
check on a list

Although Fan Ji didn't expect to win, he didn't expect to lose so badly.

Deputy Chief of Staff Shi Song seemed to have long anticipated this ending, and came over to Fan Ji and said, "Captain Li, he's from the Bibi Tijia, you're at a disadvantage comparing this with him."

Also turned to Li Haiou and said, "You ah, just don't bully people."

Li Haiou said: "I'm not bullying, I'm teaching him how to be a good cadre. Don't think that in the institution to learn that something out to eat the old capital can be mixed to the transfer, in our kind of combat units, no point to get out of something, the soldiers are looking down on you!"

After saying this, he also deliberately glanced at Fan Ji.

Fan Ji's face turned pale, silent, turned around and left.

Li Haiou looked at Fan Ji's back, tsked twice and said, "Look at it, say it's still unconvincing, nowadays young people!"

Shi Song said, "Li Haiou, almost on the line, his grades are not bad, bad just relative to you, you don't get an inch, forgive and forget."

After a pause and said, "The eight soldiers you can keep, but later on the selection of soldiers, you do not have the right to choose, people pick the leftover you take away."

Li Haiou's face immediately turned into a bitter melon, and said in a loud voice: "Don't don't don't, deputy chief of staff you can't be like this, all the leftovers are picked out for me, it's not fair!"

"Fair?" Shi Song, who had already turned towards the regimental headquarters, turned back and grunted at Li Haiou, "Stopping the recruit bus and taking away 8 recruits without authorization, I don't hold you responsible for your mistakes, but you shouted at me instead?"

Li Haiou did not dare to retort this time.

What he did himself knows in his own heart.

Cheap to take advantage of, can't take advantage of the cheap still talk about sarcasm, to take advantage of all the cheap.

Shi Song said: "The eight soldiers you picked, I'm afraid they are the best ones in this batch, right? You think I don't know about the twists and turns in your gut? Didn't you say you were good at leading soldiers in the Meng Hu Regiment? Didn't you say you'd use the good steel on the cutting edge of the sword? I'll give you this piece of good steel a chance, what's the skill of leading a good soldier, it's the skill of leading a poor soldier that counts!"

Fatty Wei originally thought that he was going to be separated from Li Zheng and the others, and be assigned to serve in a different regiment.

But he didn't expect Shi Song's words to give him a chance.

According to the Meng Hu Regiment's picking of people, they felt that they couldn't pick a character like Fatty Wei, but now Vice Chief of Staff Shi Song said that the other regiments would pick first, and send the rest of the picks to the Meng Hu Regiment.

In this way, Fatty Wei was logically assigned with Li Zheng.

"We're still destined to be together!"

Following the squad leader back to the second battalion of recruits just into the platoon room to put down the luggage Wei Guoxing smiled into a flower, said to Li Zheng: "Which bed do you sleep in? I'll sleep next door to you."

His words were stopped in his ears by the squad leader, Wu Yi, and he was immediately reprimanded.

"Wei Guoxing, you think this is a traveling group at home? And you're even assigning yourself your own bed? Is this your home? You can sleep wherever you say?"

As soon as Fatty Wei saw that he had attracted the attention of the squad leader, his smile suddenly scratched off like ice cream under the scorching sun.

"No, no, no, I'm just thinking that if I'm grouped with a college student, I'll learn from him and progress faster."

Wu Yi was immediately happy to hear that and said, "Progress faster? Don't be afraid, I will help you progress."

Said walked to the body of fat Wei, looked up and down, with a kind of evaluation of livestock tone, said: "On your body ah, have to add food!"

Fatty Wei was a little confused: "Additional meals?"

He was so fat that he thought the squad leader said he wanted to lose weight, but he didn't think the squad leader said he wanted to add meals.

Wu Yi said, "Do you think the extra meal is for you to add chicken legs? You think it's a good idea! The extra meal I'm talking about is when others do a hundred push-ups, you have to do a hundred and fifty at least, that's the extra meal!"

Fatty Wei sniffed and felt a sudden urge to urinate.

This time, Wu Yi grabbed three soldiers - one was Li Zheng, one was Zhang Jian, and one was Fatty Wei.

The first two were the ones he wanted, and Fatty Wei was an addition.

Like Li Haiou, since he picked two good ones, the other squad leaders said nothing about not wanting a load like Fatty Wei, who would drag his feet at first glance.

In the end, we all agreed that since Wu Yi wanted two of the best soldiers, how to say also have to ride a fat Wei to be fair.

Can not afford to Li Zheng and Zhang Jian's Wu Yi had to bear the pain of accepting Fatty Wei, anyway, he thought well, as much as humanly possible to listen to God's destiny, can bring good future training to bring back to the four companies, with bad, in the future, we will find a way to send the cooking class or find an opportunity to send the regiment to the logistics, in short, there is one thing is certain - sharpshooter four companies are absolutely not accept cowardly soldiers.

