
A gun is your second life.

Regardless of Li Zheng's opinion of Hou Jun, it did not affect Hou Jun's ability to train the first platoon and Li Zheng himself in his training style at all.

Twenty days after the training of new recruits, this day early in the morning, the people finally touched the long-wished-for real guns.

The real thing in the hand, everyone jumped, holding the gun all kinds of excitement, posing in all kinds of poses, wanting the squad leader to help themselves to take pictures.

Hou Jun saw and couldn't help but dislike: "The gun is used to practice killing the enemy, not for you to pose, posing for pictures is not interesting? What's the point of posing for a picture? If you have the ability to go to the shooting range and shoot a full ring, then come back and take a picture!"

A sentence, and all the new recruits of the good mood of exuberance of the head of cold water doused.

Wu Yi pleaded on the side: "Platoon Commander, the new recruits are touching the gun for the first time, so let them take a few shots to get over it."

Hou Jun's eyes glared and his nostrils spewed thick air, "They don't know how to do it, but you, a veteran, don't know how to do it either? Look at them, even change a magazine have not yet learned to understand, posing to shoot out to whom to see? It's just to fool the little girl who has never seen a real gun!"

He said, went up and snatched the 95-1 automatic rifle directly from Li Zheng's hand, pointing at the latter's hand and said, "Just now you have a wrong action, do you know what it is?"

Li Zheng was confused, thinking that this acting platoon leader was staring at himself again.

"No idea."

"Your finger!" Hou Jun held the gun in one hand, extended his index finger in the other, and made a trigger pulling motion, "Holding a gun is holding a gun, what are you doing pressing your finger on the trigger in a non-combat situation? Let me tell you, the gun has a gun ghost, if you can't control it, don't play with it, do you think it's okay if the safety is off? Everything has accidents, you may play and accidentally press the trigger, in case you go to the battlefield, your comrades who stand in front of you who is unlucky!"

Li Zheng had a fire in his heart, isn't it just taking a picture with a gun?

Is it just a matter of pressing his finger on the trigger?

How big a deal is this?

As for storming like someone stepped on his tail?

Of course, it was impossible for him to say all these words.

After all, as a veteran, Hou Jun was right, and he could not refute it at all, so he could only be scolded by him.

Li Zheng consoled himself that perhaps Hou Jun was a failed veteran, and that he could understand, in these twenty days or so, he had also heard about the experiences of this legendary veteran of E Division, and Li Zheng felt that he was looking at Hou Jun as a person from a compassionate point of view.

After all, the disappointment on the shooting range had made this veteran who prided himself on his sniper specialty too much in need of the thrill gained from driving others to appease his heart that had been hit hard by luck.

Hou Jun cursed a few times, seemed to have not finished, and then continued to teach these new recruits who did not know anything.

"Let me tell you, remember what I said before, the gun is your second life, for those who are soldiers, the gun is your lover. We, as soldiers, rely on the gun to eat, we eat by the gun, and we also rely on it to be a man. If you treat it well, it knows it. If you just treat it as a plaything, it won't take you seriously, and you won't be able to shoot it well. It has spirituality, and also knows the human situation ..."

The more this was said, the more it went off topic.

Next to Wu Yi had to remind again, "Platoon leader, after taking pictures they are going to go to training, let's not delay, okay?"

Hou Jun would have liked to say, see Wu Yi said reasonable, look at the time, hard to swallow a stomach of words and swallowed back, will be handed over to the gun Wu Yi instructed: "Move quickly, later to go to the training ground, to explain the gun's plurality of elements and the basic aiming situation, and incidentally teach them how to break down the combination of the future of the gun polishing work all for them to do!"

Finished, from his pocket to touch out cigarettes, pull out a light, and exercise a time the whole company only he can openly smoke the privilege.

The new recruits were Hou Jun so a reprimand, the mood to take pictures is long gone.

After the official drill, Li Zheng and his comrades were brought to the basketball court, Wu Yi explained the structure of the 95-1 type rifle and plenums, and taught everyone how to aim at the target, keep in mind a few mnemonics of aiming, what is the "three-point line aiming at the lower edge of the line," what is the "intentional aiming without intention to shoot! "What's more, we were taught how to aim the rifle.

