
Battle it out!


Hou Jun gently ordered the two to be silent.

"There's someone ..."

Sure enough, there was someone.

But where is the person?

Li Zheng couldn't help but tense up and looked around.

"Listen ..."

Hou Jun's voice was low and low.

Li Zheng pricked up his ears and released his maximum hearing.

The sound of rain, and the sound of water droplets smashing on the leaves snapping, and the rustling sound of the pile of dead leaves falling on the ground ...

It seems that there is no human voice ah?

Li Zheng secretly wondered.

Just want to ask Hou Jun again in the end where the enemy.

Just at this time, suddenly ears into the extremely slight sound of "snap -", and then "Kacha-". ".

What a familiar sound!

That was ...

That's right, Li Zheng remembered.

This was the sound made by his boots stepping on those dead branches and dead leaves on the ground when he was walking in this forest these days. Because some of the dead branches weren't thick, so a person would step on them and break them at once, and when they broke, they would make this snapping sound, and sometimes they would kacha a little.

He didn't dare to ask, tried his best to control his breathing, and let the safety of the 95-1 rifle be pushed gently away afterward.

Perhaps the other party himself thought it was a mistake after the previous sound, so he didn't move for a long time.

The surroundings once again fell into dead silence.

This feeling is really hard to endure.

It would be better to simply go out and have a painful muzzle-to-muzzle with the other party!

But this was only his fantasy.

Because he only heard the breaking sound just now, he didn't hear from which direction it came from.


Finally, this tiny sound resounded again.

This time, Li Zheng, who had been listening with his ears perked up, finally heard it.

The sound was coming from his right front side.

He slowly turned his body and aimed his gun in that direction.

Right front side?

Another question popped up in his heart when he aimed his gun in that direction.

Because the right front side was the location of the cliff.

There couldn't be anyone there!

A terrifying thought flashed through Paint Black's mind.

The opponent had climbed up from under the cliff!


First of all, how did they find out that their platoon was armored here?

That's why they gave up on entering through the defile and instead circled around behind them gunning to quietly and noiselessly clear out this platoon level combat unit responsible for guarding the area.

Moreover, how did they climb up!

That cliff was over fifty meters high!

Previously when the platoon entered here, Hou Jun led a patrol around the area, and all other places were planted with lurking posts to avoid being sneak attacked, only here was how it didn't occur to him that someone would dare to come up from here.

Simply impossible task!

Li Zheng asked himself to not have the guts to climb this cliff in this kind of weather at this time.

It's just a drill!

What are you playing with your life for!

At once, he developed a subtle fear of the Blue Army.

What kind of troop is his own troop facing this time!

To play with their lives like this, it's almost like they're insane!

In the darkness, Hou Jun tugged on Li Zheng's clothes again, then pointed forward.

After pointing, he slowly moved his body and hid himself behind a rock.

Li Zheng and Zhang Jian also understood and carefully moved in behind the stone.

Just as they moved, they suddenly heard a gunshot.



Li Zheng's head buzzed and went blank.

The other party actually shot first?

How did they find out about these few people of theirs?

But it was too late to think about it in detail at this moment.

The muzzle flame instantly illuminated the surrounding scenery from the location where the gunshot came from.

Several black shadows appeared directly in front of Li Zheng's muzzle.

Then, they quickly scattered towards the surroundings.

"Trying to escape?!"

Li Zheng was at least a solemnly trained shooter.

He reflexively raised his hand to fire a shot.

The kind of extremely responsive aiming that he had learned from Zhuang Yan played a very magical role, and in the shimmering mirror, he actually hadn't seen too clearly yet, and had subconsciously pulled the trigger about the time the collimator was set on the other side.

As soon as he fired this shot, Hou Jun's side of the gun also sounded at the same time.

How could Zhang Jian show weakness?

Anyway, if you want to catch a rabbit in the grass, you can catch one if you don't have one.

He also began to shoot point blank.

The people on the opposite side probably didn't expect these few infantrymen to react so quickly, and instantly, two people's heads smoked, and their weapons were instantly locked up, no longer able to fire their lasers.


The smoking one opened his mouth and cursed, and he didn't know if he was cursing himself.

Three people are hiding behind the stone, taking advantage of the situation, the other party is just up from the cliff, only seven or eight meters away from the cliff, only a few bowl-thick trees, can not hide, although the number of possession, but still fell into the wind.

After all, Hou Jun is at least the whole division is known for shooting sharpshooter, that can participate in the international sniper competition pre-selected seedling.

