

When the worst of the tarry gunk is cleaned away and Vance is finally able to sit up, everybody gathers around. He looks from one worried face to the next before his gaze fixes on you. "Guth…," Vance rasps, scrutinizing you. It's a look of reassessment. Casey gives him another sip of water. After spitting out something black and smelly, he goes on. "I was positive I was done for. I'll never forget seeing you come driving around the bend. I underestimated you."

Everyone nods, and Brett pats you on the shoulder. They all look like they expect you to say something.

"I specialize in being underestimated," you reply, realizing Vance's words are as close as the guy can bring himself to expressing gratitude.

Brett snorts in response to your weak joke, but Casey gives you a look of respect. "Don't sell yourself short."

"That was a major thing you did," Skyler adds.

Sensing your discomfort, Brett says, "Well, it's been real, and now we've got to go. Come on, Guth." She grabs your arm and pulls you along to the Land Rover. Once you two are out of their earshot, she mutters, "Whatever Vance's selling, we're not buying."

"Nope. Definitely not," you reply. You toss all your gear into the Way Way Wayback Machine and drive away.

Later That Evening