
Baki Into Bleach

Baki is Transported to the World of bleach.

DrWright · Cómic
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28 Chs

Baki's Ability

Authors Note: Naruto Fanfic coming soon. Uh also this chapter was pretty good eh? Things are spicing back up again. Anyway leave a review (Good reviews....) and powerstones. Feel free to ask questions. That's all for now!

-End of Note

After the flames had finally dissipated, everyone rushed back into the building, slightly worried whether Ichigo and Ganju had survived the attack. To their surprise, the two seemed to be fine. They were too busy being terrorized by Kukaku to notice everyone else had returned.

After Kukaku had finished threatening and assaulting the two, she turned to the rest of the group and said, "Come with me, it's time I show you our method of transport." Without any objections, the group followed the woman down the hall to a room which housed a large tower. The group stared in awe of the height of what they perceived to be a building. "What crazy woman has a tower in her house?" Baki mocked. Kukaku turned to Baki and gave him a death stare before asking her two henchmen to bring the cannon up. "This is a cannon, not a tower!" she emphasized. "That doesn't make it any less weird," Baki mumbled.

They went back outside, their attention still being stolen by the cannon that reached the sky. Kukaku recovered their attention by revealing an orb with a red mark on it. "This is a Reishukaku, a spirit core to put it in simple terms," she said and tossed the orb over to Ichigo who barely caught it. "What are we meant to do with this?" Ichigo asked with a confused expression. The rest of the group seemed to share the same sentiment; they were unaware of what the orb's use was for. Baki interjected and said, "You must be the biggest idiot I know; it's obvious what it's for." Baki's comment seemed to irk Ichigo. "Why don't you demonstrate then, Mr. Know It All?" Ichigo said before tossing the orb to Baki. "Hey, this isn't a toy, you know," Kukaku protested. Baki caught the ball with one hand and smiled. "I guess I'll teach you something new today," he scoffed.

Baki placed two hands on the ball and closed his eyes; he pictured a cannonball enveloping around him and began fortifying it with his mind. For a few seconds, nothing happened, causing Ichigo to burst into laughter while rolling on the floor. "He looks so silly!" Ichigo said. Kukaku looked over at Ganju and said, "Hey, Ganju, show them how it's done." Ganju nodded and as he was about to grab the Reishukaku from Baki, he was pushed back by what felt like a barrier. Ganju, who thought he was just hallucinating from being concussed by his sister earlier, attempted to reach for the orb again but failed. "Stop messing around and grab the damn orb already!" Kukaku yelled at Ganju. Ganju turned to his sister scratching the back of his head and meekly said, "But.. I can't."

Baki opened his eyes and looked at Ganju before saying, "That's because the cannonball has already been made." Kukaku, getting impatient, stomped over to Baki and reached for the spirit core but instead, her fingers collided with something that she couldn't see. "An invisible barrier.." Kukaku stuttered. Yoruichi walked over to Baki and jumped above him to ascertain for herself whether or not this invisible barrier was existent. Yoruichi was falling towards Baki's head, but her fall was broken by a curved surface a few centimeters above him. "She's floating!" Orihime shouted. Ichigo, who had now realized what was going on, stopped rolling on the floor and laughing, but instead figured he would try it out for himself.

Ichigo reached for his blade and swung at Baki, confident that if there wasn't really a barrier, Baki could dodge. Clang! Ichigo's arm that was previously coming down on Baki to strike him was sent back up. "You almost hit me, you fool!" Yoruichi yelled. She looked down at Baki and began to think, "This is a monstrous ability, but let me try something." Yoruichi jumped down and faced Baki. "Baki, imagine there is energy in the atmosphere; try to gather it and fortify your barrier with it." Baki closed his eyes once again and envisioned orbs of light around him and began gathering it. After he had gathered a large amount, he encased the barrier in the energy, leaving no empty spots.

Kukaku's eyes widened, and so did Yoruichi's. The invisible barrier now became visible and it was covered in a murky crimson aura that seemed to slowly be stealing more of the reishi in the air. "The ability of the Quincies…" Uryu gasped. "The kid's right, the utilizing of reishi in the atmosphere is an ability that belongs to the Quincies. Baki… What is your origin?" Yoruichi contemplated. Kukaku walked over and knocked on the barrier signaling to Baki to stop. After the barrier ceased to exist, Kukaku said, "Why don't we have a chat; the rest can continue their practice." Baki knew what she was going to ask him and didn't want to follow along, but he had to kill time until the rest had learned how to create the orb.

Yoruichi tagged along, and the three disappeared into the house. Uryu had an uneasy expression on his face. "He can't be Quincy, can he? But they're all supposed to be dead!" he pondered. Chad noticed Uryu's distress and asked, "That's the same power you possess, isn't it?" Uryu nodded while staring at the building that Baki had gone into. Luckily for Baki, he didn't need to explain his situation for the 3rd time; instead, Yoruichi did it for him, saving him the time. "I see.." Kukaku said, slightly disturbed.

"But how did you know what to do with the Reishukaku?" Kukaku asked. Baki frowned and said, "Isn't it obvious? You said our transport method was via cannon, so we are going to be cannonballs. I don't think it would be safe to be shot from a cannon without some sort of a barrier." Yoruichi and Kukaku began laughing at the simplistic explanation, but this laughter was cut short by the shaking of the house. Kukaku rushed to see what it was, and Yoruichi followed. Baki remained and decided to wait until it was settled; after all, if it was an enemy, he wasn't trying to get scorched by Kukaku's ability.

After a while of waiting, the noise stopped, and everyone walked outside past Baki. It seemed it was time to make their great entrance into the Seireitei.