
Az toy story dead

10 players are kidnapped and forced to participate in a deadly game, the winner who wins the 5 games will come out alive, but the losers will have a mortal end is tragic

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3 Chs


When you close your eyes, you envision yourself trekking through untrammeled primeval forests, encountering unknown dinosaurs of every species imaginable, testing your own courage and skill against the biggest badasses that ever roamed the Earth.

Actually, it would be an indisputably better idea for you to focus your attention on the impending challenge. You've waited weeks for today's make-or-break meeting with the dean of students, mentally rehearsing what you intend to say to get yourself out of this mess. You did nothing wrong. Not only that, but you're a good student, double-majoring in zoology and engineering with a minor in film. Trouble is, everybody thinks you cheated—everybody except for Brett. That's your best friend and the only person you can really confide in, the only person with whom you can kick back and just be yourself. You smile inwardly as you think of Brett…