
Crayon Man/New Beginning

From a far distance you could see a building that overtowered everything in sight. A building made out of glass and had 4 separate parts forming a square, with skywalks connecting them. This building was none other than U.A. High.

"DIIIEEEEE!" Someone yelled as they were blasting people away.

The person who yelled this was none other than Bakugo. U.A. had been attacked by the villains again, but this time the heros appeared to be losing. Almost all of Bakugos classmates were already down if not dead. Bakugo was already nearing the end himslef as well. He was fighting Kurogiri, of course he didnt know that was his name but still.

"YOOOUU BAAASTAARRRD!" Bakugo yelled again.

By this point everyone was down, even All Might and All for One. They brought killing strikes to eachother at the same time resulting in instant death. Midoriya was severely injured and was being treated by recovery girl who was somehow still able to use her quirk after healing all those other students.

Bakugo was extremely tired and hurt thus giving Kurogiri the opportunity to strike. He runs foward, going towards Bakugo pulling his sword back and getting ready to deal the last blow


Midoriya ran in front of Bakugo taking the hit and slowly falling foward. He was dead, and Bakugo could tell that much. His childhood friend... The one he treated so terribly, risked his life to save his. Even though Bakugo made fun of him even after he got a quirk. He was so mean and now he was regretting it severely. He couldnt even say goodbye or sorry and this angered him to an extent that he had never been before.

Everything around him began to melt, his body was getting hot due to the fact that he was about to explode. But he kept himself calm enough not to do so, if he did explode he would probably pass out giving this guy the win and even though the people Bakugo knew were dead he still had more people to go back to. Then it hit him.

'Is there anyone alive at all?'

His mother probably went to help civilians or others who didnt have quirks and with the amount of strong villains that came out of nowhere, what's to say that the villains that were in hiding didnt take advantage of this and go to their side. However he didnt let this thought reside in his mind for to long cause he still had a fight to win.

About 30 minutes later Bakugo still hadn't made much progress in hurting Kurogiri but Kurogiri hasnt made any progress hurting Bakugo either, but Bakugo was really low on stamina at this point. He ran towards Kurogiri pulling his fist back to punch him. From the looks of it this looked like a normal punch but that was because Bakugo was waiting to release it all at once, once he got close enough. This would be his one last punch before he probably dies and he wasnt planning to go down alone.

At the same time Kurogiri was running towards him as well. He made a portal appear underneath Bakugo but he jumped over it getting faster and faster. You can hear Kurogiri clicking his tongue as he still ran towards Bakugo. If he couldnt kill him he planned to make a portal, taking him to some unknown place so he couldnt get in the way again. Purple mist started to form around him and Bakugo noticed but it was to late as he was already to close.

'Fine! If your gonna play that way than I'll just kill you before you can do anything'

He thought this as he was getting ready to release a big explosion, big enough to destroy a neighborhood. It's a move hes been working on but couldnt really use it, as all the villains he fought until now didnt last long enough for him to build up enough sweat to cause the explosion.

Then at the same time, Kurogiri used his quirk and about a millisecond before he did, Bakugo used his as well.

*BOOOOOOOM!* A big orange mushroom erupted into the sky causing smoke to go everywhere.

After the explosion settled down you could see a burnt figure laying dead on the ground. It was barely recognizable - No scratch that, it didnt even look human. This figure was Kurogiri, Bakugo succeeded in killing him however he didnt succeed in preventing himslef from going into the portal.

(Somewhere Else)

Somewhere in the midst of nowhere you could see a teenager boy with ash colored hair and red eyes. He seemed to be yelling at himself?


At that exact moment he saw an all white figure in the distance. Since Bakugo had been there for quite some time and was beginning to lose it, he would've thought that it was a white crayon if not for the fact that he still had some rationality left.

That figure grew closer by the second and once it appeared in front of Bakugo he launched at it going in for a punch. His fist went through the figure and confused him for a second before he realized that he couldnt use his quirk.

"I disabled your quirk temporarily, now listen to me" The crayon said.

Bakugo looked pissed but sat down to listen as he knew he wasnt a match for the crayon.

"So your calling me crayon now huh? Well whatever, back to the main point you are not dead however you can't go back to your original world. Once kicked out, or in your case forced out, you cannot go back in. But you have no one that you used to know living anymore anyway so I suppose its fine" He said in a normal tone.

He was beginning to question where this was. It seemed that the portal took him someplace that wasnt on his planet. Bakugo looked sad at this. That meant his family were all dead and all his friends were as well. He didnt know why but he felt the urge to listen to this crayon for some reason, and so he did, unwillingly of course. It was as if his body was forcing him to listen.

"You have two choices. One being that you come with me and work for the safe haven, also what you humans know as heaven, meaning that you will never die and work there forever. Or two being that I will send you to another world" Hs said expecting him to choose the first option.

It wasnt often crayon met someone that was in the same predicament as Bakugo, and when he gave them the choice they all chose the first one out of the two. He expected Bakugo to be the same but was surprised to hear his answer, or more like question.

"Can I choose the world?" He said with a bit of a sad tone.

I mean who wouldnt be sad, he lost everyone and everything in the time span of just one day. He didnt wake up this morning expecting that to happen. Crayon began to speak again.

"Yes, I dont see why not"

"Tell me the worlds then" He said in a bit of a demanding tone. Bakugo, although trying to stop himself from being too rude still had the tendency to have a demanding tone in his voice.

Crayon then went over the worlds Bakugou was allowed in, (since he would've just been a cheat in most of those worlds, so he just named a couple really) he also explained the worlds functions a bit to him. Bakugo had no idea what any of these worlds were, and was confused by the names of it. One was a ramen topping (Naruto) and the other sounded like you were shipping together two people who hunted for a living (Hunter x Hunter).

'He doesnt know he was created by someone from another world that dont have powers, I find it a bit funny though' Crayon thought to himself.

Bakugo got lost on the first world crayon explained, which was Naruto. He was stuck on the name and thought it was stupid however he didnt notice that in the beginning the crayon said he would tell him the world name, not the planet.

Bakugo got even more lost when crayon stared explaining the second world, and again he was stuck on the name.

"Now what world would you like to go to?" Crayon asked knowing that he wasnt even paying attention, and he wasnt going to explain it a second time either.

Bakugo only hearing the first two worlds thought about it for a second. He didnt want to go to some ramen topping world soo...

"Hunter x Hunter" He said.

"Then I wish you the best of luck, and I hope to not see you anytime soon. I wont help nor interfere with you. I will spectate every now and then to make sure your doing all right" He said with a smile. He thought Bakugo was quite unique since he didnt choose what everybody else did and not only that but he asked if he could choose the world as well.


"Yes, yes" Crayon said smiling and continued.

"Go through here and you'll arrive in your new world" Crayon said pointing to a portal.

Bakugo began walking towards the portal and before he went through he turned his head around and said a quick 'thanks' before turning back and jumping in the portal.

"You are very welcome" The crayon said while smiling, which soon turned into a frown.

"Oh! I forgot to tell him that I was going to change his age to match the age of the protagonist. Welp whatever, nothing I can do about it now" He said speaking to no one and turned around, disappearing back into the dark void.

(On Whale Island)

You can see an 11 year old standing there wearing a weird costume that was to big for him. He seemed to be cursing to himself [A/N: This situation seems familiar].

"YOUR SOOO DEEEEEEAAAADD!" He yelled (again) at the top of his voice, preferably speaking (or trying to speak) to the crayon.

Bakugo regretted saying thanks.