
carry a grudge and you will repay it

In fact, it was a very ordinary pre-training speech.

Troops have a habit, every day before the start of training assembly, the company commander to announce the training content, what are the important matters also informed, if these two are not, then also will speak some words of encouragement to the soldiers to play chicken blood.

Then the squad will lead the way, the platoon leader will briefly instruct a few training notes, and then all the squads will arrange today's training in accordance with the program plan by themselves.

It's a tradition that's pretty much the same for any unit in the country.

Of course, there are some nagging points, depending on the personal habits of the commander and the style of leading soldiers.

Hou Jun, a veteran soldier, naturally engraved this set in his bones, as a veteran of more than eight years, his favorite thing is to give the new recruits a lecture.

This is a little bit of the veteran status to pose qualification flavor, but he also has this qualification.

The next day after the opening mobilization morning run five kilometers back, the platoon's results top the company - the best results in the first platoon, the worst is also in the first platoon.

The best, of course, Li Zheng and Zhang Jian, the worst than Wei Fatty and white-colored ginger gossip.

Perhaps it is that their platoon out of the Li Zheng and Zhang Jian this kind of top-notch seedlings, the pain at the same time and the fat man Wei and the white boy Jiang Liping results of the pain in the heart, Hou Jun in the morning before the drill training to take advantage of more than ten minutes in front of the platoon made a speech, rather than a speech, rather than a little mobilization after the start of the training.

First of all, Hou Jun Kang emotionally impassioned to the recruits to tell the significance of being a soldier, Hou Jun was so said--- "Do not think that two years is very short.

"Do not think that two years is very short, yes, nowadays the standard of living is high, as long as there is no accident, people live in the world, live a seventy or eighty is not a big problem, two years is a ball! But don't underestimate these two years, these two years are honorable. To put it in a larger sense, you have dedicated your youth to the cause of national defense and made the contribution that an aspiring young man should make. To a lesser extent, these two years of military years will leave an indelible mark in your life, will let you life in the hardest and most helpless at the lowest ebb time to remember when in the army every day training with the dog like can get through, there is what can't get through? This is your life of inexhaustible wealth, no one to snatch away! I used to say that I regretted being in the army for three years, and I regretted not being in the army for the rest of my life. Now it's two years, two years, in the army want to go home, back home and want to the army, every day dreaming of the army, dreaming of talking about fucking are shouting the command one, two, three, four!"

"Don't laugh! Be serious! I've been in the army for seven years, and I've definitely seen more soldiers than you guys have ever picked up girls. How many soldiers feel bitter in the army and go home and want to re-enlist once more? Three years ago I brought a soldier, a loser soldier, grizzled, a prick in the army, saying every day how dashing he'd be when he got home, then he got discharged, and just last year, he came over here on business and found the army and insisted on going out to sit with me. I went."

Words here, Hou Jun hands back, head hooked, habitually paced back and forth a few steps in place, as if brewing emotions.

When he turned around again, his face had a layer of light that flickered with emotion.

"His family conditions are very good, go back to his parents invested in him to open a company, engaged in international trade, do e-commerce, two years only, wind and water, running around the country, flying everywhere abroad. In his words, the more money he earns more and more, more and more bulging wallet, more and more beautiful women around him, but it just can't be fun. I asked him why he is not happy, this is not what you told me every day that you want to live? He drank a cup of wine immediately fell in tears, said the old class president, when I do not understand, I thought I really like money, money has everything, but when I have money, a lot of money, I found that I have nothing but money. All these years in the business world, and friends partnership and because of the interests of the partnership to turn the other cheek, talk about a girlfriend thought to meet the true love results in the end found to be rushing to my money. I'm on the defense every day, I don't know who's sincere to me and who's not. I used to be in the army, even if there are conflicts between comrades, running behind a small hill to fight a fight can hook shoulders smiling back together, the next day the same a pot of spoon rice to eat, on the battlefield I dare to life to you, to my comrades. But now ... I even listen to others say a word have to turn in the head three times, guess what he is the purpose ..."

