
Abrasive second practice gun training

Li Zheng's memory greatly shocked Hou Jun.

Such a perfect sniper material, he still saw for the first time.

And when he brought out later went to the Group A Army Special Brigade Zhong Rui compared to not inferior at all.

Back then, Zhong Rui was also characterized by exceptionally strong observation and memory, and a particularly good sense of gun.

In just a few months, Li Zheng's performance in every aspect is no less than that of Zhong Rui.

As there are more than two years on the retirement of Hou Jun, training a sniper than his own more powerful sniper is also his biggest dream.

Now appeared, Hou Jun heart how can not be excited?

Excitement to excitement.

Training can not be a little pity.

The sword sharpens itself.

Without strict training, there is no strong soldiers.

This point, the veteran Hou Jun is clearer than anyone else.

Li Zheng quickly realized how painful it is to have a seemingly simple cabinet with no support according to the gun.

After half an hour of explanation, there was another half an hour of movement correction.

Then the main event of the day finally made its appearance.

"Looks like you're all pretty smart, you're all quick learners."

After an hour of explanation and movement correction, Hou Jun revealed that meaningful smile again.

The recruits were all happy to receive the platoon leader's praise, and the veterans were all smiling mysteriously, as if they knew what was going to happen.

"Move your arms and legs, all relax and unwind." Hou Jun looked at the table, and then said: "Later we will try kneeling according to the stability of the gun training, veterans, long time, 30 minutes on the line, today do not engage in a big, new comrades today, the first 30 minutes, a kind of experience experience. According to the gun training this thing is long-term, we have more subjects, time is tight, can not occupy the regular drill time every day to engage in this, every day at noon to set aside 30 minutes, 40 minutes at night to carry out this training, kneeling at noon, the evening position, as for the prone position, every morning after physical training to draw 20 minutes to engage in on the line."

After a few minutes, under Hou Jun's order, everyone squatted on the ground in unison and began to carry out kneeling position according to the gun training.

When the movements were corrected before, the kneeling time was not long.

Li Zheng did not feel too uncomfortable.

He thought that Hou Jun was just scaring people.

After the recruit training and going down to the company for a month, his physical fitness was very good in all aspects, so it was just a little kneeling.

30 minutes!

It's a piece of cake!

Almost every recruit has the same thought as Li Zheng.

Compared to the previous prone position with support lying on the ground for four hours but also top shells, this is simply a gift of rest time!

However, the army's training is often so magical.

Seemingly the simplest thing, often the most deadly.

The most grueling training subjects often appear in the simplest face, when you find this thing to life, it is already too late.

After 10 minutes, Li Zheng already felt something was wrong.

The fatigue coming from the location of the right calf and the palm of the right foot appeared first ...

A hot sensation appeared in the muscles of the calf.

Then came the toes ...

In fact, at this time, he did not know that the curtain had just been drawn on the good show, and the test had just quietly begun.

Many brothers who have been soldiers rifle have learned more than 3 exercises, but to say what they are impressed by I am afraid that they are still 2 exercises of 150 meters kneeling shooting.

This shooting action regardless of veteran recruits hear all urine, not because of the difficulty, in fact, the difficulty is not particularly large.

Just practicing this subject when almost everyone has shed tears, or people before, or after only.

Because kneeling according to the gun training, the body weight is all pressed on the feet and calves, five toes will bear most of the weight of the body.

Ten to eight minutes is not bad, but more than 20 minutes after the beginning of the gradual climax ...

That's a great feeling ...


Fatty Wei, who was squatting next to Li Zheng, was the first to start sucking in cool air.

This subject was less friendly to the heavier people.

"Is everyone feeling it?"

Hou Jun smiled as he walked around in front of everyone.

He could tell from the faces of the new recruits that they were getting into a "good place".

"Does it feel like your toes are starting to hurt a bit? It's okay, it's just starting now ..."

At the 20 minute mark, the veterans were fine, nothing much had changed.

But beads of sweat were beginning to appear on the heads of every recruit.

"Report ...."

Fatty Wei was the first to shout report.

"Hold on!" Hou Jun immediately interrupted him, "Hold on! If you don't accept the report now, you'll have to pee in your pants even if you have to!"

Fatty Wei could only hold back the words that followed.

At this time, Li Zheng was also not feeling well, he swept Fatty Wei with his afterglow, the bastard's entire right leg was shaking.

It was shaking so much ...

"It's 23 minutes ... Hang on!"

Hou Jun looked at his watch and loudly cheered the recruits.

"It's 25 minutes ... Keep holding on!"

"It's 26 minutes ..."

Hou Jun reported the time every so often.

But Li Zheng felt how this time was like stopping stagnation, every second was now a torment for him.

The toes, the calf muscles, and then there were the palms of the feet ...

Especially the palms of his feet and toes, it was like they were about to break bones, it hurt like hell.



Sweat began to gather on his forehead, gradually turning into a small stream that swished down his cheeks.

Through the thick combat undershirt and training uniform, Li Zheng could feel that his thighs were full of sweat, and so was his back, which was completely soaked.


Fatty Wei finally couldn't help himself, wailing and falling headfirst to the ground, actually crying.

Hou Jun went over and squatted down, once he touched his right leg, he said to Wu Yi, "Come over and give him a hand, he's cramping up."

The two of them flattened Wei Guoxing on the ground, broke his right leg straight and tugged it with the palm of his foot facing upwards, and finally, Hou Jun lifted his foot and stomped it hard a few times directly in Fatty Wei's foot.

Fatty Wei howled like killing a pig.

This wailing was like a contagious disease, and soon another recruit fell.

One ...

Two ...

Li Zheng bit his lips to death, feeling that all his teeth were going to be embedded in the flesh.

He is a strong person, if now also like Wei fat man like rolling on the ground is not not good, is he really can not pass his own psychological level.

Doing that, he would despise himself.

Gradually, the narrator's recruits fell to the ground more.

Li Zheng, however, was still holding on.

He felt that it should be more than 30 minutes.

Platoon Leader Hou Jun was so focused on checking those fallen recruits, did he forget to look at the time?

Every minute and every second seemed like boiling for a year.

Suddenly, he realized that there were still recruits who hadn't fallen.

It was actually Zhang Jian ...


Li Zheng swept a glance at Zhang Jian and realized that he was also secretly glancing at himself.

Zhang Jian's face, which was still decent, was deformed at this moment.

The two men's gazes met in the air and crackled with a burst of fire and lightning.

For a moment, both of them heard the voice from the bottom of the other's heart - "Come on! Let's see who lasts until the end! Don't be a wimp!"

This guy is really ...

You say you a chief of staff's son, with me to play what life!