
Big news in Fatty Wei's hometown

"You know shit!" This time it was Fatty Wei's turn to strike back, he rolled his white eyes and said with slight contempt, "This is my self-created psychological conditioning method, so that I can be more calm when things go wrong, and not to talk to people who have no tutelage."

Zhang Jian sniffed and was about to have a fit when Company Commander He, who was leading the group, interrupted the two men's exchange, "All get up, take your luggage and get on the bus!"

It turned out to have arrived at the point to wait for the train, the hall sounded a mechanical hard radio: "The XXXX train to Jiangcheng City has entered the station, please go to the entrance of A16 to check the ticket and get on the train--"

Into the compartment put down the luggage, some people play with cell phones, but there are also people in the water blowing chat, the compartment is chaotic like a food market.

Fatty Wei sat down on the opposite side of Li Zheng and began to talk to the people next to him, still looking like a self acquaintance.

"Recognize recognize, my name is Wei Guoxing, development zone Yinhe village."

"In the future we are comrades in arms, take care of each other and help each other."

Zhang Jian arrived beside Li Zheng without saying a word, took the initiative to sit on the side after placing his luggage, then glanced sideways at Li Zheng and said, "Li Zheng, there is no need for us to introduce each other, right?"

Li Zheng did not expect Zhang Jian to take the initiative to greet him, he felt that this person was not easy to deal with, so he had not taken the initiative to climb into the conversation.

Now that Zhang Jian took the initiative to strike up a conversation, it would seem like he was being impolite if he didn't answer.

So he nodded his head and smiled, "You are Xiao Qian's neighbor, Zhang Jian. I really didn't expect you to come to be a soldier as well."

Zhang Jian, who had been fine just now, suddenly hummed coldly and looked at Li Zheng with a smile on his face and said, "What? If you can come, I can't?"

Well, this day is dead again.

Li Zheng was really not familiar with Zhang Jian, but it looked like Zhang Jian was not friendly with himself.

However, thinking about it more carefully, he was relieved.

Xiaoxian said that this guy's father is the chief of staff, naturally some arrogance, especially in the matter of being a soldier, it is normal to not see himself.

He does not intend to and Wei fat as with Zhang Jian here chewing the root of the matter, so simply no longer pay attention to Zhang Jian, turned his head to look out the window.

There are new recruits heard that Fatty Wei introduced himself as Galaxy Village people, will be excited to ask him: "ay ay ay, Fatty, you Tuhao Village recently is not out of a big news."

In Donghai City, the development zone of Yinhe Village is known as the Tuhao Village. It is located in Donghai City, the latest planning of the CBD business circle, can be said to be an inch of gold, the year before last, the developer acquired a large area of land there, demolition and relocation compensation is very generous, not only compensation, there are resettlement housing, less than a few sets, more than dozens of sets.

Last year, when the official signing of the handover, the village held a grand ceremony, a long table full of bundles of cash, the bank's security gun stood around like a god, the villagers as long as the signing of the expropriation contract will be able to use the red, white and blue plastic bags to carry away a big bag, when it is really eye-catching.

It made the headlines that day, sensationalizing the whole city.

In accordance with the latest valuation, Galaxy Village, many of the villagers with more fields to share the price of the relocation of the house over 100 million, overnight to complete a small goal of the desire of the Galaxy Village men have become the meat and potatoes, to say that the introduction of the object of the threshold of the introduction of the threshold are stepping on the level.

Ma Teng so curious to inquire, because the villagers of the landed village to become a soldier is relatively rare, that is, there is no words to find words, more than one question.

This was a very simple question, but Fatty Wei looked a little nervous: "What's the big news?"

The recruit who inquired about the gossip egg has a horse face, surname Ma, single name a Teng word, and a certain tycoon only one word difference.

Ma Teng said, "I've heard that that Dragon Boat International Invitational Tournament in your village had an inside story, and was exposed as a fake to buy the championship, is there such a thing?"

Donghai City has a local traditional custom of summer dragon boat paddling, and every year the dragon boat teams in each village organize a friendly competition, which has become a local tradition.

In the past few years, the village land was expropriated, the villagers washed their feet on the field shifted to become a tycoon, with a large amount of money in their pockets, money has to find something to do, otherwise they will be idle out of the disease.

