
Ballad of The Necromancer

Nik Holengrave's life as Heir to the second richest family in the world was never extravagant as one might think. As the eldest son his family's expectations of him were high, but when his grandfather told him he would have the poverty training, all of the Holengrave Family looked down towards Nik saying he wouldn't be able to live without money since he can barely hold up on his own. Since then years had past when the Caldinian war had broke out, leaving Nik and his best friend to both get drafted into the war, he willingly agreed knowing his family would look at him differently if he did. But unknown to Nik his Future was not only destined to be the Heir of the Holengrave family but the Sole protector to his entire worlds existence as well. A/N: My book has no schedule for chapters. My life is busy as a college student and I write my chapters in what ever spare free time I have -TheBarista

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2 Chs

Ch.1 The World Beyond

All his life Nikolas Holengrave has hated his past from having a drunk military father who blamed him all his life and a mother who stole money from his account that he earned from a job he worked hard at and left without a trace, to being used by his best friend who cheated with his girlfriend. But what kept him from this place was Music and playing the occasional D&D Campaign to escape his world and find a way to get past his troubles. The only thing Nik's Dad did for him was saving money for during the 7 years he was unwillingly drafted into the Military after highschool to use during and after College. Since the Military paid for College tuition, his dad probably saved it as a way to kick him out with out any complaints about financial problems when he came back. But that was 4 years ago and College Graduation was tomorrow. His Roommate and Best Friend Logan Golteran was working on a D&D campaign to play after Graduation to celebrate.

"Finally graduating college 11 years after graduating high school, who would've know that me, A band kid who was drafted into the military would have to wait 8 years to graduate all because of a damn war over a fucking energy crystal ." Nik says thinking out loud.

Logan then says "And now the government is saying it wasn't worth the war for that new energy source saying it wasn't what they believed it was" then Logan said in a sarcastic voice "You weren't the only one there chief" then stands up to stretch and says "Remember I was drafted too"

Remembering this Nik replied "I know you were but still 5 years if a fucking long time, remember we had planned to open the Gaming Restaurant four years ago if we hadn't gotten drafted."

Logan then states "But we did alright and neither one of us died out there. And plus since your dad was saving you money, and if we try to sell the pieces of the crystals that they let us keep a token to keep us from talking about what happened, we can easily buy a location without having to rent it out. And with any extra funds we have left we could use towards some of the PCs and Consoles we need"

After hearing this Nik said " Remember that they let us keep it only if we didn't tell the story of what happened and never to sell it. One I don't remember anything after grabbing the crystal with my hand, and remember we already paid for them to be turned into pendants which was hard enough. And also, I already told you not to mention my Dad."

Logan trying to change the subject: "You going to propose to Kendra after the Graduation?"

Nik surprised to be asked this replies "I think I might propose when we all go to the Beach with the rest of Group."

Logan says "Not a bad Idea but...."

Logan is then interrupted by the doorbell and says back in a angry tone "Who could that be this late at night" and starts walking towards the door and once opening it a UPS Delivery Guy is standing there and after realizing that someone answered the door he immediately asked:

"Is this the residence of Nik Holengrave?"

Logan answers saying "yeah he does, he's my roommate, let me go get him for you" And turns around and yells "Yo Nik, you got a delivery"

Nik starts heading towards the door and the Delivery Guy says "Here's the package and let me get my IPad so you can sign" then instantly pulls out IPad and Stylus for Nik to sign. And after Nik has Signed says "You guys have a good evening"

After closing the Door Logan asks "What is it?"

and Nik replied "I don't know" and heads towards the table Logan was previously working on the campaign on and opens the package. He pulls out two small wooden rectangular pendant boxes and a smaller rectangular wooden box as well. After realizing what they were he says they are the pendants we ordered. And after seeing the smaller square box Logan asks "If the two larger ones are the pendants what's in the small one?"

Nik replies "Remember How they let me keep the larger piece that I took instead of getting the smaller ones like you and the rest of the people there?"

Logan Answers "Yeah, but what does that have to do with the smaller one?"

Nik than says "I had asked if it was big enough to make a pendant and two matching wedding bands."

Logan replying with a stern voice " That's why it was so expensive and you only made me pay a third of the price instead of half"

Nik nodding his head says "but anyway we need to start getting ready for bed" and gives him his pendant box and then starts putting on his pendant.

Logan in a worried voice "your wearing yours to bed? We still don't understand this new mineral and it's effects on the human body. What if it kills you in your sleep or something?"

Nik replied sarcastically " I'm pretty sure if I wear it at night it won't kill me, remember I had it when it wasn't split in my pocket for like 3 months and nothing happened."

Logan then states "But it was in a small pouch when it was in your pocket"

Nik then says in a reassuring voice " it'll be fine. if it was that dangerous they would have taken them back from us"

"True. But I'm not putting mine on till tomorrow" Logan claims as they enters their room." and if you're going to wear the Pendant, you might as well wear the ring with it."

"Fine, but if I don't die tonight your paying for my coffee tomorrow."

Logan replies "deal" But unknown to Nik, the true reason Logan was asking him if he was going propose to kendra was becuase Logan knew something about her that Nik didn't. But Logan didn't want to Bother Nik with it.

"I just don't trust her" They(Logan) said aloud. (Logan is Non-Binary)

30 minutes later....

Nik's bedroom.

