
be of great importance

What Peng Liqin said was also exactly what Xie Dong was worried about.

News about the military exercise was now flying all over the place.

One of the most crucial pieces of information was that the military exercise was not going to the red and blue army bases in the prairie, but rather the already reorganized Group A Army as the blue side and Group D Army as the red side would be conducting an actual combat simulation exercise within the confines of the military region.

The time is undecided.

The location is undecided.

The form is undecided.

Everything is unknown.

Just waiting for an order to be issued, at any time to pull, all-round simulation of actual combat.

Said to simulate actual combat, in fact, many cadres are spreading a message, because the future to change the brigade, many redundant establishment will be cut. Brigade belongs to the flattened command, compared to the division, the order from the top under the hierarchy to reduce, means that the number of times in the middle of the forwarding of the number of times, the need for officers to reduce.

In the past, the divisional chain of command was bloated compared to the brigade, and after the reorganization, many of the officers from the former organs will have to face the problem of either going down to the basic combat companies to serve as commanding officers or being asked to transfer to other jobs.

Like Peng Liqin now under the fourth company, but also has long anticipated this situation today, early preparation.

There is also the fact that because divisions and brigades do not have the same numerical establishment, the officer corps will also be compressed, seeking to be leaner rather than to be more numerous, so the commanding officers at the grass-roots level are likewise faced with the question of whether or not to be laid off.

In a division, there are quite a few officers.

There are also quite a few of the same or similar age, seniority, education, and so on.

Who goes?

Who stays?

This is not a question that can be decided just by taking a look at the file.

It's a matter of pulling out the mule and simulating the horse.

What can be more direct than a real-world exercise that can test the ability of every level of command?

Because of this, this upcoming exercise had a different meaning.

Xie Dong said, "I'm also worried about this, that's why I told those platoon commanders in our company not only to grasp the training of new recruits and veterans, but also to practice military training and study the business, otherwise I'm afraid that we'll have to take off our uniforms this time around after the reorganization!"

Peng Liqin sighed and said, "Alas, that has nothing to do with me, I'm in this situation, long ago to the end, the transfer is good, from now on you can go home to your wife and children, no need to cowboys and weavers on different sides of the world."

Xie Dong laughed, "Old Peng I see that you don't seem to be happy."

Peng Liqin froze, then smiled bitterly, said nothing and turned his head to go back to his room.

In fact, not only the fourth company, the entire Menghu Regiment all companies and the officers and soldiers of the fourth company have the same idea.

The veterans want to stay, the cadres want to stay, all have their own thoughts.

On the contrary, the new recruits, anyway, the first year to, always will not let them immediately discharged.

The leadership of the military region asked Zhuang Yan, who was squatting in E Division, what suggestions he had for the reorganization.

Zhuang Yan wrote a report, combined with everything he saw and observed in the E Division squatting, sprawling more than five thousand words.

In fact, the central recommendation is just one - late change is better than early change.

The reasoning is very simple, this year E Division's recruits have just come down to the company, they started professional training not long, equivalent to a blank sheet of paper, to change the specialty is still relatively easy.

If another two or three months before the change, this service time is equivalent to a period of less not to mention that the specialty also learned, after the reorganization if the nature of the force has changed, the specialty will have to be readjusted, and some even have to start all over again to learn, which is equivalent to a waste of the previous time.

After reading the report, he sent it directly to the head of the military region.

Soon, Zhuang Yan received the order - the exercise will be held in 15 days, the specific time arranged by the military region director's department, Zhuang Yan as the E Division military reform coordination staff, the E Division military exercise of the problems and reorganization of the direction of the report, recommendations, and so on, and finally sent to the military region for review.

This is a very important matter.

Zhuang Yan felt that the burden on his shoulders was heavy.

Not only that, but he also had one thing that he was most worried about, that is, but anything involving reorganization and disarmament was a very painful thing and a very offensive thing.

The reason?


