

The weeks really did seem to just fly by, Deku, Icyhot and I were getting ready for Christmas and in order for us to get gifts for each other we actually had to be away from each other. Damn it all, I do not like this. I am currently walking around the mall with Kaminari, Sero and Ashido. Kirishima is here too but he is keeping his distance. A lot of it. For fucks sake you have got to be fucking kidding me!

Am I really going to have to force him to be fucking normal again? I see him slumped in a chair about three tables away from the rest of us and I can't help my eyes twitching in irritation. Fuck it.

"Shitty Hair get your ass over here and stop acting like you kicked a fucking dog with your quirk!" I tried so hard not to scream, I failed but I tried so that has to count for something right?

He nearly jumped out of his skin and to say that the rest of the squad jumped would be an understatement; Kaminari actually fell on the floor. When Kiri finally joined us at the table I took a deep breath and leveled my glare directly at him before talking again.

"Stop fucking tiptoeing around me like I'm going kill you with a goddamn glare. I'm not going to fucking bite you or some shit!" I ground out the words, managing not to raise my voice again. I'm actually rather proud of that, Deku and Icyhot would be too. I just know it.

"Look I'm sorry, I just didn't want to make you more uncomfortable than I-"

"What the fuck do you call this? What about you moping three tables away is comfortable? You fucked up, yeah. Doesn't mean I hate you now. Just means I trust others more!" I groaned, rubbing a hand over my face. Why does he have to be so fucking irritating? Thank All Might he can't do Icyhot's kicked puppy look. I would be doomed.

I take a deep breath and drop my hands back down to the table and let my glare land on his still shocked eyes, "Look Kiri, just because I love Deku and Icyhot doesn't mean I hate you. No you can't have that place for me again but if you're not a fucking ass about it you can be my friend again." I waited and it wasn't lost on me that Sero dropped his chopsticks in his shock at what I was saying but I ignored him.

I kept thinking back to my talks with my two boyfriends and how they both supported me reviving the friendship, a little too much if you ask me, but whatever. After a few heartbeats I leaned back in my seat and took a drink of my coconut milk and just waited for them all to process what I said. Go figure my squad had to be idiots.

"Wait, you love Midoriya and Todoroki?" Kaminari asked from his place, still on the floor. I rolled my eyes and motioned to his chair and he finally got up and sat back down properly.

"Kind of hard not to. They..." I froze trying to think of how to say it. "They earned it," I let a small smile form on my face as I think of how they made me feel so at peace with myself. So loved from their attention and how they never once pulled any punches either while we talked or sparred. They really are the perfect boyfriends.

"Oh my All Might. That smile is adorable!" Ashido squealed, making said smile disappear.

"Fuck Raccoon Eyes why did you have to go and ruin my fucking mood," I grumbled turning back to my milk sulking. Is it really that bad that thinking of them makes me smile? Isn't that kind of the point of a relationship?

"Have you told them yet?" Kami asked next, not letting the conversation go. I let the smile return to my face thinking about how we all said it for the first time a few months ago.

We had been wrestling in the park again and it wasn't until we all had collapsed in the thick pile of red and golden leaves watching the sun sink down over the treetops that we finally just laid there and enjoyed holding each other. Fall had quickly become my favorite time of year considering how many dates we went on, but that will probably change considering how we wake up cuddled so close together in the cold mornings now.

I snapped out of it; "yeah." My voice was soft as the colors of the leaves replayed in my mind again. I don't even remember putting the straw in my mouth let alone drinking all of my drink until it was gone. I blinked several times looking at my cup. Just when? Nevermind it doesn't really matter anyway.

"Dude, you have it bad." The way Kaminari said that irked me but I can't pinpoint why so I just glared at him.

"Do you have plans for Christmas yet? I know we are here so you can get them gifts but what are you going to DO on Christmas?" Sero asked and honestly he actually looked curious.

I smiled as I started telling them our plans and watched them go green with envy. "We are going to Icyhot's house, Endeavor is going out of the country. There is a lake there and we are going to ice skate on top of it. Set up a tent or Icyhot and Deku mentioned wanting to make an igloo? Anyway and then we'll start a campfire and just camp out there." The romantic part is now done. I let an evil smirk replace it.

"Then before the fucker gets back we are going to-"

"And stop! Full stop. We will have an alibi ready for all three of you but don't tell us what happens," it was Kaminari and I just stared at him. Is he actually being smart right now?

"Dude, if I know, I'm going to talk. You know it, they know it, she knows it and I know it." He motioned to each of us as he talked and shrugged his shoulders. "We are having a triple date at my house of movies and snacks after spending the afternoon alone with our dates doing our own thing. Your alibi is solid so don't do anything too crazy."

I stared at him in shock, my mouth slightly open. Damn... Damn... Fucking damn?

"Bakubro- I mean... Bakugo. We are still your friends. I'm still your friend," I raise an eyebrow confused, where the hell is he going with that? "What I mean is; can I still be your friend?"

I just looked at him for several moments, I mean didn't I already basically say that? I take a deep breath reminding myself that they are all morons and I needed to be patient no matter how much I wanted to strangle them sometimes.

"Kirishima," I said his name as if it hurt to say it, and he noticed. He looked down already expecting me to either scream at him or tell him off but I kept going. "I am trying to get you to BE a friend again. It is fucking painful to deal with you like this. I just wanted... Fuck it. I wanted my best friend back. You're an ass, yeah but I'm a real fucking piece of work. So don't fuck it up again or I won't stop Deku and Icyhot from murdering you this time." I never let my glare leave him and this time Sero wasn't the only one that dropped his chopsticks.

"Wait, you stopped Midoriya from murdering someone? I mean I kind of understand Todoroki but Midoriya?" Sero asked in a shocked whisper.

"Careful, after your mess up with the class chat months ago he wasn't the only one needing saving." I grumbled before standing up and throwing away my trash and coming back. When I sat down again I looked up to see Sero was very, very pale as what I said made itself at home in his head.

I let my eyes wonder over all three of them gaging their reactions; Ashido was clutching Sero's hand as if he were hanging off a cliff and the only thing keeping him alive at the moment. Sero looked like he was about to pass away, his ghost was practically already outside of his body with him just sitting there. Kiri though looked shocked, like the world he lived in had rewritten all the rules that he knew.

"So are we actually going to shop? Or what?" I groaned again before they all shook themselves out of their stupor. For the first time since Kiri broke my heart I see him smile. It wasn't a lot, just a small one but the fact that he was happy with the idea of me wanting to be friends again. Maybe, just maybe, we could be.