
Bad Girl Reborn

The protagonist of this novel is a complete bad girl, all because she believed that a bad man was her "fate mate" and wrongly trusted him and another despicable woman. This led to her family's ruin and the death of the man who loved her dearly. If given the chance to start over, she would no longer accept such a fate. She wants to cherish all the people who love her and seek revenge against her enemies. Just as she is on the brink of death, a miracle happens, and she is transported back four years. This time, she will not be toyed with like in her past life, and she will seek revenge in her own way. While she has enough tenderness and kindness for her relatives and friends, she has no mercy for her enemies. Anyone who has harmed her or deceived her in her past life will face her various forms of retaliation! Remember, she is a bad girl! Oh, and by the way, it would be nice to have a romantic relationship with Mr. CEO whom she let go in her previous life.

WhenWolfLovesSheep · Ciudad
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70 Chs

Chapter 33: Where is Diana?

After a hearty meal, Diana was stuffed to the point of feeling dizzy. She couldn't bear to disappoint her brothers' doting. She rubbed her belly and leisurely walked upstairs. As soon as she reached the top, Maddie approached her with an expectant look on her face. Diana felt a bit puzzled, but with her current state, she didn't have the energy to deal with her.

Diana opened her room's door and walked in, but to her surprise, Maddie followed her. As soon as they entered, Maddie quickly closed the door, giving off an air of secrecy. "Diana, what did Luke say?" Maddie asked.

Diana was filled with question marks. Luke? Why mention that idiot? Seeing Diana remain silent, Maddie quickly grabbed her hand. "Diana, why aren't you speaking? Did you see Luke today? Did he say something that made you sad?" Maddie pressed.

Only then did Diana understand the situation. So Maddie thought she went to see Luke today?!?! Diana almost lost control of her facial expression. She lay down on the bed, trying to play it cool. "No, I didn't see him. He probably doesn't want to see me, so I'll just focus on getting engaged to John," Diana said, devising a plan.

"But that won't work!" Maddie's voice suddenly raised. Realizing her mistake, Maddie coughed lightly and said, "Luke must be grounded. Don't rush to get engaged. Who knows, maybe he'll want to be with you later."

Diana gently rubbed her belly, feeling nauseous. Be with Luke? Gross! "I can't control the engagement situation, Maddie. Why don't you go talk to Dad and John?" Diana blinked her innocent, big eyes, looking at Maddie with a serious expression.

Maddie was taken aback. She wasn't foolish enough to bring up the matter with James. As for John, she wouldn't even dare to mention it to him unless she wanted to risk her life. Maddie's mind was troubled as she wondered what Luke was up to.

"Maddie, I'm feeling tired and I want to sleep. If you don't have anything important to do, you can go back now," Diana said slowly.

Seeing Diana's lack of enthusiasm, Maddie thought it was because of her emotional problems. So she nodded and said, "Alright then, you rest first. I'll leave."

"Finally, go away already," Diana thought to herself.

Maddie stood up and left with mixed feelings. She hurried back to her room and immediately called Luke, but no one answered even after she tried several times. Maddie was furious and almost threw her phone in anger. By the time he responded, Diana would probably be engaged! Maddie bit her finger and her eyes sparkled with envy and resentment.

Meanwhile, Diana was lying in bed digesting her thoughts when she suddenly heard a knocking sound on her door. A girl dressed in a blue maid uniform came in. She had a delicate appearance and Diana recognized her from her previous life. After Ms. Taylor passed away, this girl replaced her position. Diana was sure that she was one of Serena's minions.

"Miss Thompson, my name is June. Ms. Stewart arranged for me to take care of you since Ms. Taylor took a leave." Serena was concerned about the news that Diana had driven Olivia out and changed the lock on her own room. So, she sent June to keep an eye on Diana and find out what was going on.

Diana slowly sat up from the bed and gave a sweet smile. "Oh, really? Ms. Stewart is so kind to me!"

June found it amusing to see Diana acting so foolishly. She wondered what was there to worry about. Madam was just being paranoid. "Yes, Madam has always been concerned about you," June replied respectfully.

Diana smiled but did not say anything. She got up and threw a key to June, "Since you are my personal servant now, here's a key to the room." Diana gave a sly smile, "Make sure you keep it safe and don't lose it."

June was taken aback but quickly nodded, "Yes." Although she sounded respectful, her eyes showed disdain. Miss Thompson must be a fool to be deceived so easily. No wonder she had been manipulated by Madam and Miss Maddie Stewart for so long.

