
Back to the year 2000: Scourge my wonderful wife

[What I owed you in my last life, I will pay you back ten thousand times in this life! 】 He, Jiang chu, was known as a scum doctor, and was disdained by the medical community and the world. With the remorse of suicide and top-notch medical skills, he was reborn 20 years ago.

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Chapter17: What kind of medical skills does he have

Li Haitao was also stunned.

He never expected that Jiang Chu would actually overcome the problem of fainting!

Hu Qiang lost.

This idiot!

You can lose even a bet!

But, so what?

Even if I don't let you have surgery, you still have to obey!

Li Haitao's eyes flashed with a sinister look.

Several other doctors also looked at Jiang Chu in surprise.

They all know,

It may be a little difficult for a person to overcome haemorrhage in a short time, but it can still be done.

However, it is difficult for even a normal person to not only not faint from blood, but also to be able to smell the fishy smell of blood and the smell of internal organs on the operating table without changing his face!

Unless you have gone through such training and experience for a long time, it is possible!

But Jiang Chu has stopped entering the operating room for a long time. This also means that he cannot be exposed to such a scene. So how did he achieve what he is now?

For a moment, everyone was curious.

Normally, everyone would reject Jiang Chu because he was bleeding and fainting on stage, and they didn't have much ill will.

On the stage, everyone had different thoughts.


Anesthesiologist Liang Hua was staring at the monitor and his heart sank.

"Director Li, the patient's heart rate has increased and his blood pressure will come down soon. When will the blood you prepared arrive? Hurry up!"

Although Liang Hua was not the director of the anesthesiology department, he was experienced and made a judgment immediately after seeing the patient's condition.

Patients involved in emergency trauma or massive bleeding need to have indwelling deep vein catheters during surgery to facilitate rapid rehydration. They also need to have indwelling arterial punctures to detect arterial blood pressure in real time for accurate assessment!

However, due to the conditions of the hospital, these things will not be available in a short time!

Then, we must rely on the patient's basic vital signs and intraoperative conditions to make a judgment!

Generally speaking, the patient's heart rate increases during surgery, most commonly due to shallow anesthesia and patient pain.

However, the patient with splenic rupture in front of me is under general anesthesia and his muscles are relaxed. This means that there is absolutely no problem with the depth of anesthesia and the analgesic and muscle relaxation effects!

Based on the large amount of blood in the patient's abdominal cavity, Liang Hua immediately judged that this was a manifestation of hemorrhagic shock caused by massive bleeding!

First, the heart rate increases, then the blood pressure drops, and the heart works hard to overload to provide blood. Finally, the heart can no longer work, the heart rate slows down, and finally stops beating!

One link after another!

In addition to quickly finding the bleeding point, rapid rehydration and blood transfusion are also necessary!

At this time, Liang Hua was already desperately infusing the patient with Hess to expand the volume!

"I'm going to see it right now!"

Under the stage, Lei Ming, a young doctor from the general surgery department, quickly ran out to make a phone call.

Li Haitao had no intention of caring about Jiang Chu's condition. He kept looking for the bleeding point with a gloomy face.

There are two surgical methods for spleen rupture.

One is to repair the ruptured area, but it requires a long period of observation after the operation, and it is easy to rupture again because the spleen is too fragile.

The second method is to remove the entire spleen, which is also the most commonly used clinical operation at present.

Li Haitao also wanted to ligate the splenic artery and cut off the spleen directly, then everything would be solved!


There was too much blood, and I couldn't see the surgical field or the location of the splenic artery!

How can I start if I can't even find the place?

For a moment, a thin layer of sweat appeared on Li Haitao's forehead.


At this moment,

The door to the room was pushed open suddenly!

Lei Ming looked panicked and ran in in a panic.

"Director Li, it's not good!"

Thunder panted.

"Why are you panicking? What's wrong? Say it quickly!" Li Haitao didn't even raise his head, his voice getting colder.

In his heart, he also vaguely anticipated a hint of uneasiness.

"This patient's blood type is panda blood!"

"Ab type, rh (-)!"


Thunder's voice fell to the ground,

The entire operating room, except for the sound of instruments,


Li Haitao's hand shook even more, and he almost lost his grip on the scalpel!

It's over!

This person is really annoying!

In Li Haitao's heart,

This idea came up for the first time!

Now, the patient is bleeding heavily and his blood pressure cannot be controlled.

If the blood cannot keep up and cannot be transfused, then there is only death!

Just for a moment,

On Li Haitao's forehead,

A large layer of sweat appeared, and my back was instantly wet with sweat!

If the patient dies on the operating table, the aftermath will be very troublesome!

Jiang Shasha stopped talking. When the operation encountered difficulties, everyone would keep their mouths shut for fear of interfering with the surgeon's judgment and operation.

Picking up a piece of clean gauze, Jiang Shasha wiped the sweat off Li Haitao's forehead to prevent sweat from dripping into the surgical field and causing infection.

"Quick, Hu Qiang, the retraction range is wider, and the surgical field is more fully exposed! Didn't you eat in the morning? You have no strength at all. If you pull like this, what can I see?!"

"Yang Fei, do you know how to use the suction device? Where do you suck it? What a waste!"

Li Haitao started to lose his temper and kept scolding him.

Neither Yang Fei nor Hu Qiang dared to refute.

At this time, it's better not to get into trouble.

"The patient's blood pressure continues to drop, and I have already used two ephedrines!"

"The liquid contains 2000l of Hess and 2000l of sugar and salt water!"

"Director Li, move quickly!"

Liang Hua said in a deep voice, casually opened another bottle of ephedrine for increasing blood pressure, took out the medicine, and injected it into the patient's body!

Liang Hua knew that if the splenic artery could no longer be found, it would be useless to remove the spleen no matter how much medicine was used!

The higher the level, the more chaotic it becomes!

Li Haitao could already feel that the color of the patient's bleeding had become lighter!

this means,

The blood in the patient's body has been diluted after a large amount of rehydration, but it cannot stop the bleeding!

If this continues,

This person is about to die!

"Hurry up and contact the blood bank. No matter what method you use, contact the blood bank!"

Li Haitao almost shouted out loud.

Lei Ming turned around and ran away.

Everyone looked solemn.

Jiang Chu looked at everything in front of him and suddenly thought about it in his mind.

previous life,

After Ye Qingxuan died,

I left this sad place.

Later I heard that shortly after I left the hospital,

Something happened.

In an operation, the patient received panda blood,

However, due to insufficient preoperative blood preparation, the patient suffered from hemorrhagic shock and died!

Did the family members make a fuss later? Jiang Chu doesn't know.

Things that have nothing to do with you are just listened to as stories.


Since he was reborn, stopped Ye Qingxuan from committing suicide, and got rid of his fear of blood sickness,

The entire trajectory changes!

Jiang Chu doesn't know, this is a parallel world?

Or is it his true past life.

But, it's not important,

As long as you can protect the one you love and fulfill your lifelong wish, no matter what world it is!

Jiang Chu retracted his thoughts,

Check the patient's condition carefully.

In Jiang Chu's position,

It's actually quite difficult to see clearly.


The field of surgery was filled with blood. Even if he stood in Li Haitao's position, he couldn't see anything!

"Use your hands to stop the bleeding!"

Jiang Chu suddenly said.