
An insider observes the ropes.

"Quickly show me what uniform the major is wearing!"

Zhuang Yan's arrival caused a stir in the recruit team, Li Zheng had just returned to the team and sat down, Fatty Wei could not wait to stretch out his fat paw, wanting to take Zhuang Yan's uniform from Li Zheng's hand to have a look.

"Same uniform, what's there to see?" Li Zheng protected the clothes from Fatty Wei's fingers.

This is the task entrusted by the chief, although only custodial clothing, but also to do their duty, how can you just hand it over to others.

Fatty Wei said, "I heard that the texture of the general's uniform is different from ours."

"You want to see me see can't stop you, but you don't touch the clothes, people trust me before the chief gave me to guard, where you go to touch and move, later I how to account for?" Li Zheng determined not to let Fatty Wei take the uniform, cut off his thoughts: "Anyway, you just die that heart, look at it."

Fatty Wei shook his head, very disappointed, said: "Li Zheng ah, loss I still regard you as a buddy ah, look, the head of the appreciation of a little bit you float, do not recognize the brother right?"

See Li Zheng still did not pay attention to him, and then said: "I just want to touch, I have not touched the major rank! If I can wear it and take a picture, it would be more awesome."

Li Zheng said, "It's not your rank, you wear a general's rank is useless, is not it? Vanity!"

Fatty Wei made a fool of himself and said nothing.

Yang Hui, who had been staring at Zhuang Yan, turned his head to Li Zheng and said, "I know this person, Zhuang Yan."


Everyone was immediately shocked at his words.

The little white man, Jiang Liping, said, "Yang Hui, don't brag! If you knew the other chief, why didn't you greet you just now?"

"That's right!" Fatty Wei was also energized: "People have 24 cents, you have one bar, don't blow the bull to the sky."

The crowd chimed in.

No one believed that Yang Hui would know a chief like Zhuang Yan.

Yang Hui looked around the crowd with a look of contempt before tsk tsk tsk expressing his dislike, dislike before speaking: "I said I know people, I didn't say that they know me, you people really don't have time, know what I did before I became a soldier? I am a military V, research military, some of the famous characters in our troops, I can say a two or three to! Mr. Zhuang Yan is the Chief of Staff of the Blue Army. Do you know the Blue Army? The Steppe Wolves, who flattened Zhu Rihe and captured Man Guangzhi alive. Have you heard of them? Man Guangzhi is the brigadier general of that Blue Army brigade, how many aces of the whole army folded there, were abused and cried, he is the chief of staff of that unit, I've read reports about him."


After Yang Hui's words, the crowd rose in unison.

Zhang Jian said, "I thought you had some great relationship, but it turns out that you know people who don't know you? To put it this way, I also know the Secretary General of the United Nations, and I also know the President of the United States, who's with whom!"

For the first time, the recruits thought that Zhang Jian was right and laughed.

Li Zheng was very interested, he did not understand the troops so well as Yang Hui, but Zhuang Yan, this chief gave himself a really good feeling, people and people sometimes is a kind of fate, so many recruits, who did not choose, they chose themselves to hold the clothes for him, people twenty-four cents, but also a bit of frame.

This chief gave Li Zheng a very down-to-earth affectionate feeling.

"Yang Hui, do you think the two of us, the platoon leader and the chief, are better than the marksmanship, who is better?"

Yang Hui frowned and thought about it, and finally said, "It's hard to say. To say that this Zhuang chief is ten years younger, I absolutely say that he is powerful, you do not know how fierce his resume, international military competitions have won medals, but also serious "Red Arrow" brigade origin, our platoon leader in the eyes of others is really not enough to look at, but now at least also thirty-something people, the fist is afraid of the young and strong, it is really not possible to say! ..."

When a few recruits were discussing who is powerful, the two CS/LR4 sniper rifles had already been delivered.

"Chief, you choose first."

Hou Jun pointed out the two huge black boxes on the ground in a very generous manner.

