
Division-wide pull

Li Zheng sat in the military truck, excited like a fool staring blankly at the scenery outside the vehicle.

Images that were once only seen in the news and videos had now appeared in front of him.

The entire E Division was mobilized at 12 o'clock in the night by an order directly from the directorate of the military region.

Due to the light control, although all the officers and soldiers in the barracks had already woken up, the rustling sound of running could be heard everywhere, and the characteristic metallic cutting sound of guns and loads rubbing against their bodies could be heard everywhere.

Rallying, material handling, boarding, assembly.

All movements were carried out methodically in accordance with the pre-determined operational pre-eucalyptus.

The periphery was similarly mobilized.

The reconnaissance battalion and guard company successively sent out alert teams to guard the important intersections near the E Division site, and the relevant departments of the command immediately contacted the local government to block the intersections on the troop marching route and sent out the inter defense and confidentiality team to carry out the security control....

Li Zheng grew up, the first time to see so many military vehicles traveling on the highway at the same time picture.

Carrying people, carrying equipment, carrying supplies, there are many cars actually pulling tanks and tracked armored vehicles.

Following the convoy forward were bullet and artillery air defense vehicles, all kinds of special vehicles for maintenance, medical, communication and other functions.

In the dark carriages, Li Zheng suddenly had strange feelings, just like when he was a child when the power suddenly went out in the classroom during evening study, although the teacher shouted from the podium for everyone to keep quiet, but the students could not suppress the little excitement in their hearts, and they were talking in low voices about the problems related to this exercise.

The new recruits were most concerned about how the drill was conducted? Where will it go?

The veterans are most concerned about speculating whether this exercise is related to the reorganization that has long since become an open secret.

Fatty Wei beside him inquired of the veterans where this maneuver was going, and finally Tang told him an answer that simply did not satisfy curiosity.

"I'll tell you! Where this drill is going and how it's going to be conducted, don't say we don't know, even our company commanders, battalion commanders, and I'd even dare to say even our regimental commander don't know!"

His words were like throwing a stone towards a toadstool pit, and the emotions in the carriage could no longer be suppressed.

"Old Tang what are you bragging about! What are you pretending to be mysterious about, do you know more than our company commander?"

"Maneuvers! It's not the first time, Zhu Rihe have been there, not so evil! Don, you're just blowing smoke!"

"Old Tang said last time that our instructor will be transferred next month, or internal news, look, the instructor has been here for half a year, and has not yet left."


The crowd of veterans laughed.

Said instructor because the veterans are actually not very like Peng instructor, know that he is the old authorities down to stay a year and a half to go, not to mention that when it comes to infantry specialization, he is not proficient, inevitably by the veterans quietly despise.

That time Tang Xiaodong also do not know where to inquire about the news, said that the instructor in another month will be transferred to leave, the results of the past half a year, the other instructor is still good, did not go.

So, this has become a laughing stock.

Tang Xiaodong saw the crowd ridicule, some angry, annoyed: "Say you do not believe, do not believe it, just pull down! To tell you the truth, this is my regiment's barbershop told me, last time the regimental commander and chief of staff went to his place to get a haircut, the two people chatting about it. This exercise is a big test, and has a lot to do with the future reorganization, do not believe you quietly, our regiment may now have the staff or leadership of the above stationed, how to operate, command ability, business proficient or not, this is to be recorded in the eucalyptus. You know nothing about it!"

This thing Tang Xiaodong did not lie.

He has a hometown indeed in the regiment barber room, is a corporal, before the army learned hairdressing, after the army as a specialty picked to the regiment public service platoon, responsible for is to give the chiefs haircut.

In fact, the troops cut hair is very simple, many times when the soldiers can cut each other, because they are all clear water plate inch, also do not need too high technology, when two years of soldiers down, a lot of people will cut plate inch.

But still no one believed Tang Xiaodong, everyone still laughed.

Finally, Hou Jun came out and scolded, "All forget about discipline, right? Noisy chicken ah!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone in the car immediately stopped talking.

Sitting in the dark for a long time was not comfortable for Li Zheng.

Although his claustrophobia seemed to have been completely desensitized, he still didn't like this feeling.

The carriage was already crowded and dark, you couldn't even see your comrades next to you, it just felt like people were crowding each other, one next to the other.

You can hear the sound of breathing and smell the smell of sweat on each other.

Li Zheng's heart began to feel a little uncontrollably irritable, breathing a little oppressed, there is a kind of want to immediately lift the tarpaulin, jump out of the car to breathe the desire of fresh air.

Suddenly, the truck suddenly braked, and the soldiers in the carriages shook a little, and all of them woke up again from the silence.

"Did it stop?"

"It seems to have stopped."

The veteran soldier sitting by the rear fender lifted the tarp and stretched his head out to look out.

The convoy was on a mountain highway, with a tunnel not far away, and the convoy had all stopped in front of the tunnel entrance.

A Mengshi vehicle with its lights on came from the front of the convoy in the opposite direction and drove towards the back of the convoy.

The veteran in the rear of the car frowned and muttered, "Which unit's car, what lights are on ah ...."

Hou Jun was also sitting at the rear of the car and also saw the Mengshi.

He was equally puzzled.

Because of the night pulling troops, the requirement is to drive with lights closed, to carry out light control, usually only drive the anti-reflective special small lights in front of the front of the car, to avoid the target is too big.

No one will be like this Mengshi car, open headlights, or from the front of the reverse direction retrograde over.

Just as the crowd was wondering, the Mengshi car had already driven several kilometers to the command car of the regiment's convoy.

The car finally stopped, and at the door opening, a major jumped down.

The regimental commander Li Haiou had already received the order, and was waiting beside his command vehicle.

Seeing the major, he went up and saluted and shook hands with each other.

"Staff Sergeant Hao, welcome to our regiment to guide your work."

That major smiled and said, "Captain Li you're too serious, I'm just here to follow and observe."

Li Hai-Ou straight belly, not to mention that at this time the heart is not happy, words have meaning: "What observation ah, Hao staff officer polite, you are the examiner, come to test us!"

Hao staff officer also do not argue, looked at the table and said: "then we will not delay, from the front ten kilometers, will enter the combat zone, Li head of you as I am non-existent people on the good, how to do what you do how to do."