
Bad Girl Reborn

The protagonist of this novel is a complete bad girl, all because she believed that a bad man was her "fate mate" and wrongly trusted him and another despicable woman. This led to her family's ruin and the death of the man who loved her dearly. If given the chance to start over, she would no longer accept such a fate. She wants to cherish all the people who love her and seek revenge against her enemies. Just as she is on the brink of death, a miracle happens, and she is transported back four years. This time, she will not be toyed with like in her past life, and she will seek revenge in her own way. While she has enough tenderness and kindness for her relatives and friends, she has no mercy for her enemies. Anyone who has harmed her or deceived her in her past life will face her various forms of retaliation! Remember, she is a bad girl! Oh, and by the way, it would be nice to have a romantic relationship with Mr. CEO whom she let go in her previous life.

WhenWolfLovesSheep · Ciudad
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70 Chs

Chapter 8: Double Surprise

Diana entered her house with her hands full of bags when she saw Maddie rushing down the stairs. "Diana, what did you say? How is John?" Maddie asked in a hurry.

Diana looked at her strangely and asked, "Maddie, are you worried about me or John?"

"Of course, I'm worried about you. After you apologized, what did he say? Did he get angry at you?" Maddie replied with concern.

"He forgave me, and the engagement party will proceed as planned. Maddie, don't worry," Diana said as she stretched her arms lazily.

"What?!" Maddie's heart sank. She wanted to say more, but suddenly she saw several servants carrying a huge box into the house.

In the two women's puzzled eyes, the box was opened. Inside was a dazzling crown! In the center was a huge blue gemstone, surrounded by sparkling diamonds, making it breathtakingly beautiful. 

"Miss Thompson, this is the crown that the three young masters have chosen for you. They said that since you have decided to marry into the Matthews family, you must dress up beautifully for the engagement banquet!" 

"Wow!" Diana exclaimed in excitement, rushing over to take a closer look at the crown with an expression of pleasant surprise. 

Maddie stood aside, and upon seeing this, her face darkened. She was about to say something when suddenly, the sound of a car outside the door caught their attention. Soon, a man in a suit and leather shoes with a cold expression, accompanied by several others, walked in. It was Ethan, one of John's assistants. 

Upon seeing Diana, he furrowed his brows without a word. If it weren't for the boss's orders, he wouldn't have wanted to come and see this ill-mannered woman.

"Miss Thompson, I am here today on behalf of the boss to bring you a gift," Ethan said, extending his hand for the person outside to bring in several large and small gift boxes. "These gifts were personally selected by the boss for you, and he said that you could use them at your engagement banquet."

Diana suddenly remembered that it was John who had given her a gift in her previous life, but she had not even bothered to glance at it and had thrown it directly to Maddie. The memory made her head spin.

"Thank you, and please thank John for me," Diana politely thanked Ethan.

Ethan was surprised that Diana had such a normal reaction. He had expected her to disdainfully throw the gifts away and say that she didn't care. He wondered if she was planning something else.

"Ethan left the items here, I need to report back first," Ethan said and immediately turned and left.

As soon as he was gone, Diana eagerly began to open the gift box. Maddie stood beside her, watching Diana's happy expression with envy. Why did this stupid girl get everything? The Thompson brothers' crown and John's dress! What was Maddie lacking compared to her, aside from her family background?

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" Diana exclaimed as she opened the gift box, revealing a collection of jewelry.

The largest gift box also contained a dress, custom-made with high-quality fabric in a sophisticated shade of off-white. The dress was also adorned with a silver belt around the waist. With the crown gifted by her three brothers and this dress, Diana was sure to be stunning. She couldn't wait to try it on.

"Diana, these jewels are so beautiful!" Maddie walked over and examined the things John had brought, top to bottom. Suddenly, she took the dress Diana was holding and gestured it on her own body. "Diana, our figures are pretty similar. Can you give me this dress?"

Diana stood in place, thinking she must have misheard. This was too much nerve to say this kind of thing! Diana replied coldly, "Maddie, this is my engagement dress. Do you know what you're saying?"

Maddie looked embarrassed for a moment, not expecting Diana to respond like that. Before, whenever she wanted something, Diana would just give it to her without a second thought.

"Diana, you misunderstand. I thought you didn't want it anymore... since you don't like John." Maddie still didn't believe that Diana was genuinely engaged to John. Just a week ago, she had threatened to die and refused to be with him.

"If you don't like him, there's no need for you to keep his things. Let me take care of it," Maddie said in a gentle tone, but her words were shameless.

Diana snapped the box shut with a loud "click". "No need. This is my stuff and it's up to me how to deal with it. Maddie, please don't say such strange things again." She turned her head and the unfamiliar look in her eyes made Maddie feel uneasy. "I know you meant well, but someone else might think you're eyeing my things," Diana added.

