
a chance encounter

"Ouch momma! Right, right, right, rub here, and there ... down a bit, and then down a bit ..."

Li Zheng took the orthopedic water, and Fatty Wei sat in front of him, bare upper body itself revealing the tiger's back for Li Zheng to rub the medicinal water on himself.

"At this rate, I think I'm going to die in the barracks."

He wailed and cried, "I really can't stand it ..."

At noon today, Fatty Wei had been pulled by the bomb throwing commando for a whole hour, and now his arms couldn't even stretch straight.

The worst thing is that when aiming the gun in the afternoon he was penalized once for three kilometers because his hands were shaking and he was found to be unstable according to the gun when checked by Wu Yi.

Li Zheng said, "Don't scream, if you can throw a good or above you wouldn't have to go to the commando every day to throw bombs."

While saying this, he poured orthopedic water into his palm and smeared it on Fatty Wei's shoulder blades and elbows, then rubbed them fiercely.

"Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy - gently, gently! It hurts!"

Li Zheng rubbed while saying, "You have a thick waist and thick arms, so there is no lack of strength, how come you can't throw far?"

After two months of training, Wei Fatty a fat ten to seven or eight, the original shirt off a white fat, is now sunburned into a bronze color, the muscles are also a bit of a contour.

Wei fat although not high, but the body shape can not be small, before is fat, now a lot of thin, more muscles, appear strong.

"I don't know ..." Wei Fatty said with a bitter face, "I just follow the squad leader to teach, run, lead the bomb, wringing the waist, swinging the arm, snapping the wrist ... I all Do enough ah, but the grenade is not fly far, I can do?"

Li Zheng can throw the bomb 41 meters, his results in the recruits is not bad, so do not have to go to the assault team.

Fatty Wei threw a bomb he had seen, running as fierce as the wind, swinging his arm as fast as electricity, but I do not know why, after the grenade off the hand like a drunk who did not have enough to eat, staggering in the air rotating, plopping on the 35 meter line below.

According to the fat man's action is not bad, some recruits throw the bomb posture is wrong in a strange way, the kind of cast not far from the reasonable, but the fat man's action is absolutely standard.

Especially in the commando team was "exercise" for so long, a variety of corrections, the action has been very wow, but the grenade is not far to throw.

This Wu Yi also personally gave him a small stove, and finally even Wu Yi despaired, even the squad leader can not see what is wrong, that fat Wei is equivalent to a death sentence - hopeless.

"Commando's, five kilometer commando's, gather up!"

At the doorway, Wu Yi's figure swung in and stood there yelling towards the platoon room.

"Hurry up and hurry up! Don't delay, let's go and move around before it gets dark!"

"Isn't this killing me?" Fatty Wei almost cried out, "Reporting to the squad leader, I can't even lift my fast son up from dropping bombs at noon and eating at night, can I take a vacation?"

Wu Yi walked to the side of Fatty Wei, looked at the bone water in Li Zheng's hand, and then looked at Fatty Wei's half-finished "muscles", and then said: "Run five kilometers with legs, your hand pain and legs have anything to do with it? You want you to use your hands to run?"


Fatty Wei's face suddenly became a rotten pig's liver.

The squad leader said seems to be very reasonable, can not be refuted ah ...

Several other recruits in the platoon who failed the five kilometers went out one by one with their heads hanging down to go to the assembly, and Fatty Wei sat on the bench and didn't move.

Wu Yi said: "Wei Guoxing, is it me I ask you to go out? Five kilometers dragging behind, that is dragging the whole platoon behind, if it is a big test, that is dragging the whole company behind, do you think so you still have the face? Besides, next week is the big test before the next company, do you think I'll let you drag our platoon down like this?"

Fatty Wei said bitterly, "Squad Leader, I think I am hopeless, how about this ..."

His small eyes flooded with a light of hope: "I heard that the troops to raise pigs do not need any physical fitness, you go down to the company right after the company commander said that I threw me to raise pigs well, I go to raise pigs will not drag everyone's hind legs ..."

When Wu Yi heard this, he first froze, then suddenly laughed maniacally for a while before stopping.

He bent down and said to Fatty Wei, "Wei Guoxing ah Wei Guoxing, you are really something, raising pigs, hahahaha! You think more than ten years ago ah? Now the first-line combat troops have no side business, our platoon leader as a soldier when the company has a pig farmer, now long gone, you listen to who you pull this crap? Pig farming? What the hell are you thinking?"