Zhuang Yan complained to Serious when he was on the phone with him, this is to push himself into the fire pit, when the prairie E Division officers and men up and down the ranks of the E Division already hated himself, the blue commander who disgraced them, and now the E Division is faced with reorganization, and then transferred him all the way over here to bake on the crater of this volcano.

Serious said on the other end of the phone, "Do you not understand or are you just pretending to be confused? The chiefs just want you to adapt to and understand the situation of E Division, and in the future, after the reorganization, you are the commander of this new unit after reorganization, and these months let you familiarize yourself with the situation in advance, and you're still not happy about it?"

Speaking axiomatically, Zhuang Yan often couldn't say anything more than serious, it had been like this since he was a new recruit, he was used to it.

While Chief of Staff Zhuang was whining to his old comrades for sitting in a crater, in the fourth company of the Meng Hu Regiment, Li was sweating his ass off on the training ground of the fourth company of the Meng Hu Regiment.

For the military reform, he is a soldier did not feel anything, and it is not his turn to feel anything.

All obey orders to listen to the command, this is a soldier's highest consciousness.

December in the south is still a blazing sun.

In the north, some places have already started to snow, but the daytime temperature of E Division's compound is still above 30 degrees.

Once upon a time, I saw snipers in the army on TV wearing ghillie suits, wrapped in various camouflage, very murderous and cool.

But now Li Zheng felt that this was not cool at all.

Because at this time Li Zheng wearing a thick ghillie suit, lying next to a pile of grass, has been a full two hours.

According to Hou Jun, this is called "camouflage" training.

Since the Hou Jun named to join the company's "sniper class", Li Zheng's bitter days have just begun.

"The sniper squad is a very unique existence in the fourth company.

It is not a regular establishment, but a class formed by the fourth company itself.

The soldiers of this class are selected from the whole company, including people from all platoons and classes, and the threshold for entry is very high, requiring the shooting level of the whole company to be the best, and must have the potential of a good sniper to enter.

This year, only two new recruits entered this class, one is Li Zheng, another need not think, of course, is Zhang Jian this old enemy.

The sniper class in addition to participate in the platoon training, but also unified by the Hou Jun led a separate more difficult sniper training.

When Hou Jun first explained the sniper equipment, Li Zheng was full of interest in the ghillie suit, the result was less than a week, he could not wait to take the fire to burn this thing.

A sniper's camouflage doesn't just require a ghillie suit, it also requires camouflage oil paint to be applied to the face, neck, and hands.

This stuff has a strange smell, smeared on the skin to use a special cleanser to wash off, otherwise you use soap is difficult to clean.

When coated with this stuff, put on the ghillie suit, looks cool, but when Li is moving in the sun aiming at a target lying on the ground for two hours without moving, the acidity is very on the head.

"Out of the target!"

Two hours.

Li Zheng finally heard Hou Jun give the order to go out to the target.

After waiting for a full two hours.

My God!

Just for this one shot!

The most abrasive part of this training is that Hou Jun will let the sniper squad snipers do all the camouflage, take all the equipment, and then in a corner of the range to get down, time is not certain, the weather is not certain, no matter whether the sun is in the sky or the storm, all to lie there motionless.

Who moves, who will be punished.

Hou Jun is very enjoyable, directly move a small bench to find a piece of shade to sit down, sitting behind the snipers themselves, leisurely sunbathing, while staring at everyone.

Only when he was satisfied did he order a shot.

And you must hit the different targets that suddenly appear at a distance of 200-400 meters within 30 seconds.

After the shot, then the evaluation.

The targets appeared at a distance of 300 meters.

Li Zheng did not rely on the white light scope on the 88 sniper to find the target, because the place where the target appeared was not fixed or known, using the scope to find it was a stupid thing.

Time is limited.

In the absence of a spotter, it was superior to first look up slightly to see the target's approximate position of the one he was responsible for, then align the gun, and finally correct the firing baseline by the scope, aim at the bull's-eye and pull the trigger.

Soon, he saw target number 9 appearing about 300 meters to the right front side.

What was the distance?

No spotter, no rangefinder.

You can only rely on yourself to measure the distance.