As the squad leader spoke, Fatty Wei shouted report again.



Wu Yi looked at the kid impatiently.

"Wei Guoxing, you're the one with a lot of problems."

Fatty Wei said, "Squad Leader, my father told me to come to the army to learn with an open mind, ask questions if you don't understand, and especially ask the squad leader for more advice."

This flattering ...

Not to mention, Wu Yi was really patted to the place of tingling, very much used.

"Well, your father is a veteran and speaks from experience, listen to him right. You ask!"

Wei Guoxing said, "Why aim at the lower edge? Isn't it aiming right in the center?"

Wu Yi picked up the gun and pointed to the table ruler on it and said, "Do you know what this is? This is called the table ruler, is used to adjust the height of the collimator, so as to play the role of controlling the height of the point of impact. Above you see this thing? This is called a surveyor's hole, see this above 3, 4, 5 these numbers have not? Corresponding to the 300-meter distance, 400-meter distance, 500-meter distance, you new recruits generally hit the target are within 300 meters, and this rifle within 300 meters of the ballistic height of the difference between the change is not large, so there is no 1 and 2, so the lowest only set a 300-meter ruler, you hit the target when aiming at the lower edge of the bull's-eye, hitting the bull's-eye of the opportunity to hit the greater, understand? "

Fatty Wei listened to such a long statement from the squad leader and started scratching his head again.

"Not very understandable ..."

Wu Yi couldn't help but sneer, "Wei Guoxing, you must have often slept in class when you were studying right?"

Fatty Wei smiled awkwardly, "The class president has eyes like a torch and anticipates things like a god, this is all obvious."

Wu Yi cried and laughed, his finger in the air vainly pointing several times Wei Fatty, a look of hatred and iron said, "Wei Guoxing ah Wei Guoxing, you let me say what you good it? On your kind of ... what are you doing to become a soldier?"

Wei Fatty half jokingly patted his belly: "Lose weight. Being fat, that's pretty much my only flaw."

All the new recruits heard this and couldn't hold back any longer, what discipline was not spoken of, and suddenly burst into laughter, laughing one after another.

Li Zheng couldn't help but pat Fatty Wei's shoulder, also laughing so hard that he couldn't draw breath, "Fatty ... your only merit ... is ... shamelessness ..."

There is no physical training in the morning, the new recruits eggs heart secretly happy, learning guns to learn more than ten o'clock, Wu Yi let the new recruits in front of the rain cloth, and then teach everyone to dismantle the gun - with the terminology of the army, this is called the decomposition of the gun combined, is an important must basic class.

After explaining a few times, Wu Yi took out a stopwatch and said: "Although today is the first time you learn to disassemble and combine, I see that many of you can usually recite the parameters of this gun backwards and forwards, so I don't know how you are in practice. In this way, let's test to see who breaks down the combination of the fastest, you can rest assured that our veterans require thirty seconds to complete, you guys, not counting the results, only to see who is fast and who is slow."

At this time, in front of Li Zheng Zhang Jian intentionally or unintentionally glanced back at Li Zheng, that expression is obviously full of all kinds of contempt.

Li Zheng thought to himself, this bastard must have dismantled it before, so this is sneering at himself.

His competitive spirit came up again.

Decomposition bonding Well, how difficult is it?

The 95-1's disassembly combination had a total of 16 steps, which was quite simple to say, but not simple.

In a word, it is to disassemble a gun from a complete state to a part state, and then combine it from a part state to a complete state.

Li Zheng did the 4th step, to take out the hammer, the gun and the reloading yellow encountered some trouble, according to the action, he must pull back the hammer to remove, and then pull out the reloading yellow, and then pull back the gun.

However, when removing the hammer, it flew out because it was too hasty, and instead of landing on the raincloth, it landed on the concrete floor, making a crisp clanking sound.

Li Zheng hurriedly reached out to pick it up when a sudden bellow came from behind him, "Nonsense! What are you doing!"

The voice was like a thunderbolt, Li Zheng coldly shook his hand and was scared.