, and the first battalion and the third battalion were all alarmed.

The other two battalions sent people over to take a look, and came back to say that the second battalion was crazy to organize the recruits to shoot live ammunition.

Battalion three battalion of the chief officer heard, this is not good enough? Meng Hu Regiment have always been in the E Division are known for their great marksmanship, the shooting results have been dominating the list, in this crop of veterans retired, the new recruits came, the other two regiments finally feel that they have a chance to turn the tide.

Now it seems that the other Meng Hu regiment is not going to let themselves have a chance to turn around.

At the end of the year before the new recruits down the company to carry out the assessment, down the company after the year but also for the annual assessment of the whole division, this training advanced unit of the name who do not want? The red flag of the excellent unit of recruit training do not want?

Don't don't take the red flag not seriously, for one thing, this is a collective honor, go back to the regiment can be hung in the honor room hung in the battalion, the regiment's showman to write a report is not empty, at least the words have something to write about achievements.

Secondly, more critical is also related to personal honor.

In addition to collective honor, individuals have, for example, the annual outstanding recruit squad leader, excellent platoon leader, company commander and so on.

Individual honors accumulated to the next year when the award can be a real achievement, or you want to assess a merit, the material does not have some real material who dares to report to you?

Therefore, the fight for the first is not only a matter of face, not only a matter of honor, or a matter of personal progress.

So, the whole new regiment suddenly rolled up.

The second battalion took the lead, the first battalion and third battalion started ping-ponging next, and trained the new recruits as if they were veterans every day.

In this atmosphere of involution, the recruits of the first platoon of the fourth company were even more involution in involution.

"You've lost weight."

A week later, Li is at the dinner table suddenly found one thing, fat man Wei thin.

Was really thin.

The kind of thinness that was visible to the naked eye, but although the person looked a little tired, his eyes had more spirit in them than before.

"Thin!" Fatty Wei on the opposite side wolfed down a chicken leg, while his nostrils sprayed thick air, not at all surprised, he replied to Li Zheng: "In the morning, I saw the cooking class weighing the food, ran over and stood up, guess how many pounds I've lost since I joined the army?"

Yang Hui peeled eggs, peeling while measuring Fatty Wei, estimated and said, "Ten pounds!"

Little white boy ...

No, now Jiang Lai can not be called a small white face, has become a small black face.

He said, "I also lost weight."

As the words left his mouth, his eyes suddenly turned red.

Li Zheng hurriedly reminded, "Don't cry, there are many people here, if you want to cry, find a place to cry."

It's not the first time that Jiang Chai has cried.

In the whole platoon, he is considered the most crying kind.

Once upon a time at home is the treasure of his parents, his family is his only child, all kinds of pampering care, to go to the field to study pheasant university at the time of his mother to follow, rented a house in the neighborhood, every night is cooked love soup sent to the door of the school to give him nourishment, to the rest of the day to take him to the city all kinds of play all kinds of food and drink, when the Prince of the Yangzui raised.

Now, the training to the army, what all have to do not to say, every day to accept a variety of military physical training, even to walk a road in accordance with the rules and regulations of the military, this world of difference let him fall greatly, crying is not a strange thing.

The last time he was in the washroom, Li Zheng saw him hiding in the corner and secretly shedding tears.

Jiang Lai is still stubborn in nature.

When Li Zheng reminded him of this, he immediately sniffled and held back the tears that were about to well up in his eyes.

Fatty Wei observed his words and immediately brought the topic back to himself, saying that you all underestimated me, I lost 18 pounds of meat!

"Eighteen pounds!" He proudly raised two fingers, "Almost two roasted suckling pigs!"

After saying this, he suddenly wiped his face with a bit of sadness, and said in a narcissistic and slightly sultry tone, "I was already handsome before, and now I'm even more handsome when I'm thin, going back to the threshold of our house looks like it's going to be replaced with a new one again ..."

Fatty Wei perennially bragged about how popular he was with the girls at home, saying that almost every once in a while someone asked him if he would like to take himself home as a wife, and then he refused to do more, those women took a roundabout tactic, ran to PR his dad, and every day his dad was invited for three meals a day, saying that it was a treat to go and realize that it was a matchmaker.

Li Zheng heard on the laugh, said: "I say fat, not I hit you, those girls are estimated to see your family in the city center of the dozens of relocation housing, right? You really don't narcissistically think that they like you as a person."

Has been at the end of the table stuffy head to eat do not speak also can not interrupt the class most unpopular Zhang Jian suddenly picked up to eat clean rice pots stood up, a cold smile on the face of the fat man Wei said: "Fatty, less dream there? People have to rely on themselves to be honorable, their own ability is the ability, rely on the family what ability? Which of the dozens of suites in your house are earned by yourself? I say you hurry to eat, don't delay but later still have to go to the bombing commando, see a squad leader impunity to death you!"

Said, dashing turned around and left the dumbfounded Wei fat man and the rest of the crowd on the go, even the opportunity to counterattack are not given.


This round of sudden attack caught Fatty Wei a bit off guard, and as a result, he only reacted when Zhang Jian walked out of the dining hall.

"Who is he to talk about me? What gives him the right to talk about me like that? The least qualified person in the entire class to talk about me like that is him! Oh, I rely on my father, he doesn't, his father is the chief of staff it ... he doesn't rely on his father ... joke!"

Said this, Wei Fatty suddenly realized that he did not seem to get to the point.

He wanted to say that Zhang Jian if he does not rely on his father, on what grounds to become a soldier.

But think about when the soldiers seem to not need any family background, this is not right ...

By the end of the day, Fatty Wei finally found the key point and said to his comrades at the table, "What's wrong with relying on your father? The birth of a child is also a technical work, you guys say is not it? Is not it?"

Hearing him say this, the others laughed.

"Yes yes yes! It's a skilled job!"