
azur lane reaction to future

lustful kansen and the purest union watch their beloved commander jasper smith future

rainedrain · Derivados de juegos
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4 Chs

Discovery (r18+)

Location: Azur Lane Naval Base, Atlantic,Ocean.

The story starts of with a man named Jasper,


He is the Commander of the Azur Lane and

another identity he has not revealed to anyone

else. He is a Guardian. Humanity's Last Hope

against the Unknown. What is a Guardian you ask? A Guardian is a Human who has been chosen by the Light to serve it and protect it and Humanity against the Darkness. But after a war that claimed many lives hundreds of years ago. Jasper went into hiding but also watched over, Humanity if ever the Darkness returned. But enough of Jasper's history. Currently, he is depressed in his office. Ever since he discovered his wives cheating on him, he wanted to leave but knew that if he leaves, Humanity will start to lose ground against the Sirens. Out of all the commanders who have led the Azur Lane, he is the best one they have. First, he saved many girls from the traumas of past commanders. Second, he united both the Azur Lane and Crimson Axis together under one banner, and lastly, he is the only commander who is able to take back stolen territory that the Sirens took.

" jasper....are you okay " a robotic voice can be heard with a worried tone. He looks to his left to see his Ghost, Jamie.

" Am I....a bad husband " jasper ask weakly. The voice coming from jasper felt like a million blades were thrown at him.

" No! Of course not, Jasper! you're the best husband anyone could have! "Jamie protest.

" Then....why did I do to deserve this? "

" Nothing. I...don't know why the girls would do this. But to think, they built a private island far off so you won't see it. And all of those nasty things they said about you! URGHH! It infuriates me for them to cheat on you!" Jamie nearly screams as she was still pissed off at what she and Jamie discovered after following one of the ship girls. It was a small island installed with a casino, a sex club, and all other things that are for adults only.

"I-I Understand that they have their need but for my wives to also join? I....just couldn't help what did I do wrong? did you send the video to Issac? " jasper ask.

"Yes, I did. Though I have never got a response back. Hopefully, Ralph will show him the video." Jamie answered.

Jasper sighs as he contemplates what he should do next. After discovering the affair, he lost all of, his love and respect for the ship girls and his wives.Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Jasper immediately straightens up. He adjusts his uniform and cap and sits up straight with a serious

face to hide his pain. "Come in."

The door opened to see one of his wife or soon-to- be ex-wife. It was a girl with white crystal hair, blue.

azure eyes, and wearing a white maid outfit.

"Hello, dear~" The white-haired girl greeted with a smile so pure that many would believe she is a goddess that descended down from the heavens itself. But for Jasper, it was anything more than a pure smile. It was a smile from a cheating wife, looking down on her husband. Jasper forces a smile.

"H-Hello, Belfast. H-How are you on this fine afternoon?" He asks with a smile but was grinding his teeth to the point they might break. He wants Her out of his face but tries to calm down.

" Oh, I'm fine. Yesterday was fun with the girls. It is a shame you couldn't come...but it was a girl'snight out. No boys allowed, teehee~" She said while sticking out a tongue.

"I-Is that so? I'm glad you're having fun at least." Jasper said. Belfast comes over and gives him a peck on the cheek. Jasper is fuming but remains calm.

"Of course, we were having fun. Anyways, what are you doing, dear?" She asks curiously.

"Just the typical paperwork. That's all."

Belfast pouted. "You should be wary about your mental health, dear. You should go outside and create more bonds with us!"

"So all of you can break my heart? Yeah, no

fucking chance." He said in his head. Then he

shakes his head and forces a smile. "I'm fine, really. This paperwork isn't a hassle. Just go and enjoy your life, Bel."

Belfast thinks for a second before smiling. "Fufu~, if that's what you want, dear. Then I shall." As she exits the door. After the door closes, Jasper immediately gagged and wipes the kiss from his cheek with a tissue.

"Fucking cheating ass bitch." He muttered before he adjust his uniform again and continue his paperwork.

From time to time, Jasper's wives would come by and greet him. His wives would kiss him on the cheek or on the lips before engaging in a conversation with Jasper. To which, Jasper would put up a fake face so they won't suspect anything He doesn't want anything to do with them anymore.

8 hours later, it is nighttime. More specifically, at 8 p.m. Jasper finishes off the last paperwork before setting it down on top of a huge stack of other paperwork he has done earlier. He gets up and stretches.

Hrnnnnn...damn my back hurts." He commented. He yawns and scratches his back. Then grabs a folder with all of the evidence pertaining to affairs.

Jamie, if you would please." He requested his

Ghost. Then the folder de-materializes out of thin air. "Thank you. Now let's go home, I need a break away from those sluts."