Maddie felt embarrassed and awkward after hearing this.

At that moment, Serena heard a commotion and came down from the second floor. She saw the two standing there, exchanging suspicious glances. "What's going on?" she asked immediately.

"Mum!" Maddie hurried over, holding onto her mother's arm and proceeded to embellish the events that had just taken place. Serena raised her hand and pointed at Maddie's nose, "You silly child, how could you give away the engagement items? Diana just bought new clothes, didn't she? You have such a good relationship, she would have definitely given you one or two pieces."

Diana couldn't help but admire Serena's way with words. On the surface, it seemed like Serena was speaking up for her, but in reality, she was getting something out of it too. Clearly, old habits die hard.

"Hey Diana, are these your new clothes?" Maddie's eyes scanned the clothes beside her. She noticed them as soon as she walked in. She couldn't believe Diana went shopping without her.

"Let me pick out a couple. How about that red one? Don't you already have a red dress?" Maddie asked.

"The one you took from me?" Diana smiled, but her eyes lacked warmth.

Maddie was stunned. She had taken so many things from Diana, she couldn't keep track.

"These are my things, and no one is allowed to touch them without my permission," Diana said firmly. "Ms. Taylor, please take these clothes upstairs. Nobody is allowed to touch them without my permission."

Serena was also taken aback by Diana's words.

Serena patiently replied, "Diana, that's a bit extreme. You and Maddie are family, and what's hers is also Maddie's. You need to learn how to share and not worry about dividing things between each other."

Diana, with a strange smile on her face, listened to Serena's words and said, "Ms. Stewart, you're right." She then took out the red dress from her bag and gave it to Maddie, who was both surprised and happy.

Without a second thought, Diana asked, "What about my things?"

Maddie was confused, "What things?"

"Ms. Stewart just said that we don't divide things between each other, so whatever belongs to Maddie is mine too. I've always wanted the necklace Maddie received on her 18th birthday. Can you give it to me?" Diana said.

Maddie was taken aback by Diana's request and didn't know how to respond.

Diana was only a few months younger than Maddie, but she had been struggling through the years while Maddie had become more and more successful. In a fit of rage, James decided to give Maddie a very expensive necklace on her 18th birthday to try and motivate Diana to follow in her sister's footsteps.

The necklace was Maddie's most precious possession and she treasured it dearly. When she heard that Diana wanted it, her demeanor immediately changed. "No! That necklace is mine. You can't have it," Maddie said firmly.

The entire scene was witnessed by the household staff, who all frowned in disapproval. Maddie, who usually appeared understanding, was revealed to be hypocritical. She could take Diana's things, but the moment Diana wanted something of hers, she turned hostile.

"Strange, Maddie, we have such a good relationship. Why didn't you give it to me? Are you not sincere to me?" Diana looked puzzled, then her face turned cold as she snatched the dress from Maddie's hand with a loud "snap". "I see. I won't trust your words anymore!"

The last sentence made Serena feel uneasy. She immediately nudged Maddie with her arm and gave her a meaningful look. Maddie understood her, if Diana didn't trust them anymore, things would become complicated in the future.

"Diana, what are you talking about?" Maddie stepped forward and held Diana's hand. "Of course, I'm sincere to you. I'll go get the necklace for you now."

"Really?" Diana asked.

"Of course, we're good sisters," Maddie replied.

Maddie walked into her room and took out the necklace. She took a deep breath and made a tough decision to give it to Diana.

"Diana..." she said, handing over the necklace.

"It's so beautiful, Maddie. You're so kind!" Diana's face lit up. She smiled innocently as she accepted the gift. Maddie felt a pang in her heart. The necklace was worth more than dozens of Versace dresses, but Maddie maintained a stiff smile.

"Of course, I truly care about you. Please don't ever doubt my words. It may hurt our relationship," Maddie said, trying to hide her emotions.

"You're right. I'll always listen to you," Diana replied, making Maddie feel satisfied.

Maddie glanced at the necklace with reluctance and asked in a low voice, "Diana, have you been in touch with Luke lately?"

Diana felt sick at the sound of his name but managed to restrain herself and replied, "No, why would I? John and I are getting engaged soon."

Maddie looked at her with a serious expression and said, "Diana, marriage is for life. You should marry someone you love. This arranged marriage won't make you happy."

Diana smoothed her skirt and her eyes flashed with coldness. "Yes, I need to understand my own heart," she said. With a mysterious smile, she walked into her room.

As soon as Diana entered the room, her smile disappeared. In her eyes, there was a coldness and contempt that didn't match her age. At this moment, she was very clear about her feelings. She took the necklace and casually put it in the drawer. Suddenly, her phone rang. Seeing the name "Luke Grey" on the screen, Diana's face became cold. Maddie was quick to act, but within a short while, Luke had already arrived.

Diana answered the phone lazily, "Hello? "