
Come on, hit it here!

"Fatty Wei and the deputy division commander ate lobster together."

"Fatty Wei actually didn't know that the one sitting next to him at dinner was Vice Division Commander Zhang, and he was still spouting off to people about the food in the boot camp."

"Fatty Wei is going to be finished!"

While Deputy Division Commander Zhang was having a meeting with the battalion and company chiefs at the battalion headquarters, the explosive tidbits of news had already spread throughout the entire boot camp.

The recruits of several companies knew that the first platoon of the fourth company had produced a Fatty Wei who didn't know any better, and had speculated on what would happen to this bastard after today.

At this time, Li Zheng was in the platoon room constantly comforting Fatty Wei who was already about to collapse.

"I'm going to finish, how do I know he is the deputy division commander ... I thought it was some old man who manages the warehouse ..."

"Old man?" Zhang Jian seized the opportunity to hit Fatty Wei: "Have you ever seen one who manages a warehouse so stylish? The military temperament from the bones can be seen, to tell you the truth, Zhang, deputy division commander came in next to you sat down when I knew that this person is not simple, but I just do not say, just to see you this fool with others blowing nonsense, you do not love to brag about it, and now look at it, blowing the problem, right? You can watch, the squad leader will definitely punish you."

Listening to Zhang Jian's threat, Fatty Wei grabbed his own head that had been cut off the plate inch, and could not wait to pull his hair down.

"Fatty, it's alright." Li Zheng relieved him, "I also heard what you just said, nothing excessive, whether something tastes good or not is a personal preference, Deputy Division Commander Zhang definitely won't take it to heart, and our Battalion Company Commander won't do anything to you either."

Fatty Wei raised his head in despair and said, "The problem is that we are stealing crawfish ...."

Zhang Jianma seized the key and said, "Right, this is the key, you actually also secretly give money to let the old Chen of the small store to buy crawfish for you, this matter can be big or small. To a small point is to buy something to eat only, nothing wrong; to a large point is to ignore the discipline of the troops, the principle of the problem! Do you know?"

Li Zheng angrily said, "Zhang Jian are you finished!"

He felt that the most detestable thing about Zhang Jian's venomous tongue was that he had to fall on others when they were at their most vulnerable.

This was the point that he despised the most.

Fatty Wei was truly scared this time.

Originally, he didn't believe that there would be too serious consequences, but after being told by Zhang Jian, his heart wasn't really solid, and his eyes swished red, looking like they were going to fall into tears.

Li Zheng completely unable to hold back, huffed and stood up, pointing at Zhang Jian and said angrily: ''Zhang Jian, you can really fight for your family! How can someone like you have the nerve to say that you are the child of an army cadre? You've disgraced your family! Didn't your father teach you to stick together with your comrades? Didn't he teach you not to throw stones?"

Zhang Jian's biggest pet peeve was to talk about his family's background, which was both his honor and his weakness.

Overall, Zhang Jian himself was a combination of contradictions.

He both liked to mention that he was from a military family, but he also avoided people saying that he relied on his family, both wanted to fight for his family's honor, but he was afraid that people would talk about his family.

"None of your business!" Zhang Jian's face changed color: "Li Zheng I can warn you! Don't talk about my family, my family is my family, I am me! My name is Zhang Jian! You can talk about me, not my family!"

Li Zheng sneered, "See! How fresh, I don't know who always hangs on to the fact that they grew up in the army and know everything about this crap?"

In fact, do not look at Zhang Jian cattle tall horse, but when it comes to debate, he really is not the study of law Li Zheng's opponent.

Li Zheng these words precise incomparable poke in his lungs, let him want to retort but do not know where to retort.

"Mention my family again, I'll beat you up!"

With that, he swung his fist.

But again, he forgot the fact that Lee Jung was studying law, and that Mr. Luo of his had conditioned him well.

"Beat up?" Li Zheng was happy and stuck out his head and said, "Come on, hit here. Before you hit I'll tell you the fact that if you punch me in the head, I'll fall back in that direction-"

He pointed to the iron bed beside him.

A series of bead-blasted jargons completely subdued Zhang Jian.

He is a sports department, which has learned criminal law this thing?

I don't know if it's true or not, but Li Zheng is a student of the law school of Tunghai University and listened to Shao Xiaoqian say that Li Zheng's grades are no problem to stay in graduate school.

The actual betting?

He couldn't help but feel a little weak.

"We are now soldiers, under the jurisdiction of the military tribunal, the local control can not!"

After thinking for half a day, Zhang Jian remembered the military court.

"Legally illiterate!" Li Zheng glanced at the rival in front of him with contemptuous eyes, "Soldiers who commit crimes are of course subject to military courts, of which Article 290 of the Criminal Procedure Law stipulates that the military's defense department exercises the right to investigate criminal eucalyptus that occurs within the military. Eucalypts committed by criminals in prisons are investigated by the prisons. The relevant provisions of this Law shall apply to the handling of criminal cases by military security departments and prisons. But don't you look at your collar to see if you have a military rank? Didn't you say you grew up in the army? Go back and ask your father, write a letter and ask. You have not been given a rank yet, are you considered an active soldier? You're just a civilian in camouflage now! A soldier? You wish!"

Theory and knowledge of the absolute crushing of Zhang Jian hammer face pale and no way to refute, fists pinched in mid-air began to slightly shiver, chest like a fire like a burning flame if you do not give vent to it as if it is going to revolt themselves.

The platoon room is quiet, everyone froze, do not know whether Zhang Jian will really fight.

Li Zheng unhurriedly stood in front of Zhang Jian, chest out, back up, look tantalizingly calm, looking straight at this muscular man half a head taller than himself.

"Come on, don't hesitate!"

He pointed to his head.

"Greet here."

Fatty Wei's black bean eyes contracted into pinholes, if this was a real fight, he would really be sorry to Li Zheng.

He forgot about himself at this moment, and hurriedly waved his hand to persuade and make peace, "Don't don't don't, don't fight you two ah ..."