
Collapse is often a matter of moments.

When the two men, company commander Xie Dong and veteran Hou Jun, were discussing the way to lead soldiers on the barracks lawn, Li Zheng and his new comrades were running on the mountain road in a sorry state.

"I don t know ... don t ... know ... who invented the ... rushing hilltop ... of ..."

Fatty Wei's face has turned blue, his lips have long since lost their blood color, and while running, he cursed his mother, and his words are not consecutive.

Actually can not be considered running.

The slope of the mountain is large, the path is hard dirt road, running on top of the sand slippery feet, hands and feet to not fall, with the dog crawling on the ground almost.

Yang Hui on the side of the same can't come up for air, want to curse have no strength, only two words in his mouth - I fuck!

Anyone would rather run five kilometers, no one wants to rush up the hill.

Sweat along Li Zheng's forehead drips and slides down, eyes are pickled raw pain, had to pull off the camouflage cap to wipe a hand.

Looking at the watch on his hand, the requirement was to return to the camp within ten minutes, and now it was only halfway up the hill already six minutes.

This means that going back to the same will be punished.

In fact, this is very common to be punished.

Your training performance can not reach the requirements of the squad leader, can not reach the excellent requirements of the outline - then the squad leader has a hundred ways to change the way to let you increase the amount of training, so that you in the shortest possible time to enhance to the expectations he set.

Li Zheng felt as if there was a fire burning in his calves and knees, while the tendons and muscles in his legs seemed to have become so hard that he couldn't even lift them.

Previously, Wu Yi had talked about the technique of charging the mountain.

No, that's not technique.

In his words, it was called a secret.

When he said that, everyone's hearts were filled with joy, and they listened, waiting for the squad leader to teach them the trick.

As a result, Wu Yi cleared his throat and said, the skill of rushing to the top of the hill is that you have to forget that the two legs belong to you, the brain is only responsible for ordering them to run, just one word - run!

I don't care about anything else, just run!

After listening to the words of Wu Yi, generally all the new recruits are dumbfounded, hundreds of millions of grass mud horse in the heart of the back and forth stamping that one called the wind mess.


This is skill?




Isn't this like a martial arts novel where there's no sword in your hand but a sword in your heart?

A living human being, with nerves all over his body, is not his own when you say he's not?

You think everyone is Guan Yunchang, when the arm is not their own, let someone cut without anesthetic directly scrape the bones to heal the poison?

In fact, Li Zheng as a modern education as a brand-name college students, see Wu Yi a serious expression, associated with a variety of miracles that happen to human beings, also really want to go over to practice practice this theory.

Maybe it will be useful!

As a result, the next time he rushed to the top of the hill, he really in his head constantly chanting "this leg is not mine, this leg is not mine", intending to carry out some self-hypnosis.

Hypnosis half a day, focusing on hypnosis, the results fell behind, timeout, back to be punished by a frog jump 400 meters.

That time, Li Zheng want to die of the heart have, self-confessed not Wu a class leader of the immortal consciousness, can not do "legs not I" realm, honestly clench teeth rushed to the top of the hill, do not let himself become the last few punished.

"Do not run ..."

Just when Li Zheng old ox plowing like gasping for breath desperately running, behind him came the little white man Jiang vestment desperate shouts.

Most of the recruits looked back and then buried their heads and continued to run.

It is not unheard of for new recruits to break down during the period, and it is fine after the breakdown, after the breakdown, turn back to the squad leader to give you a lesson, and there is no problem again.

Li Zheng turned back to look, only to see the white boy Jiang Lai has sat on the ground on his butt, has completely lost the fighting spirit to continue to charge.

He returned and reached out to pull a hand of Jiang Shi, wanting to pull him up from the ground to continue running.

"Don't sit down, once you do, you're done."

Charge the head of this training and five kilometers cross-country the same, midway no matter how difficult, how hard, never stop, five kilometers of the most difficult pass appears in three kilometers to four kilometers between, that time there will be countless ideas in the brain to stop themselves to surface, the body is out of the most exhausted critical point, as long as this time once the mental will to relax, collapsed, the speed fell down it is difficult to mention back, will only fall in the The last of the team.

And rush the hill is the same, the most difficult time is near the top of the hill before the target height of 20 to 30 meters.

At that time legs have a kind of to immediately cramp feeling, the brain because the oxygen consumption is too fast, insufficient blood supply and other reasons will be black eyes, the lungs will be because the breath is too rapid like a broken bellows, feel no matter how hard to pump a little bit of oxygen to supply the body, the heart is like stepping on the floor of the engine oil, the next second will be bursting cylinder like ...

At this time there are two kinds of people, either give up, or grit their teeth and get through it.

Obviously, Jiang Liping is the former.

Li Zheng this pull, did not pull.

Jiang Xi looked at his comrades from their own side one by one ran through, want to sprint to the top of the mountain, the more you see the more crumbling.

Suddenly, a mouth, wow cry out.

"Why did I come to be a soldier ... Why did I come to be a soldier ... Wooooooo ..."

This cry, in turn, let many people stop.

Looking at Jiang Yi, everyone seemed to see themselves.

Men's collapse ah, often in a moment.

The new recruits started training for a month, as the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning, in fact, veterans say that the first year is the most difficult period of the new recruits, this has some truth, not that the new recruits how to train a large amount of cruelty, in fact, the new recruits of that amount of training with the veterans and the set of training team is really compared to the rain in the rain, is not a lot of things.

But from a familiar environment suddenly transferred to another unfamiliar environment, from a habit of nearly twenty years of life mode suddenly changed to another prohibited and every day to withstand the intense training mode, that kind of conversion between the sense of maladaptation is the most fatal.

At home, you can eat, wear, drink, and go online, go online, go out, go out, go out, go out, go to the gym once, not forgetting to take pictures and send them to your friends to show off how much they pay attention to a healthy life, and here suddenly everything becomes constrained and managed every day, no matter whether you are willing or not, you have to get up at five or six o'clock in the morning and begin to undergo military training until sunset, and at night, ten o'clock, before lights out, you have to train in a variety of subjects in the row of a needle, but also a variety of needle in a needle in a row, the training. Eighteen twenty young people are inevitably like Jiang Xi, such as the soul of the question "why do I want to come to be a soldier".

"Jiang Chan, get up!"

Li Zheng looked at his watch, the time is almost seven minutes.

"It's still not too late to get up and run back, get up!"

He tugged on Jiang Xi again.

Still whimpering, Jiang Zhaoqing sat on the ground and cried, as if squeezing all the suffering he had endured into his eyes, seeping into his tears and then crying out.

"I won't run I won't run!"

Fatty Wei and Yang Hui two people have run to the front, but found that Li Zheng disappeared, heard the cries back towards them to greet: "Run ... run ah ... or go back . . finished ..."

Li Zheng hesitated.

He had two choices, either to run himself, regardless of the Jiang Yi Yi.

Either stay and pull him to run together.

The former could protect himself, while the latter could be punished together.