
Chapter 5.

Charlottes POV.

I woke up not knowing where I am. The last thing I remember was getting a drink from that guy. Damn my drink was spiked again. If Benjamin hears this he will kill me. I got out of the bed and looked around.

That's when I knew whose house I was in. My fucking ex Damien Knight. This is the room I told him I love him and I still do, that will never change. But why I'm I here? Did he kidnap me or something? I know he used to joke about it if I ever left him but he was joking. He wouldn't do it and plus he broke up with me, he left me when I needed him the most.

I still remember when he came to my house to break up with me. He didn't even give me a chance to explain. If Damien has changed then he definitely kidnapped me to get to my brother. "Ahaaaa."I shouted and quickly ran to hide. I took the vest and stood at the back of the door. I was ready for him to come in. If he thinks he can just kidnap a Carson and get away with it then his wrong. He definitely doesn't know me. My brother didn't give me lessons on how to fight for no reason.

As soon as Damien opened the door I hit the vest on his head. I took the gun away from him and I saw that the gun was loaded. He was even ready to kill me. I turned his body and felt his pulse, at least he's still alive!

I kept wondering if I should wake him up or not, but I decided not to. If he was ready to kill me then why should I be a good person and leave him alone? I went out of the room and went to go look for a rope after all I know everything about his house. I found some ropes in his kitchen drawer and went back upstairs. I dragged him to the bed and tried to pick him up but he was too heavy.

He is so fucking heavy and yet he always said I am the one that's heavy.


I took the chair on the corner and tied him up tightly. If I want to survive I have to make sure he can't get to me. I couldn't even believe what I have achieved. I tied up a guy everyone is so afraid of.

I quickly went back to the kitchen again and filled a cup with water. I ran back upstairs and threw the water at his face, I even wanted to throw the cup with it.

He shook his head and open his eyes to look up at me. He closed his eyes again and blinked a couple of times. He smirked at me but I didn't care because now I was the one

holding the gun. "Seriously char." He said smiling at me.

"What." I snapped at him still pointing the gun at him.

"You know I can untie myself less than a minute. Do you even know how to tie someone ?" He asked laughing, I always loved his laugh but today it annoys me so much.

"Shut up." I shouted at him. "I'm the one with the gun, so I'll be the only one asking questions today."

"You so annoying. But you can ask me anything just know that you don't know who you messing with." He said trying to make me scared but I wasn't easily going to be scared of Damien.

"Why did you kidnap me ?" I asked but he just laughed in my face.

"Kidnap you." He said still laughing. "Don't flatter yourself, honey."

"Then why I'm I here ?"

He just looked at me angry not speaking for a minute. "Because you didn't want to let me go. You begged me to take you to my house." He smiled at me. Did I seriously embarrass myself so much? I'm never ever drinking again.

"Sorry." I replied ashamed of myself, my mother Lily is definitely so disappointed in me right now. As I was about to drop my gun someone kicked the door open.

"Drop the gun." The man said.

"You shoot me and I'll shoot him." I pointed the gun at Damien but he just laughed.

"What took you so long Bra ?" Damien asked looking angry at the guy.

"Boss I thought It was a prank." The guy nervously said still pointing the gun at me.

"Even if she shot me dead you would still think it's a prank?" He asked the guy. "Get out." The poor guy ran out of the room. "Now untie me, Char." He said looking at me then to the ropes.

"Fine." I put the gun down and walked to him and to be honest it was easy to untie, I can't believe I thought it was tight. "Can we talk?" I asked as I moved back from him.

"What do you think we were doing just now ?" He got up.

"Do you love me ?" I prayed that he would just say yes, after all, he did save me. I know he was lying when he said I begged him, I may not remember what happened last night but I know I didn't beg him.

"No." He replied not even adding anything else. He didn't show any emotions. He just gave me a straight NO. I can't even tell him that I lost our kid or kids I didn't even know if it was a girl or a boy or even twins. I would always go for a check-up but not once did I want to see the baby because I wanted to see the baby with him.

"Then why did you bring me to your house ?"

"I could bring a stranger to my house, even a stripper if I wanted to Charlotte, it's not our house it's mine." He folds his arms across his chest.

I almost cried when he said that. I can't believe the fact that his comparing me with a stripper. He's one of the few people I thought would never call me that. I thought he was good, I thought he was different but I was so wrong.

"If you don't love me then prove it."

"How?" He asked as he turned away from me.

"If you don't love me then.." I paused for a second trying my best to say the words. "Sleep with me--" I didn't even finish the sentence he quickly turned around interrupting me.

"Are you fucking crazy? Who the fuck do you think I am?" He said turning to face me as he looked straight into my eyes. He was so angry, furious but I didn't care. I couldn't even believe it myself that I said that but I wasn't going to take it back.

"Damien." I said moving back. "If you don't love me then prove it."

"You crazy if you think I would do that to you." He said looking away from me.

"You say you don't love me but yet if anyone saw us right now they would think I don't love you." I walked to him trying to get him to look at me but he didn't want to look at him. For a moment we stood like that, him looking away and me watching him. None of us speaking until he looked at me, angry.

His beautiful brown eyes turned very dark. He walked closer to me but I just kept taking a step back. I was scared of him, to be honest. I have never seen Damien like this. He stood in front of me and started laughing angry.

"You." He looking at me. Whatever he was doing it was working. He was making me scared. "I don't love you." He said taking a threatening step towards me. I kept taking steps back until I hit my back on the wall. "I don't love you." He repeated again, as he got closer to me. I couldn't even breathe. He was so damn close to me. "I never ever loved you char." He took my hands and started hitting them on the wall. "Don't you get it. I don't love you." I almost cried hearing him say that.

"Damien you hurting me." I said and he was really hurting me, physically and emotionally and this time I couldn't even hold my tears back anymore.


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