"If there's nothing else, you can leave. I ate too much and need to sleep," Diana said. June responded and left the room. After she was gone, Diana's smile disappeared, and she got up from the bed. She walked towards her room and continued her wood carving. She didn't know why John, that cold man, suddenly became angry. But it didn't matter. At the engagement party, she would win his complete trust!

Three days later.

The atmosphere in the Thompson household was somewhat solemn because it was the day of Diana and John's engagement. Over the past few days, Diana had suddenly become more well-behaved and sensible, which had pleased James. He had thought that the engagement banquet would go smoothly, but now Diana was suddenly acting strange again.

"Why hasn't Diana come down yet? We've already urged her several times..." James paced uneasily downstairs and looked at Andrew beside him. "Didn't she promise to go with us to the Matthews' house to get engaged? Why hasn't she come out of her room?"

"Diana said she's doing something important and asked us not to disturb her. She'll be out in a minute," replied Andrew.

"What could be more important than today's engagement?!" Serena's face was filled with worry, but her heart couldn't help but feel happy. Of course! Diana, that fool, still didn't want to marry John! The bigger the scene she made, the better!

After a moment of contemplation, James looked at Serena and then at the three guys in front of him. "You guys go to the Matthews' house first and tell them we're delayed due to some important matters. We'll be there soon, ask for their understanding."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ben shook his head repeatedly. "No! I want to go with Diana!"

"I'm worried about Diana's odd behavior. I think we should stay with her," said Andrew as he pushed his glasses up.

"I'll wait for Diana too," added Colin.

James hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do next. 

"Nevermind," thought the man. "These three boys have always spoiled Diana since childhood, so let them be."

Then he turned to Serena and Maddie, "You two go ahead and tell the Matthews family that we have urgent matters to attend to, and we'll join them later."

The two nodded and left the room. As soon as they stepped outside, Maddie's expression changed. "Why should Diana, that idiot, be the center of attention for everyone? Is she even worthy of it?!"

Serena glanced at her and replied, "It's better if she doesn't come. If she's absent on a day like this, it will undoubtedly be a huge blow to the Matthews family. And you will have a chance..."

Upon hearing this, a glint of excitement flashed in Maddie's eyes. Yes, if she could truly win John's attention and replace Diana... Just the thought of it made her unable to contain her excitement, and she quickly got into the car.

Meanwhile, downstairs, the men from the Thompson family waited for a while but couldn't resist any longer. Ben suddenly stood up, his handsome face filled with anxiety. "No, I have to go check on Diana. What if she's contemplating suicide?"

James spat out his tea and smacked him on the head, "You fool, can't you think before you speak?"

Ben looked aggrieved, "I'm just worried."

"Get out of here, your words are annoying!" James glared at him fiercely. Although he appeared angry on the surface, he was secretly worried. What if Diana was really regretting her decision and did something foolish?

He put down his teacup and quickly made his way upstairs, followed by the Thompson brothers. When they reached Diana's room, Ben impatiently knocked on the door, but there was no answer. The group began to panic, wondering if Diana had done something terrible.

"Move aside, let me handle this!" James pushed Ben aside, and was about to kick down the door when they heard a faint sound from inside the room. The door then opened.

Now let's shift our attention from the Thompsons to the Matthews' old mansion.

A luxurious Italian chandelier hung in the middle of the living room, casting a brilliant light. In the magnificent hall, accompanied by a melodious symphony, elegantly dressed guests held glasses of red wine and chatted, occasionally glancing at the man seated at the head of the table. Today was Cloud City's most honorable young master, John Matthews' engagement party. This diamond bachelor had always been the dream of all women in Cloud City. Everyone was both regretful and curious as to why he had chosen the uncultured Diana, the daughter of the Thompson family...

John was wearing a well-tailored suit and sitting at the head of the table. His deep eyes were icy, and his handsome face was solemn. He had been engaged to Diana since childhood. However, over the years, Diana's personality had changed, and she not only dressed inappropriately but also shamelessly followed Luke around, wanting to escape from him. Both his grandfather and the elders of the family were extremely dissatisfied with her and wanted to break off the engagement. But he had decided to marry her, and had suppressed their objections.

"Boss, the Thompson family's car has arrived!" At that moment, Jackson rushed in, looking somewhat urgent. John's phoenix-like eyes slightly raised, flashing with a glimmer. He instinctively looked towards the door, and a ripple passed through his usually cool gaze.

Diana Thompson...