Off he goes to his home. It was just a 5-minute walk

from the office. He arrives at the house and goes inside. He sees a lot of shoes. Those he can recognize were his wives but the others? He didn't. Then he hears multiple moaning upstairs. Jasper uses Vanishing Step and turns invisible Slowly and quietly, he goes upstairs and goes to the master bedroom. The moaning was getting louder. He sees the master bedroom door a bit open. So, he goes over there, crouches down, and gently moves the door to get a better look. To his horror, he sees his wives who consist of Amagi, Belfast, Enterprise, Atago, Takao, Vittorio, Littorio Trieste, Friedrich, Formidable, Sirius, Bismarck, Prinz Eugen, Belorussiya, Agir, Azuma, New Jersey, Kronshtadt, St Louis, Honolulu, Monarch, Illustrious, and Nimi getting fucked by multiple black men and white men. There are also other girls who were getting gangbanged by the men like Kirov, Pola, Zara, Kaga, Akagi, Tirpitz, Richelieu, Jean Bart, Hood, Littorio, and Ulrich.

"AH~! AH~! HARDER! PLEASE!" Enterprise moaned while getting her ass and pussy fucked.

"Heh, this bitch likes it hard, huh!? THEN I'LL MAKE IT HARD!" As two black guys lift her up and begin. to thrust even harder onto Enterprise. Her face was filled with pleasure. Her tongue sticking out and eyes rolling back words. Suddenly, the black guy in front gives her a slobby kiss. He grabs her tongue with his lips and does a french kiss with Enterprise.

"You're the Cardinal, eh!? THEN WHY ARE YOU

ACTING LIKE A WHORE!?" A white guy asks while slapping Richelieu's big fat ass, leaving a red handprint on there.

"I'M SORRY! IT'S JUST YOUR COCK IS TOO GOOD!" Richelieu as she was getting fucked in the mouth, pussy, and ass. Her whole entire body was filled with pleasure. To her sister, Jean Bart was getting gagged like crazy. She could smell the mucus of the man fucking her mouth, but she didn't mind. All this pleasure, she is feeling. She wanted more of


To Jasper's first wife, Amagi.

She was getting fucked with no remorse.

"OH!! OH!! SO THIS IS THE FIRST WIFE!? MAN, YOUR MOUTH IS GOOD!" A black guy said as he is thrusting his hips back and forth. "HAVE YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND EVER FUCKED!?" Then the black guy make amagi stop sucking his dick.

"P-PWAH! N-No...h-he hasn't even taken my

virginity!" Amagi said. Then everyone in the room stopped whatever they were doing Suddenly, they all laughed.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAAH! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT STUPID COMMANDER DOING!? LETTING HIS WIVES GET FUCKED BEHIND HIS BACK!? HAHAAHAH, HE MUST HAVE A CUCK FETISH! I BET HE HAS A TINY DICK" They all taunted Jasper. "Ol, why don't all of you get a petition to get that little bastard out of here? And when he gets out of here! We can fuck all of you as much as you want! Deal!?"

The girls think for a second before nodding.

Sure, why not?" Amagi answered with a lustful

smile and hearts in her eyes. The girls cheered while the men smiled like maniacs and just like that, they went back to fucking like there was no tomorrow.

But for Jasper, this is the final straw. His hair

covers his eyes and his emotions are gone.

"Come on, let's get out of here. They are not

worthy of your love." Jamie said. Jasper didn't say anything as he gets up quietly and walks downstairs and heads outside of his house. "Jasper...I'm getting a transmission from Isaac."

Again, Jasper didn't say anything. Jamie opens the channel.

"Jasper..." The voice of a male can be heard

coming from Jamie. "I've...seen the video. I'm so sorry. I'll get a ship to get you."

"...No, need. I'll disappear from their life." Jasper finally spoke. His voice had no emotions in them.

"O-Oh, I see. I'll see you tomorrow then." As the call ended. Silence came over. Jasper looks up to the sky. His eyes were devoid of life. He then starts to move towards the main building. He opens the entrance door and lays down on the couch. Jamie appears and materializes a blanket for him. Jasper didn't say thanks but Jamie didn't care. All, she cared about right now is her Guardian's mental state. She turns off the light and silence came over again.

"...Hey, Jamie?" Jasper.

"Yes, Jasper?" Jamie answered.

"Do you still remember what you said to Savathun a long time ago?" Jasper questions

"That you would rather die than serve the Hive."

"Ah...yes. I do remember. Why?"

"...Would you still pick me if you saw another

Guardian who is more powerful than me?" Jasper asks.

"No. I will not. You are my chosen Guardian and I intend to keep that. I don't care if there's another Guardian who is more powerful than you. To me, You are the most powerful that has ever existed! If you die! I will die with you" Jamie immediately

answered. Then she hears Jasper cry for the first time ever since she resurrected him.

"...T-Thank you, J-Jamie." He muttered softly.

Jasper didn't mention it but he is glad at least

someone is there to stick with him through the end.

"You're welcome, now go get some rest," Jamie said in a soft and caring voice. With that, Jasper soon falls asleep, and Jamie disappears to watch over her precious Guardian.