
Chapter 185: A Soldier Deals with a Thug?

Cheng Su and Qi Taiguo had been flirting and sparring with flower spears since early morning, their laughter reaching all the way outside. When Hualing stepped out of her room, she faintly heard their laughter, and couldn't help butset her face.

Ever since the day she had argued with Chen Shouwang and he didn't come home, it was as if an invisible wall had been erected between the two of them— they were no longer as close as they used to be. Even though Chen Shouwang had knelt on the ground admitting his mistakes, and assured her that he had done nothing to wrong her, that he had only failed to return home because he was drunk, and that he would never do it again, she just couldn't shake off her discomfort.

And even after Chen Shouwang admitted his errors, he was extremely cautious, creating a palpable strangeness and gloom between them.