
Compare and contrast on the training ground

Li Haiou is not reasonable, but Fan Ji can't do anything about him.

Just now is also a moment of fast-talking to find their own head of the complaint, but Fan Ji also know, in the E Division, Li Haiou on this behavior, not to mention their own head came, even if the division commander came, this swallowed into the mouth of the meat will not spit it out.

Obviously, we all know that Li Haiou this is speculative, not according to common sense, the same rice to raise a hundred kinds of people, the new recruits just arrived in the army, the quality of uneven, some are college students, cultural background is good, familiar with the equipment fast, some are not college students, but there is a sports specialty, in terms of manoeuvre training is more likely to achieve results.

Of course, there are also very stupid soldiers, that is, walking in unison taught a hundred times or the same hand with the same foot can be the squad leader angry soul out of the body kind of.

This kind of soldier is honestly who is unlucky.

Are leading soldiers, eyes are very poisonous, a sweep over, the quality of the soldier's basic heart has a bottom.

Like just in the bus, Wei fat man on no one asked, on his one top two weight ...

Not to say that practice is not out, after all, the stone can be squeezed out of the shale oil, and then fat to the troops can also give you a lean body successfully practiced into a muscle man.

But this cost is not the same.

Therefore, every year when the new recruits come over to be classified and selected, weighing the differences, just like the eunuch divided pork, can not catch a family to the death of fat, that is not fair, the following cadres are not convinced.

According to the original plan, the new recruits to the new regiment regimental headquarters off, and then the battalion sent people over to select, the roster on the new recruits on the information, and then on-site palm eyes, basically good and bad can see a eight or nine not quite ten.

Now good, he Li Haiou first, directly into the camp gate when stopped the car, with a good soldier to pick away.

The 12-member quota is said to be taken away only 8, in fact, we all know that this is intentionally leave a little room for maneuver, pretense only.

Fan Ji suddenly came to a realization: "Oh - I can now understand, when the battalion was selected, said you Menghu Regiment out of a battalion, you do not pick anywhere, just pick the present position, it seems to be premeditated!"

He is a battalion commander, and Li Haiou a regimental commander is sure to lose, good in Shi deputy chief of staff in, Fan Ji like a plea for help turned to Shi Song, aggravated: "deputy chief of staff, Li regimental commander this is too much, the new regiment has the rules of the new regiment, he is in the rules of the rules of the rules of the rules of the rules of the rules of the rules of the rules, for us these two regiments, is not fair!"

Shi Song think also think Li Haiou ate incense too ugly, picking soldiers to choose soldiers, who all want a good, but midway cut off, unauthorized to take away new recruits, how to say are wrong.

"Li Haiou!" Shi Song boarded up his face and said, "You are doing this is a bit too much, hurry up and go and bring back all those 8 soldiers, unified selection."

Li Haiou did this in fact have plans in mind, Shi Song what kind of person? Originally is a gentle good old man, good old man has an advantage, not too harsh, but also has the disadvantage of dealing with things easy to mud.

Calculated the result, Li Haiou began to speak his own reasons in a set.

"Deputy Chief of Staff, it's not that I don't want to bring them over, at this moment the new recruits are all eating in the cafeteria, this meal hasn't been eaten yet, and letting them take their luggage and get on the bus to come over, it's not good for the emotions. What's more, I didn't really pick anyone just now, just to make it easier, let a few squad leaders go up and pull down a few randomly, today our battalion's security vehicle went to buy things haven't come back yet, you see my own car is used, later to bring the new recruits over, to walk the 800 meters or so of the road, and also take the luggage, do you think it will be too demoralizing?"

With a reason that was not a reason, everyone present knew that Li Hai-Ou was being disruptive.

That's right, we're in the Mongrel Tigers. Who doesn't know the virtues of a tiger?

Have you ever seen a tiger eat meat and spit it out?

No way!

Seeing Shi Song did not say anything, Fan Ji was anxious.

