
a trap

Zhang Ao's fingers stopped.


He was a little anxious.

But had to listen to Hou Jun's words.

There must be a reason why Hou Jun said that.

But this was a competition for time, the difference in level between the groups was actually not particularly large, and much depended on the clinical play.

Now his own group is temporarily in the first place, but only temporarily, behind a group of experts like a wolf chasing.

Hou Jun frowned and said, "Something's not right!"

Zhang Ao was anxious, "What's not right?"

He was a little nervous.

Shouldn't there be a problem with the gun?

Can the old squad leader tell?

Originally, Zhang Ao was anxious because he was worried that Zhong Rui's group would sound the gun before him.

But he didn't hear any gunshots.

This back and forth conversation between the two people was actually extremely fast, but it also took more than two seconds.

More than two seconds and three seconds, even if that short moment, in this kind of occasion can also decide the winner.

Hou Jun replied quickly, "The distance is wrong!"

He ripped off a grass pole and pointed it in his inner hand at a target that was barely visible in the distance, measured it slightly with the jumping eye method, and then said, "Shit! At least four hundred meters!"

"What?!" Zhang Ao's hairs stood up in sweat when he heard him say this in the cold.

You can't joke about this at this time.

The rules said it was 350 meters, how come the old squad leader said it was 400 meters?

He glanced in the direction of the target.

So small target, in the eye is a small point, not seriously almost can not see.

Old squad leader is right?

Hou Jun did not allow himself to be told, "Bind it according to 400 meters and add 50 meters to the distance!"

Although only 50 meters, but the current wind speed on the range is too high, already 8M / S, the target is too small, 350 meters, 11.5CM mini-disc target, you must modify the correction parameters, otherwise it will be off target!

Hou Jun spoke quickly and decisively, "Hesitate an egg! Hurry!"

As soon as he yelled, Zhang Ao immediately did as he was told, and without saying a word, he corrected the direction by an extra 0.2 mils.

Now there was no time to consider whether the old squad leader Hou Jun was right or not, he could only do as he was told.

Losing, that was the responsibility of two people, there was no one to take the blame.

This is all about trust!

As a double sniper team, to become a partner must be absolutely 100% trust, that kind of trust can reach you raise your gun towards me I can't even blink my eyelids, believe that you are protecting me.

After making the corrections, Hou Jun on the side can no longer help.

Whether or not you can hit the target, these are all handed over to Zhang Ao, depending on his personal play.


Less than three seconds after the correction, Zhang Ao finally pulled the trigger.

In the slightly wobbling field of view of the scope, Zhang Ao stared dead on at the mini disc target in the center.

Although less than 0.5 seconds of the bullet's flight time, it was as if he had spent half a century.

Finally, a few pieces of wet mud splashed up on the muddy ground behind the target, as if a firecracker had been lit there.

The target disappeared in an instant.


Zhang Ao felt his cheeks go a little numb, and that was because he was too nervous just now.

It was good that there was no mistake.

The usual grueling training brought about a solid sniping foundation, and under the immense pressure, he held his ground.

The old squad leader was right!


He was overjoyed in his heart and hurriedly turned to another target.

Hou Jun was also secretly relieved.

His judgment was correct.

As a sniper, never trust the so-called intelligence and information you obtain.

Because the intelligence given to you by your superiors is not guaranteed to be 100% correct, it may have been transferred to you through many ulterior channels, and after a variety of flows, it has been biased.

Or from the beginning, the information on the intelligence is wrong.

Never trust intelligence too much, trust your own judgment on the spot - this was one of the principles of combat for members of the Special Forces.

It seemed that the examination team had deliberately set traps for the participating snipers to test each and every one's basic skills.

If not long-term sniper training, a variety of distances, a variety of targets in a variety of environments have a purely familiar, or as long as a little carelessness, in this program will absolutely fall for jumping pits.

In the pit here, just no right to go out of the line.

In the battlefield jumping pit, perhaps hitched is their own life!

When Zhang Ao hit the first target and turned to aim at the second target, Hou Jun's afterglow glimpsed Zhong Rui's group still lying on the firing position without firing a shot.

That's right!

He was the disciple he brought out, the gifted sniper.

Of course he wouldn't step into this trap.

However, the fact that he didn't even fire the first shot now meant that he was already slower than himself in terms of speed!

After hitting this item, there is still the last one, one only needs to maintain the standard, then ...

Heh heh heh!

Hou Jun couldn't help but feel happy in his heart.

Everything was so good.

Everything was so smooth.

Everything is perfect ...


Zhang Ao's second shot rang out.

The second mini-disc target disappeared in response.


Even Hou Jun, who generally had very few people who could get into the eyes of the law, couldn't help but reveal a smile.

At this time, he heard the gunshots from Zhong Rui's side.

They had finally fired.

After hitting the second target, Zhang Ao immediately stood up, Hou Jun went down and quickly according to the gun ...


The first mini disk target fell.

"400 meters ... wind strength unchanged, full correction ..."

Hou Jun muttered plurals and gently pressed the trigger.

For him, it was too easy!


The chattering sound just landed, the sniper rifle in Hou Jun's hand sprayed another cluster of fire.

400 meters away, the mini disc target disappeared.

Shooting this type of target at this distance, under these field conditions and weather, Hou Jun didn't feel it was too much of a challenge for himself, harder and harsher environments he had experienced.

Zhong Rui's group was about 3 seconds behind his own group, Hou Jun estimated that according to the level of Zhong Rui and his special brigade, they would not run the target unless there was a serious accident.

But it didn't matter if they ran or not, as long as their end played normally, the place in the overseas competition would properly fall into their pockets.

When the adjuster signaled that the shot was valid, the two of them didn't delay a moment and immediately picked up their guns and pounced toward the next target.

Victory seemed to be just around the corner.

Hou Jun felt himself filled with the will to fight, like an armored car stepping on the floor oil, rushing towards the final victory!

Soon, they entered the last part of the competition.

This program was called "Demolition".

Sounds like an engineering subject.

But this is a real sniper subject, full name "demolition of explosive devices".

But not the traditional way of dismantling, no pliers, no signal jammers, no need to wear heavy blast suits.

To be - 100 meters away, the diameter of 5MM explosives wire to shoot, the requirements of 2 rounds of ammunition within the wire interrupted to make the explosive device failure.

Time is 20 seconds.

You have two chances in 20 seconds.

Calculate the results of the hit priority, followed by time, the same hit rate, the shorter the winner.

This is a subject Hou Jun has practiced a million times.

He has hit wires and even embroidery needles at a distance of 50 meters.

A 5MM wire on 100 meters must rely on a large magnification to be seen.

Although this distance on the wind and other factors do not have much impact on the warhead flight, basically no need to correct.

But this subject tests the key point in two places - first is the accuracy of the gun, the gun must be a good gun, the correction should be perfect.

The second is the stability of the shooter, whether the combination of man and gun is perfect.

It is possible to see the 5MM iron lead at large magnification, but the crosshair will act like an ADHD child, not to mention the heartbeat effects, the shooter's pulse beat can cause significant chatter on the crosshair.

People are alive after all, breathing can be temporarily stopped, heartbeat can not.

Therefore, this level is the most test of the perfect combination of the shooter and the gun, not a single mistake can be made.

Hou Jun is very confident.

His control of the timing of the shot was considered perfect.

"I can do it ..."

He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, slowly turning into something like a snake under hibernation.