So Galaxy Village this year by the villagers to take the lead in raising funds to engage in a name very bluff "International Dragon Boat Invitational", invited more than a dozen domestic and foreign dragon boat team to participate in the event, the momentum of the scene luxury, really out of the limelight.

Ma Teng casually asked a mouth, did not expect to know this in the carriages of people are quite a lot of people, one by one enthusiastic to have to participate in the topic.

"Yes, this invitational is the Milky Way village took the championship, then also bragged about how strong their strength, bragging about how long their history of dragon boat racing, said what is the first village of dragon boat, the results of the end of the race not long after the exposure of those so-called foreign teams in fact, even the professional dragon boat team is not, it is the son of the village mayor from the University of the money to pull foreign students, or casually to a small country in Southeast Asia to invite some people to temporarily set up a team. Southeast Asia small countries to invite some people to temporarily set up the team, a team to 500,000, in fact, this championship is equivalent to money to buy, really disgraceful to the home."

"Why did I hear that it's a million dollars a team?"

"It's too much, a dozen teams, won't this cost more than 10 million dollars?"

"More than ten million is nothing! People in Galaxy Village are not bad with money! Which villager doesn't have ten million dollars? Ten million dollars for the village dragon boat team to buy a championship, used to brag about it, it's good for the face."

"Poverty really limits my imagination ..."

"I really don't understand the world of the tycoon."

"The tycoon has no use, rely on the demolition of the share of the money, spread such an idiot son, sooner or later lost this family."

"That's right, this kind of spending money to fake to their own face gold things also do, I did not expect the ghost old took the money mouth no door, what all say to the outside world, and now lost a big disgrace, no wonder people say that the rich is not three generations."

Li Zheng also heard of this hot thing in the city, but no one else so much gossip, so only take the ear to listen, do not open mouth and mix.

Everyone sourly scolded the defeated tycoon, no one noticed Wei Guoxing's face is constantly changing, from green to white, from white to red, and finally turned into a rotten apple like color ...

To the end, and everyone together sneered at the village head of the family's stupid son, Ma Teng finally remembered to sit beside himself in this Yinhe village villagers Wei Fatty, laughing gaga hand to Wei Fatty shoulders, excited and twelve points gossip asked: "Guoxing, this is not true?"

Fatty Wei gulped hard under the eyes of everyone, but did not answer immediately.

Ma Teng, however, relentlessly pursued, "Tell me, is this true!"

Wei Guoxing wrinkled his face like he had swallowed shit and said, "Yes."

Ma Teng got the Yinhe village villagers Wei Guoxing recognized, smiled with a face of triumph and said: "I said there is such a thing!"

Then he asked Wei Guoxing, "So will each team give half a million dollars or a million dollars?"

Fatty Wei's sesame eyeballs blinked, "None of them are right."

Ma Teng asked, "Then how much is it?"

Fatty Wei didn't say anything.

Li Zheng said, "It's almost enough, it's the village's business, why do we care so much?"

He felt that Fatty Wei is very embarrassed, this is their village scandal, and now became the laughing stock of the streets and alleys of Donghai City, no one would be happy.

Ma Teng in his past life is estimated to be a paparazzi reincarnation, a break the pot to the end of the frame, reached out and shook Fatty Wei's shoulders, will gossip to the end of the heart: "In the end how much is it ah? Say it out and listen!"

Fatty Wei helplessly stretched out a palm, opened five fingers and shook it, then retracted it, leaving only an index finger, shook it again, then opened his palm again and put up five fingers, shaking it a third time like before.

The crowd was confused.

"How much is it wow!?"



"It should be 600,000."

Ma Teng got impatient and prodded Fatty Wei, "How much is it wow!"

Fatty Wei said, "650,000."

For this price, everyone naturally had another round of discussions.

Finally, Ma Teng finally remembered a key thing.

He asked Fatty Wei, "By the way, how do you know so well? Did the village chief's son tell you?"

Fatty Wei's face changed another color.

Finally, he answered.

"This is our village's matter Well ... who doesn't know their own village's matter ..."


Getting Wei Guoxing's confirmation, Ma Teng almost laughed into hemiplegia.

Li Zheng, who was sitting on the opposite side of the table, however, noticed that Wei Guoxing's face had changed again at this moment, like a piece of pig's liver that had been put away for a few days and had already begun to rot.

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