"So say ah, when the soldier is honorable, is worth a lifetime of true system, soldier this profession is sacred, worth to dedicate a lifetime! No matter what your purpose to come over to be a soldier, but to the army, to me here, you have to be this soldier when good, when through, understand why they come to be a soldier!"

Said some axioms and experience from the army, Wu Yi early in a wink to remind him that time is a little tight, meaning to urge him to hurry into the main topic.

Hou Jun reluctantly coughed two more times, so he started naming Zhang Jian.

"Zhang Jian, tell me, why did you come to be a soldier?"

Everyone in the queue began to mutter secretly, thinking that the platoon leader could be really annoying, hadn't this been talked about in the platoon's business meeting?


But no one dared to say anything.

Zhang Jian's answer was naturally the lofty and familiar set, family mission, national responsibility, civic duty, responsibility without excuse, clouds and so on.

Finally also forgot to add a sentence, I'm ready to dedicate my life to the cause of national defense!

Such a perfect answer heard Hou Jun nodded repeatedly.

After listening to the hand a finger, pointing Li Zheng.

"Li Zheng, I know that you have the plot of repaying the favor to become a soldier because you were saved by the soldier back then, but I hope that college students with knowledge like you can stay in the army to do a good job for a long time, the army needs this kind of talent like you!"

Li Zheng actually quite annoyed Hou Jun again verbose repeat the previous platoon meeting questions, this veteran in Li Zheng seems to always be a little out of touch with society.

The mode of speaking, the mode of thinking, the mode of doing things.

Like an ancient pottery dug out from geography, it was full of a sense of historical age, but slightly outdated.

"Reporting to the platoon leader!" Li Zheng replied truthfully, "I take being a soldier as my dream, but I haven't thought about this as a career, I still like law, in the future I will be discharged and go back to continue my studies, then go to graduate school and become a lawyer."

When these words came out, the whole audience was stunned.

The new recruits are stunned Li Zheng actually straight talk without any inflection, not even willing to whitewash a little.

Hou Jun was stunned because he was extremely confident in his ability to mobilize language, how many times as long as he splashed chicken blood in front of the team, the following soldiers one by one are not all screaming and fierce as a tiger, what they say is what?

Li Zheng's answer, Hou Jun has a kind of full of hard work to pay for the loss of the flow, but also a kind of I will be sincere to the moon to the moon shine ditch helplessness.

"I said half a day, you have this kind of realization?"

He couldn't help but ask again.

"Li Zheng, think being a lawyer is more noble than being a soldier?"

Li Zheng was honest again, "Reporting to the platoon leader, in times of peace, I think it is. A good lawyer can weed out the strong and help the weak to uphold justice, and can let the wronged be cleared. No war on the frontier, soldiers can only show their hands when disaster strikes, too few opportunities to show the value of their lives. What's more, from the bottom of my heart, I hope that there will never be another opportunity to save a disaster. I hope that the world will be free of disasters and that all people will be safe and secure! Therefore, I'd rather become a lawyer, because not needing too many soldiers just proves that the country is prosperous and strong!"


Hou Jun cursed on the spot.


After cursing, he suddenly felt that he was a bit out of line, rationalized his emotions, and thought about it, as if what Li Zheng said had a lot of sense.

No disaster is the goal, you can't look forward to a disaster because you want to realize the value of your life.

If there are enough means to deter foreign forces that have bad intentions, but the soldiers do not need so much.


The more he thought, the more wrong, always feel that Li Zheng's words have which is not right, but can not say which is not right.

Said theory, on eloquence.

He Hou Jun is indeed not Li Zheng's opponent.

Finally, after holding back for half a day, acting platoon leader Hou Jun waved his hand with some annoyance, "Dismissed!"

The matter in Fatty Wei's mouth was this matter.

Fatty Wei quietly told Li Zheng that the platoon leader was angry with you that day, the veins of the temples are bulging an inch high, your kid is too unorthodox, do not know how to learn the kind of Zhang Jian said? The platoon leader loves to hear, you go along with him, he said let you dedicate your life, you say dedicate your life. In the future, if you want to go home, he can still point a gun at you and stop you from going?

Li Zheng gave Fatty Wei a sentence as a reply, "I don't like to lie to people."