
Extra Two: Controllable Range Target Lock Seven_1

Chen Gang and Jiujiu turned around to see Li Xianglan, who they hadn't seen in years. Perhaps due to a rise in her living standards, she'd put on quite a bit of weight. She was dragging along her ten-year-old son, Xiaobao.

Upon seeing Li Xianglan, Jiujiu's face fell immediately. She used to fear Li Xianglan so much as a child that she wouldn't dare to breathe in her presence. Now, she was consumed by resentment, filled with nothing but hatred for her.

Li Xianglan exclaimed surprisingly, "Oh, it's really you two! I feared I'd mistaken you for someone else." Then she tugged at Xiaobao saying, "Xiaobao, quickly call him uncle Six and aunt Jiujiu."

Xiaobao swiped at his runny nose with his sleeve and reluctantly turned his head away.

Calmly said Jiujiu, "You're mistaken. I don't have such a grown-up nephew." Then turned and prepared to leave.