
can't judge a book by its cover

That morning, Li Zheng was sulking.

All the other veterans scored better than him, and Zhang Jian played well today, with a 10 and an 8.

Li Zheng only had a 9 and an 8.

He couldn't figure this out no matter what.

Automatic rifle shooting himself does not lose Zhang Jian, according to sniper rifle should be even better.

After all, it is holding a large mirror to the target, the distance is not far, see and clear, how to reverse the loss?

This thing makes Li Zheng's self-confidence more or less by some impact.

This day during training, Hou Jun called him aside.


He pointed to a piece of grass under the shade of a tree.

Li Zheng sat down in a regular manner.

After sitting down, Hou Jun didn't rush to speak, but looked in the direction of the sniper squad's training.

The new recruits and veterans in the class were all lying down in their designated positions, not moving, separated by twenty to thirty meters, under the good cover of the ghillie suit, not knowing in advance that there was someone there could not really be seen.

"What are your thoughts on learning the sniper specialty in the past few days?"

Finally, Hou Jun was still the first to speak.

Li Zheng's heart moved slightly, then calmly summarized, "It feels like there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond the people."

Hou Jun froze and turned his head to look at this Private.

After looking at him for a while, he said, "I thought you would summarize the technical details and problems with me."

Li Zheng said, "I didn't know that you were asking this, Platoon Commander, you asked me what I felt, and the answer just now popped into my head, so I didn't hold back and just said it."

Hou Jun nodded his head thoughtfully, as if chewing on the meaning of that sentence.

It was only at the end that he said, "It's good that you can have this kind of epiphany. At least you're not proud of yourself, I would have thought that you would have drifted a bit after taking the virtual first place in the big test in the new company. People who are soldiers, the most fearful thing is to float. The local people, floating a little at most is to fall a broken head, when the soldiers float, really on the battlefield that will have to use life to do the price."

After a pause and said: "Your sniping is not as good as Zhang Jian, know why?"

These words directly poked at Li Zheng's heart.

He shook his head, "I've been thinking about it for the past few days and haven't figured it out."

After saying that, he seemed to feel that he hadn't made himself clear, and added, "Actually, everything I followed the tricks you taught me to shoot, but I don't know why, the bullets didn't listen."

Hou Jun grinned.

After laughing for a while, he said, "The bullet listens to the gun, the gun listens to you, you didn't control the gun well, of course the bullet doesn't listen. What did I tell you guys? To learn to fall in love with your gun, really understand it, eat through it, it will listen to you."

Li Zheng said, "Platoon leader your words are very philosophical."

Hou Jun said, "To put it bluntly, it's a matter of how to practice the gun. I'll tell you a little story about my experience. When I first came to the army as a soldier, in fact, I was not the best one in the shooting subject in the same year, it was another comrade. I didn't win once until I went down to the company."

"I was just like you at that time, I was thinking, he and I are both in the same class, we all receive the same training, I feel that it is not dumber than him, even more than his understanding of shooting ..."

"This is not my nonsense bragging, our platoon leader said so at that time. But do you know where I lost?"

He shifted his gaze to Li Zheng again.

Li Zheng had no answer eucalyptus at all in his heart, and was somewhat embarrassed by Hou Jun's look, but could only tell the truth: "I don't know."

Hou Jun said, "I found out later. My comrade-in-arms ah, he is better than me because people are more diligent than me. Once at noon to sleep I have a stomach upset, when I went to the bathroom suddenly found him hiding in the bushes next to our platoon room, holding a gun to the distant target over and over again in the practice of firing, then how tired ah, who does not want to take a comfortable nap at noon? But he was willing to sneak outside to practice. This thing I figured out, I saw just once, but people usually do not know how many times they have secretly give themselves extra meals to learn, no one forced him, he went to give himself extra quantity."

After that, I realized where my shortcomings were. It's not that I'm not enlightened enough or that I'm not gifted, it's that I'm lazier than others. The reason my comrades fought better than me was because I only put in one point of sweat, while others were ten points. The little advantage I gained in other areas was used by others to fill the gap with sweat long ago. In fact, there is no way you can change a person's talent, it's innate, just like the top snipers must be talented people, that's the foundation. Although talent is the foundation, but not necessarily the key factor in the final decision to win. Have talent but refuse to suffer, in the end or a waste. So from that day on, I practiced my ass off. No one in my company, or even in the regiment, practiced harder or more diligently than I did. Later my in shooting surpassed one by one, first surpassing my comrades, then the veterans in the company, then the veterans in the regiment, and finally no one in our regiment could ever win over me on the range again."

Li Zheng's heart thumped, and his gaze couldn't help but look towards Zhang Jian's location.

The meaning in the platoon leader's words seemed obvious.

Was he saying that he wasn't as brisk as Zhang Jian?

Losing, is losing here?

Zhang Jian was currently lying beside a clump of a small mound of dirt, the weeds covering his figure, his ghillie suit blending into the surroundings, and at first glance, thought it was just a pile of grass.

"Zhang Jian is more diligent than me?"

He felt a bit unbelievable and could not accept it.

In Li Zheng's opinion, Zhang Jian was an extremely high-minded and arrogant guy with a bad mouth, he could be like this because he had good innate conditions, came from a military family, not an ordinary military family, and had the opportunity to contact the military equipment and knowledge that other people couldn't get in touch with as early as possible, and thus had the arrogance of today.

In Li Zheng's eyes, even if the two are the tortoise and the hare, Li Zheng should be the tortoise and Zhang Jian is the hare.

Hou Jun said, "Are you and Zhang Jian very much at odds?"

Li Zheng laughed bitterly, "I don't have anything against him, I don't know how he sees me."

Said, pulled up a blade of grass from the ground and tore it into several pieces with his hands and threw it out.

Hou Jun said, "After the big test, Zhang Jian is much more hardworking than you, several times after you guys brushed your teeth and left, I saw him there with a face basin learning to hold his breath. One night I checked, he stood gun post, holding a gun hanging his own water there to practice stability, I didn't startle him, quietly watched for a long time, people but stand guard for an hour, practiced for an hour, half the time is not wasted."

Hou Jun's words shocked Li Zheng.

Zhang Jian this is really hard work ah!

Hou Jun said, "OK, wake up I can give you mention, how to practice in the future, you look after yourself, loud drums do not need to hammer, the understanding of the said once is enough, the hu tu egg you say through the voice also do not understand. Go back to your position, just give me to aim the gun!"