
The year in the dream is this year

Jiangnan Province, Daohua Village.

 The low adobe houses in the distance are neatly arranged, the broad leaves of the poplar trees on the roadside are swaying gently, and the golden ears of rice are rustling in the waves. Chai Jin is running wildly between the field ridges with a sickle in his hand, and his murderous aura scares the people in the field. eating sparrow.

 "Hurry up!"

 Chai Jin, with a frosty face, urged the two girls following him.

 One is his sister, Chai Fang.

 One is his six-year-old sister, Chai Xiaoshan.

 Chai Fang shouted anxiously: "What's wrong with you, Jin? Where are you running!"


 "Who to save?"



 While the two sisters were confused, Chai Jin had already jumped over a ditch, and a crowd of booing people could be vaguely seen in the distance.

 "Dad, you must wait for me!"

 His eyes were red and he couldn't care about anything anymore!

 Two hours ago, he was 46 years old and collapsed in a car accident in 2020.

 After waking up, he found that he was reborn.

 This day is October 8, 1991.

 This year, he was only seventeen years old.

 It took him two hours to recover from the shock of being reborn.

 After asking my sister about today's date, I remembered what happened that day.

 On this day, his father, Chai Minguo, was forced into debt, humiliated on the crotch, and had his head wet. His father, who had always had a strong sense of self-esteem and was forced to have no other choice, got into trouble and committed suicide on the spot.

 Since then, debt collectors have taken his sisters Chai Fang and Chai Xiaoshan away.

 We met again twenty years later.

 My sister was sold to a mountain village in the north. She worked hard for a long time and became a lonely tomb in her hometown when she was only thirty.

 My younger sister Chai Xiaoshan was sold to the south. When she was found, she had been humiliated by gangsters and was sent to a mental hospital.

 And he will never let the tragedy of his previous life happen again!

 In the distance, a man with curly hair and dark sunglasses was standing with his legs spread.

 He pointed contemptuously at a man with a bruised nose and a swollen face and said silently: "It is only natural to pay back debts!"

 "I told you last time, if you can't get the money out, if we meet again, we'll just punch you and get under my crotch. I can give you two more days of grace!"

 His name is Chen Tianyi, a well-known gangster in Sanxiang and Shili. His father owes his boss two hundred yuan.

 The middle-aged man had slightly white temples, bare feet, and still wet mud on his rolled-up trouser legs. He clenched his fists and looked up at the surrounding villagers, feeling extremely disappointed.

 "Do we have to push our family to death without giving them any space to survive?"

 The villagers bowed their heads and no one spoke.

 Chen Tianyi frowned: "I'm going to destroy you! Give me a break right away!"

 "Otherwise something will happen to your children!"

 Chai Minguo trembled all over. He wanted to be strong all his life. The wind and thunder did not urge him, but he only mentioned the three children he raised alone.

 This man knelt down!

 Enduring the humiliation, he crawled step by step towards Chen Tianyi's crotch.

 Chen Tianyi curled his lips, looked at him sarcastically, and began to unzip his crotch with both hands.

 There were several of his men behind him, insulting and mocking him in every possible way.

 Just when he was about to piss off the Republic of China, a figure suddenly rushed over from behind him.

 Using all his strength, he kicked Chen Tianyi away a full two meters away.

 His face was scraped against the dirt road for tens of centimeters, his sunglasses were shattered into pieces, and there were still two bloody teeth on the ground.

 There was dead silence.

 The villagers were stunned.

 Chai Minguo also stared blankly at his seventeen-year-old son.

 Chai Jin glanced at his rescued father, his chest heaving.

 Excitement, sadness, longing, and all kinds of emotions impact the separation between heaven and man that has been suppressed for decades.

 Chen Tianyi, who was lying on the ground, suddenly twitched and stood up with a slap on the ground.

 He tilted his head and spat out, then touched his bruised face.

 Pointing at Chai Jin, but looking at the two men: "Hit!"

 "Beat this little beast to death!"

 "I'm going to kill someone in Daohua Village today!"

 Chai Jin couldn't care less.

 Looking at Chen Tianyi's eyes as red as ghosts, overwhelming hatred burst out.

 In the previous life, if it weren't for you, my father, who worked so hard to support us, would never think of committing suicide! When he died, there was still mud from the field on his trousers.

 If it weren't for you, why would my sister have died at the age of thirty?

 If it weren't for you, why would my little sister be tortured into a mental hospital by some unscrupulous bastards!

 I looked for you in my previous life for more than ten years and there was no trace of you.

 Unexpectedly, after rebirth, I found you!

 The overwhelming anger in his previous life broke out, he picked up a brick from the side and rushed directly towards Chen Tianyi.

 A brick slapped his head away and he fell to the ground.

 He turned his head again, twisted the sickle in his hand and pointed it at those people: "Whoever comes, I will chop!"

 "If you don't give me life, I'll die together!"

 Those men were all frightened.

 I never expected that this weak son of the Chai family, who was only seventeen years old, would actually find someone to fight for his life at this moment.

 When fighting, I am afraid of encountering such a life-threatening person.

 Several people immediately ran over to hold up the unconscious Chen Tianyi on the ground.

 One of them pointed at Chai Jin: "You don't know how complicated the outside world is."

 "Don't think that this is the end of the matter today. Don't even think about getting away with even a cent of the money your dad owes."

 Chai Jin spat out coldly: "Get out!"

 Several people gritted their teeth and left.

 Chai Fang and Chai Xiaoshan also trotted over at this time.

 Looking at this scene in a daze.

 Little did the two sisters know that if Chai Jin hadn't been reborn just now, their fate would have been very tragic.

 Before they could speak, a villager nearby spoke.

 "In the Republic of China, our fields harvest so much in a year, and we have young and old to support. What's wrong with us asking you for the money you owe?"

 "Is it possible that you still want your son to kill all your creditors?"

 "Yes, it's been six or seven years. Why are you so shameless? I ask you for it every year, but you don't give it to me every year!"

 "Pay back the money, or your family will get out of Daohua Village!"

 Although there were no more gangsters, these villagers exploded and wanted to kill their family.

 Chai Minguo's face was covered in bruises, and his mentality began to gradually collapse.

 Chai Jin knew this was better than having no debt.

 My father is a retired soldier. In 1982, a comrade in Zhonghai contacted him and asked him to bring some people to Zhonghai to work on the construction site.

 Chai Minguo brought more than 20 laborers from the village there.

 In the first year, everyone lived very comfortably, which was much better than farming.

 By 1984, China's first stock, Feiyue Audio, was listed, and my father, a comrade in arms, became obsessed with it.

 Use all the project money to buy stocks.

 As a result, when the wages were paid, there was no money and the company collapsed.

 Just use these stocks with a par value of 50 yuan per share to settle the settlement for everyone.

 There was no disagreement at that time and everyone signed it.

 But after they came back, these people were not happy and returned all the stocks to their father.

 And forced his father to write an IOU.

 This is how debts are owed.

 It was precisely because of this inexplicable debt that my mother abandoned the family.

 Only the three of them, father and son, depend on each other on a few acres of land.

 For six or seven years, I couldn't hold my head high in the village, and I was called a deadbeat wherever I went.

 Survive almost on your knees.

 Seeing his father's emotions start to get agitated.

 Chai Wang quickly hugged his shoulders.

 Then looking at the dozens of villagers around him, he suddenly felt ridiculous.

 Only when you experience the coldness of the people around you will you understand how cold and heartless this world is.

 He spoke loudly: "Father's debt is repaid by his son. Within a week, I will pay back all your money, including the principal and interest."