
Back From Ruins

Long ago, their were a few great kingdoms, but a plague arrived and within a few days, everything went to hell, Sam's life turned upside down and now he is all alone and now he ventures to the kingdom of Ty'er originator of the Plague

CaziX_Live · Fantasía
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Back From The Ruins

short story.

Chapter One : The Start.

There once was a kingdom.

Filled with beauty, knowledge and wealth.

But the kingdom was nearing its end.

The king and queen were killed, an unknown plague ravaged the streets, the kingdom closed its borders, but the plague was unstoppable. 

All those who died were infected with it, their bodies were decaying yet they still fought, it was as if the gods had left the people to suffer..

The kingdom infected, their bodies decaying yet they still move, the mages and scholars tried to stop the infection by creating cures, but they only delayed it they thought they had found a cure but they were infected, the guards killed anyone infected, killing men, women and children upon any sign of infection  but they too were infected, and now only a few cities live, the palace , and everywhere else is filled with guards corrupted by the infection, they tried to stop it but failure was inevitable.

Rumor has it that the plague had started in the Kingdom of Tyr, it is said that there lives a creature that feeds off the soul of the infected for everlasting life.

Sam, once a guard of the royal palace, but the plague forced him to leave, and he returned to his home, the streets ravaged by the plague and his family dead, ripped and torn by the infected, he saw his family dead, they had written one last letter as it read.

"Sam, we are sorry, we cannot survive any more they broke the door, we are in the attic but they are coming, son we are sorry that we are not here to help you, do not go seeking vengeance, the plague takes anyone be it good or b"

He now lives in a small village called Kallis, he was young when he was torn away from his parents, the blacksmith took him in, Sam not only learned about the ways of the blade but the enchantress taught him about the spell long forgotten, he was trained and he now ventures out to the Kingdom of Tyr and to defeat the source of the plague or die trying.

With sword, shield and armor made by the finest material and forged by the master blacksmith, and a glove embedded with a thousand enchants , Sam sets off, to his demise or salvation.

2 Weeks Later.

for more go to.