"Deputy Chief of Staff, Li is talking nonsense, or else, my battalion's security vehicle is there, I'll have someone to carry those recruits back, besides, isn't there two buses here? Turning around and going back isn't much of a hassle."

Once Shi Song heard this, he felt that what Fan Ji said was quite reasonable, and turned to Li Haiou with the intention of asking him to go and bring the men back immediately.

But before he could say anything, Li Haiou already stared at Fan Ji and opened his mouth first: "1st Battalion Commander, it's meaningless for you to say that. We are doing this for the good of our division, for our division to be able to produce talents next year, you are good, you want me to tell the truth, right?"

Fan Ji said, "The truth? Well, Captain Li, tell me your truth, I, Fan Ji, am all ears."

Li Haiou turned to Shi Song: "Deputy Chief of Staff, isn't good steel to be used on the blade?"

Shi Song didn't understand what Li Haiou was going to say, but the words were right, so he nodded and said, "That's right."

Li Haiou laughed, "That's right, I want to ask you, we are the three MoBu regiments, which regiment has the most outstanding training results?"

Shi Song is the deputy chief of staff, how can this kind of thing not be clear, immediately understood Li Haiou's intention, crying and laughing, "Last year was your regiment's big assessment results were the best, the red flag of the excellent training unit wasn't given to you?"

Li Haiou more complacent, glanced at the face has been very ugly Fan Ji said: "1 Battalion Commander, the training of recruits is related to the coming year our division to form a fighting force, related to our training results after the transition from the old to the new, you are a college student graduated from the army to be assigned to the army, do not know the old rules of our troops I also understand, I was a soldier at that time, which unit has the best training, the most powerful, the chief must let them prioritize the picking of soldiers. The chief must let them prioritize the selection of soldiers. Soldiers bear a bear, will bear a nest, the train runs fast, but also to lead. Without good cadres, how can we produce good soldiers? Right? Think about it, if you give all the good recruits to the 1st Battalion, do you have the ability to lead them well? It's still better for our Menghu Regiment to lead them, and it's easier to produce results, right?"

Said, with a confident look and put down a sentence: "1 Battalion Commander you're only in your thirties, I'm just over forty, if you're really unconvinced, think that our Menghu Regiment can't compare to your 1 Regiment, I can reluctantly make things difficult, suffer a little bit of disadvantage and you're going to go to the training ground now to compare a trip."

He pointed at the obstacle course in the distance without batting an eyelid.

"I'm almost ten years older than you, physically out of disadvantage, if you run to win me, I don't say anything immediately go to 2 battalion to bring back just now eight new recruits, give you by your selection, I Li Hai-Ou frowned a little bit I Li word backward and write separately!"

Fan Ji's face became even more ugly.

The whole division knows that Li Haiou is the only soldier in the regiment directly promoted all the way up to the head of the regiment.

But where a soldier is promoted, there must be a special skill, either military extremely outstanding, won awards and merits in the competition, or technology, in a certain area is an expert.

Li Haiou's history who all know, typical of the first, when the group army competition first place took a second-class merit to mention, has been training is a menace.

And Fan Ji is a military school graduation directly assigned from the cadet soldier sitting up, no experience as a soldier, but also no martial arts award-winning experience.

The only advantage is what Li Haiou himself said, the age advantage.

Shi Song saw the situation criticized Li Haiou: "You hall a regimental commander, moving with people on the training ground than obstacles, nonsense!"

Li Haiou said, "If not than shooting, one to five exercises randomly 1 battalion commander to choose."

Many squad leaders company commander battalion commander present, Li Haiou took the initiative to challenge, Fan Ji as a battalion commander feel their face are gone.

His own face is still a small matter, the key is the face of the 1 regiment, this is going to spread out and say that someday Captain Li is going to have a military competition with Battalion Commander Fan, and Battalion Commander Fan, who is nearly ten years younger, actually doesn't even have the courage to answer the challenge.

Tee hee!

That's a real shame!