Nik had just gotten out of the shower and gotten dressed to go to bed. but as he was walking out of the bathroom he passed by his full body mirror and took a glimpse and stopped when he saw the massive scar on his right shoulder. Then he stopped and looked in the mirror. His chestnut brown hair which is usually messy but upkept was now wild and crazy. Nik, being barely 6'1" and slim leaning towards the bulkier side was a lot more good looking than he thought, even when he put on his glasses he still looked good. the one thing that bothered him the most was how his face looked. His eyes in particular. During the war the color of Nik's eyes had changed from a hazel brown to a stunning light amethyst purple. After looking at his Fitbit and noticed the time he headed for bed. After grabbing the pendant from his nightstand and putting it on he headed to sleep

BOOM! Nik awakens instantly from the noise and realized he ain't in his room anymore. He looks around and noticed that he was now in a large rectangular tent with a pack full of supplies and what looks to be a violin case. He cautiously looked out the entrance to see what the noise was and sees a battle in the distance. He gets up not realizing he is taller than before and hits his head on the lantern hanging in the middle of the tent. "Ow that hurt." and then is surprised by the change in his voice, which sounded deeper than before. "What the hell? Why is my voice s...." and before even being able to finish his sentence a large humanoid with pointy ears interrupts him and says "Beru your finally awake. We need to hurry, the Waltiran Clan is here and We are their targets. We need to go this instant!"

Before Nik can even respond a large boulder heads straight towards them and lands 5 feet away with the impact knocking him out in the battlefield of this unknown world.

Moments later...

" Master Beru, are you Ok sir? Oh no, please Master Beru wake up! Wake up, your in danger!" the short humanoid figure said calling out trying to bring Nik out of his daze.

The impact of the boulder caused Nik to be dazed almost like a shockwave from a flash grenade. And as he was coming back from that daze Nik realized the humanoid figure from before was calling to him by that name again "Beru" and as it kept echoing in his mind he thought "Where have I heard that name before?"and as he fully regained consciousness he looked at the humanoid figure from before and looked more closely and realized that this figure reminds him of the drawings of a Half-elf but much older. fighting can be heard all around them but this fighting was unfamiliar to Nik since he heard the noises of swords clashing, arrows hitting armor, soldiers yelling, and catapults firing. It felt so unreal almost as if he was in a medieval dream.

"Sir are you alright?" asked the Half-elf.

"Besides waking up, almost dying, and not knowing what the hell is going on, I'm Fine" Nik answers in a sarcastic voice and when he sees the Half-elf sigh in relief Nik then starts immediately saying in a loud and a furious voice "No I'm not alright! I don't know where the hell I am, who you are, and why the hell people are after me!"

Then the shocked Half-elf replied briefly "You must have hit the ground hard and must have forgotten the events of the last few days. You are at the Contavian Soldiers Guild Camp in the Mountain region of Contavion. We were told to protect you as you searched for your beloved." Then the Half-elf stood tall and said "And I Colin Trinidad, butler and humble servant to the Valderno Noble Family, was here to serve you, Beru Valderno, the Bard of the Dead, as instructed by your father. But that's what not important right now we need to get you out of j

here!" And them started grabbing Nik's things for him, preparing for departure.

After hearing this, Nik remembered where he had heard the name "Beru" from. He remembered he had been called that name by a enemy one time during his time in the Crystal War. 'But what did that have to do me coming to this world? My squad called me the Bard as a nickname since I was a musician and used Beru as my call sign but other than that I have no other relation to this world and what did he mean by Bard of the Dead? To find out more information Nik quickly asked "Colin, what else did my father instruct you to do?"

Colin replied "to make sure you made it to the second family estate in Anteratem City. So you can find information on who captured your Fiancé."

Nik then said "then let's get out of this hell of a battlefield, preferably without any more Injuries."

"Yes sir" replied Colin and then helped Nik retrieve his things. And after having everything packed Colin asked "Sir is these yours?" And when Nik's eyes stared down both the pendant and the wedding band with the crystals embedded within, Colin said in a worried voice "Sir is something wrong"

Nik's head started to race with hundreds of questions. Yes something was wrong. Why are these here. How are they the only familiar thing in this mysterious world? Are they the reason why I am in this world? Are the crystals purpose to travel between worlds? And am I the only one to figure this out?

"No, everything is alright, I was reminded that those are one of the most valuable things to me" answered Nik in a comforting tone trying to hide his worry.

"Then it's a good thing we found them before we left. Now let's get going, we have stayed longer than we should've. Now let's go before the attackers see us trying to escape!" replied Colin and then headed out with Nik following behind.

"You four, come with us" Colin demanded as he pointed at four Contavian Soldiers heading out to fight.

To keep themselves from being seen, Colin used teleport magic to get them as far as possible. And when they reappeared Colin led the group on the long Journey to Anteratem. Along the way Nik tried to make a mental map of the new world around him. Huge waterfalls twisting rivers. huge Mountains in the vast background.

"How did I end up in a place Like this" Nik said talking to himself. And as the path grew wider the city finally came in sight, coming closer and closer with each step.

As they got closer, more and more Nik began to see many more people, all from various races, making Nik feel more in a medieval fantasy mood.

Even though the Valderno Private Estate was located in the Outskirts of the main city Contavion: Anteratem Falls, the Hidden Beauty of Caldinian, it still seemed more out of place than one would think..

"Finally, Home at last" exclaimed Colin as he walked through the gates into the estate. "Beru How do you feel being here after 4 years of studying at the School of Necromancy?"

Unsure how to repl to this question, Nik just answered "To be honest, I'm not sure. But hopefully after things settle down I should be fine"

Colin replied "That's seems reasonable. Let's head to your quarters then, shall we?"

A/N- Logan is Non-binary that is why the pronouns they/them were used.

*Announcment to those reading my book, I don't have a set Schedule for chapters. I'm a current college student therefore I have trouble writing chapters. But don't worry most of the time I have a plan for what I want to write for the next chapter and this story is evolving so there will be changes to the plot many times throughout.

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