The new regiment said that the regiment, in fact, the establishment is not a regular full regiment.

Take the second battalion, there are only four, five, six, a total of three companies.

Wu Yi is the squad leader of the first platoon of the fourth company, the platoon leader is the most bullish sniper in the whole division in his mouth before, but it has not appeared, it is said to be currently going to participate in the intensive training of the best.

The first thing to do in the company is, of course, the allocation of lockers, inventory of supplies brought by the recruits, the allocation of each person's bed and so on, chicken and dog things.

The platoon room has two doors, Li Zheng's bunk is in the front door, turn left and lean against the wall of the second, the first is Wu Yi, the third bunk is Zhang Jian, Fatty Wei was actually assigned to Li Zheng's upper bunk.

Standing in front of the beds, Fatty Wei looked at the iron ladder with a bitter face, reached out and touched it, and shook it, always feeling unstable.

"Squad Leader, can I change my bunk?"

Wu Yi asked, "Why do you want to change?"

Fatty Wei said, "Look at my figure ...."

Wu Yi glanced him from top to bottom and said, "How many pounds?"

Fatty Wei said, "172 pounds."

Wu Yi also asked: "How tall?"

Fatty Wei replied, "One meter seventy-two ...."

Wu Yi sighed: "is fat enough ..."

Fatty Wei said joyfully, "Class president you agree with me to change the bed?"

Wu Yi shook his head, "No, after hearing your weight and height, I am even more determined to let you sleep on the top bunk. With a body like yours, you need to be more active."

Saying this, he reached out and patted on the ladder, "Climbing a bit more will be good for you."

Fatty Wei felt like someone had stuffed a bitter melon in his mouth, bitter to the core.

"Your private luggage are to be counted, some items can not be brought into the barracks, such as foreign brands of cell phones, such as cigarettes ... If brought, things I will temporarily keep, and then wait for the new comrades to come to the unified send back to your home to go, you have what I said those illegal items can tell I, I make a good registration ..."

He said while mentioning the three people's luggage to the door of the small private room intending to conduct a count.

"Squad Leader, I'll take something."

Fatty Wei flashed to Wu Yi's side, grabbed his LV bag first, opened it, took out a Chinese cigarette from inside, and handed it to Wu Yi.

"Squad leader, this is for you."

Wu Yi took the cigarette, turned it over in his hand, looked at it once, and laughed: "China ah, high-grade goods!"

Seeing this, Fatty Wei immediately took out another one as if by magic, and stuffed it into Wu Yi's hand again, "Squad Leader, and, if you want, take a few more, not enough for me to let my family send."

Wu Yi still took it, looked at it, and his eyes fell on Fatty Wei's LV bag.

"Donkey brand ah! It's not cheap!"

Fatty Wei was a bit smug: "Small price, less than twenty thousand."

Wu Yi nodded, reached out and patted Fatty Wei's shoulder, then with a hook, hooked Fatty Wei's neck and brought him back to Li Zheng and Zhang Jian.

Zhang Jian looked at Fatty Wei who was still at a loss for words with a gloating look, knowing that this guy was going to have bad luck.

Li Zheng can also see that something is wrong, Fatty Wei is definitely rich, Galaxy Village tycoon, but the social gas in his body is too heavy, perhaps because of the family environment, habitual use of money to solve problems.

He had a hunch that Fatty Wei was going to jump into the pit and pit himself this time.

Sure enough, Wu Yi took two Chinese cigarettes and raised them in his hand, "I forgot just now, there is another one, the military camps are now smoke-free."

He threw the Chinese cigarettes towards the table next to him and turned his head to look at Fatty Wei who already had a premonition that something bad was going to happen.

"Don't try to bribe your squad leader, even though being a soldier doesn't pay well, don't use your money to insult this uniform! Wei Guoxing, do you think this is a shopping mall? Tell me, what is this place?!"

Fatty Wei was dumbfounded and mumbled, "It's the ... troops ..."

Wu Yi suddenly became serious: "Speak up! What is this place?!"

Fatty Wei jumped and reflexively replied, "Troops!"

Wu Yi somewhat viciously reprimanded: "Wei Guoxing, look at this camouflage uniform on you, although you haven't hung up your rank yet, you're already half a soldier, don't bring your local ruffianism here, this is my class, don't insult my dignity with your vulgar stuff!"

Fatty Wei's urge to urinate came back.

Wu Yi pointed at the LV bag, "Go over there right now and count out your cigarettes for me, as well as your cell phone, and anything that violates the rules, don't let me punish you for running for the hills on your first day as your squad leader!"