"It's all the same, as long as the gun is not mechanically faulty, basically even if the first shot misses, it can be corrected back."

Zhuang Yan said while squatting down, skillfully took one of the boxes and opened it.

Inside lay the CS/LR4 high-precision sniper that had been black all over, and from the wear and tear on the gun body it did not look serious, and the maintenance was also very much in place.

Zhuang Yan said, "This one it is."

While saying that, he skillfully picked up the gun and started assembling it.

The insider looked at the doorway.

Looking at Zhuang Yan's hand speed in assembling the sniper rifle, Li Haiou and the others realized that Chief of Staff Zhuang is really not a pewter spearhead, that is really a master of urine!

Liang Hu couldn't help but gently touch Li Haiou beside himself with his elbow, and threw a wink at his own chief.

That means to say, chief, fortunately you didn't go on, this man is not blown out of the water.

Hou Jun knew that he had also met an expert.

At this time he did not dare to dilute.

Usually that kind of hangdog temperament this time all convergence, face have become serious, also squat down to assemble the gun.

The two finished assembling, took the gun to the target position.

The security personnel have already spread a good raincoat beside the target, on which a 95-1 automatic rifle is placed, and a few pressed 10-round magazines.

A little further past that, there was a protection soldier squatting on the ground with a box of bullets in front of him.

Soon, a soldier from the public service squad came up and handed Zhuang Yan three black plastic boxes.

Those were bullets.

They were bullets for high-precision snipers.

There were ten rounds in a box.

Zhuang Yan opened the box, and inside lay ten yellow sniper bullets.

The sniper rounds were very different from the ordinary rifle rounds just from the appearance.

95 rifle cartridges are generally copper-plated cartridges, all white steel armored cartridges, while this high-precision sniper special cartridges are all copper cartridges, although the cartridge head is not pure copper, but the outer head is also wrapped in copper.

Copper thermal expansion performance is excellent, when fired can be more close to the inner wall of the barrel, and the material is softer compared to steel, the rifling of the damage is not so big, can effectively avoid the phenomenon of hanging copper.

"Does the chief need to proofread the gun?" Hou Jun asked.

Zhuang Yan laughed, "Of course I do, but it's good to shoot a few shots, bring me a gun calibrator and a carrying device, I might need it later."

In the boot camp, gun calibrators and other equipment were readily available, a soldier quickly sent over the gun calibrator and a carry gear that Zhuang Yan had asked for.

Zhuang Yan put on the equipment, pressed the bullets again, inserted the magazines into the pouches, looked up at the chest ring target at the one hundred meter position, turned his head and said to Li Haiou, "Captain Li, I'm ready for the gun calibration, inform them to take cover."

Li Haiou immediately blew the whistle to notify that the shooting was about to begin, then told the soldiers in the target trench to get ready through the intercom.

A few moments later, the distant target reporter replied over the intercom: "Chief, chief, everything is ready to begin firing."

Li Haiou turned to Zhuang Yan and told him: "You may begin."

Just after the words were said, Zhuang Yan raised his gun and shot.

He adopted one of the simplest and most common postures in the Special Forces' stance shooting - his left foot stepped forward, his left knee was slightly bent, his right foot supported most of the weight of his torso, he relied on his right knee to lock his posture, his center of gravity was slightly shifted forward, and his hands elbows were hanging down at a 40-degree angle to the horizontal line.


The first shot was a single shot.

Everyone held their breath, their eyes focused on the major, not missing a single detail.

A mud flower rose behind the chest ring target 100 meters away, splashing a cluster of dust.


The second shot.


Third shot.

The rhythm is very good, about 1 second interval.

After the third shot, Zhuang Yan suddenly stopped and didn't sound the gun again for a long time.

"Huh? Why isn't he fighting anymore?"

Li Zheng, who had stretched his neck out, looked a little anxious in the recruit team.

Wu Yi said, "He's observing the point of impact."