He himself needless to say, under the two new recruits are not vegetarian.

The strongest generals have no weak soldiers.

This gang of blue army scouts climbed up from the cliff is really unlucky to the point of farting all smashed heels.

When they met other people, they might be able to sacrifice one or two of them to take this place.

But now meet Hou Jun a few, only to be shot at.

After a series of gunshots, the five people across the street were smoking.

"Go over and see if there is anyone else below the cliff!" Hou Jun did not stop for a moment, directly rushed to the edge of the cliff, stretched out his head towards the bottom, quickly retracted, raised his rifle, hands stretched out beyond the cliff, towards the bottom and burst a pass.

Li Zheng saw that smoke rose again from the edge of the cliff.

It seemed that there were still people climbing online below.

This volley of strafing directly caused the Blue Army below to lose the courage to continue to climb hard.

Below the cliff, someone was heard shouting, "Retreat first! Don't go up!"

Without a moment's effort, there was no movement under the cliff.

In fact, this blue army unit is the air raid brigade reconnaissance battalion one of the assault reconnaissance platoon.

They are brigade commander Xu Xingguo single-handedly trained experts.

To know Xu Xingguo is a special brigade from the cattle, he practiced soldiers are certainly not idle generation, otherwise would not be in the night in the rainy weather climbed fifty meters high cliff to engage in a sneak attack.

Just what they did not expect is that the encounter of these people have two soldiers is their old enemy Zhuang Yan trained.

God has no eyes!

Fortunately, Brigadier Xu didn't know about this, otherwise he would have to vomit three liters of blood.

"What happened! What happened!?"

Third squad leader Chen Chong rushed over with a squad of soldiers.

"Disperse! Spread out! Search under the lower cliff, there are scouts from the Blue Army! They're trying to sneak up on us from behind!"

After Hou Jun gave the order, he suddenly exclaimed, "Oh no!"

After saying that, he dropped the crowd and dashed towards Wu Yi's direction as if flying.

Li Zheng and Zhang Jian didn't know what had happened, but since the platoon leader was so nervous, something must have happened.

Could it be that the Blue Army had attacked from the front?

Sure enough, a voice came out from the chest mounted single company platoon walkie-talkie: "Platoon leader, there is movement in the direction of the pass!"

Then came Hou Jun's voice: "You immediately turn on the radio and contact the battalion headquarters, tell them that the Blues are going to attack tonight! There's a big move!"

Li Zheng desperately drew closer to the direction of Wu Yi.

There was a guard position there to hold the defile, standing on high ground, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

However, just when he was still more than a hundred meters away from the position, a buzzing sound came from above his head.

He subconsciously raised his head, and the canopy was so thick that he could not see anything.

Immediately afterward, he heard a call coming from the walkie-talkie: "They're starting to attack!"

Then, Wu Yi's voice was gone.

Hou Jun called over the channel, "Wu Yi, how's it going on your side!?"

There was no answer ...

The deafening sound of propellers suddenly came from the sky, and there were blinding lights penetrating down from the gaps in the tree canopy overhead.

Li Zheng and Zhang Jian saw to the treetops being rattled by the air waves.

He followed the light source and looked over, and through the gap in the treetops, he saw a big black monster - it was a Straight-8L hovering in the air about ten meters away from the treetops.

On both sides of the helicopter hung two black ropes, and one soldier of the Air Assault Brigade swished down like an egg.

Li Zheng subconsciously raised his rifle and fired a shot at one of the sliding soldiers.

The helmet on the opponent's head emitted smoke, obviously hit.

"The helicopters are there, take them out!"

Heavy who had retreated back at the end of the cliff with his 3rd squad apparently saw the helicopter as well and commanded the soldiers to aim towards it.

Li Zheng was overjoyed in his heart, this time reinforcements had come!


But before his excitement passed, he suddenly saw Heavy and the others suddenly covered in smoke, the 95-1 rifles that had been banging suddenly went quiet, all of them mute!

They're dead!

What the hell!

He didn't even see them, but they were killed in action!

He was dumbfounded.

Suddenly, Hou Jun appeared out of nowhere, carrying on his back the radio on Wu Yi's body that could communicate with the battalion headquarters, with his sniper rifle that refused and would not give up anywhere across it.

"Run with me!"


Before he could react, Hou Jun yelled at him, "Hurry!"

Li Zheng and Zhang Jian two people also no longer think too much, followed Hou Jun brainless run, quickly disappeared in the darkness of the night.