"Huh? No more pig farmers?"

Fatty Wei's last hope was gone.

"Then can I go to the Cooking class?"

Wu Yi sniffed, so angry that he couldn't even curse, instead he laughed: ''Cooking class? Who told you that the cooking class doesn't need to be tested? I'm telling you, the cooking class will still have to carry guns and pots and pans and run along with everyone else during the big test. Your military quality is poor, the cooking class doesn't even want you, do you think you can get into the cooking class just because you want to?"

After saying this, he pulled Fatty Wei up from the stool.

"Get up, don't delay everyone's time, after running back to take a break will be night training."

"Come back and still have to train ah ..." Fatty Wei took the physical fitness clothes, people are going to collapse, like a prisoner was escorted out of the door by Wu Yi.

"Squad leader!" Li Zheng caught up and asked Wu Yi, "Is it okay for me to run along with the commandos too?"

Wu Yi was surprised, "You, Li Zheng, have no problem with five kilometers, why are you coming along? You think you are too comfortable?"

Li Zheng said, "I can run with Wei Guoxing, having someone to run with will help him improve his performance."

Wu Yi think about it, he alone with this group of "commandos" is not over, there is Li Zheng such good training results to follow the accompaniment of running and encouragement, twice the result with half the effort.

"Okay, run together."


The two are turning around is going to go to the five kilometer starting line, behind came Zhang Jian's voice.

Wu Yi turned around, "What? You're going to run too?"

"Yes!" Zhang Jian said, "I also want to increase my training and improve my performance."

Wu Yi nodded approvingly and said to Fatty Wei, "See, people Zhang Jian's five kilometers are veteran level, he also voluntarily increases his meal, learn from it, it's called a role model!"

Zhang Jian heard Wu Yi praising himself and was overjoyed, intentionally or unintentionally glancing in Li Zheng's direction.

Li Zheng thought to himself, what's wrong with this bastard?

On second thought, he figured it out again.

In fact, Zhang Jian must have been staring at himself, and for two months, he had been competing with himself all the time.

Now he applied to voluntarily follow the five-kilometer assault team of this group of comrades to run together, it is estimated that Zhang Jian saw some fidgety, fearing that he increased the amount of training, and in the future, the big test is really folded in their hands.

He can not afford to lose.

This person is really ...

Li Zheng cried and laughed.

In fact, he really does not have and Zhang Jian fight one day of the length of the heart.

It was only Zhang Jian who was bewildered.

The team began to set off along the five kilometer route, running out two kilometers, Fatty Wei's limit state came out.

Generally speaking, other people are running to more than three kilometers when the limit state, the so-called limit state is to feel the breath can not breathe oxygen, the head lack of oxygen in front of the eyes black, limbs out of a kind of extreme exhaustion state.

This state, people are most likely to choose to slow down or even give up to continue to run, once you give up, all the previous work is lost.

In the army ran five kilometers cross-country people understand that the limit state is a crisis, but there are also opportunities, as long as you can hold on to the past, do not decelerate, the limit state is usually no more than one kilometer will pass, once the past, the person is like a pass through the two veins of the spirit of a sudden, will be more comfortable than the previous run.

Fatty Wei usually can't survive the limit state, usually give up at that time, to put it bluntly is the willpower collapse, collapse is finished.

"Backpack straps! Tie him down! Drag!"

Wu looked out.

In this situation, I'm afraid that relying on Fatty Wei's own willpower won't last, the only way is to let the fast runners use the backpack straps to drag them around without running.

When dragged more and adapted in the future, the five kilometer cross-country performance will improve.

This is all the experience of being a squad leader leading soldiers.

Li Zheng took out the backpack strap that had been prepared long ago and tied it directly to Fatty Wei's waist.

Wu Yi greeted Zhang Jian, "You drag Ma Teng! He can't make it either!"

"It's you guys?"

Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared beside the crowd.

At a glance, it was actually that major Zhuang Yan.

"Chief ..."

Li Zheng was just about to shout hello to the chief when Zhuang Yan stopped it.

"You don't need to shout this during training, don't shout!"

Then looked at Fatty Wei and Ma Teng who was already green and white in the face.

"Oh, to the limit, hold on oh!"