
Chapter 24: Jake

The next day the women were buzzing around like worker bees getting ready for our trips. I ended up taking her shopping after all because I didn't trust the whispers and sneaky looks between her and Mindy. It would be fucked to have our first argument right before we left for our honeymoon but I knew there would be war if she came home with any of that too short shit.

"I like this one Jake." She pointed out something that looked like strips of material held together by some kind of metal loop in the back and from the way it looked on the mannequin would only come to about six inches below her ass. I gave her a look but she wouldn't back down. "You're out your fucking mind." She folded her arms and glared at my ass. "You've said no to the last three things I picked out, fine why don't you just choose for me then?"

"I thought that's why I was here."