
6 - Bunny

It was 2:45 PM on a Friday afternoon, the clouds covered the sky, making everything look a little grey. The temperature was just right—not too cold that I'd need to wear a light jacket, yet not too hot that I'd want to go for some ice cream.

I was sitting in my math class, leisurely passing the time by secretly using my phone that was hidden inside my head through the use of my quirk.

"Alright class, for the last thing we're going to do today, is this 5 minute math multiplication worksheet."

As usual we we're assigned a timed multiplication work sheet at the end of the school day.

"The first to finish gets a full-size Caramilk."

Being treated by our teacher, Mr. Mashimo, is a rare occurrence, because he isn't paid very much. Despite that he sometimes spoils his 4th grade students with treats, getting little to nothing back in return. 

With the caramel chocolate bar as incentive to take this seriously, the students of class D rushed to complete the assignment, all of whom losing motivation as the first worksheet was passed in.

"Time's up, pencils down." Mashimo said.

While handing out the Caramilk to the student who finished the fastest, Mashimo gathered up the rest of the mostly unfinished papers.

"Hmm... We have about 10 minutes left till class ends. There's not enough time to do anything else, so you can all get ready." He said.

Packing my school supplies into my bag, I march to the front of the classroom, slowly unraveling my prize in front of the girl with an intelligence quirk, called IQ.

"this caramel bar is pretty good, real sweet." I said.


She looked at me, her expression a mix of anger and annoyance.

"why didn't you try and win that, don't you have an intelligence quirk?"

She doesn't respond to my question, glaring at me instead as scary as a 9 year old could.

"oh that's right, sorry, i forgot you need coffee to activate you're quirk, or was it milk? didn't you need to do a twirl too or something like that?"

Once again she ignores my innocent small talk, walking away to talk to her friend group.

"Do you really need to taunt Intelli-san like that?" Tsuyu asks me with her signature poker face.

"i wasn't taunting her, i simply had forgotten why she didn't use her IQ quirk to win the caramel bar, right before the the papers were handed out, i overheard her saying it was favorite chocolate. thought it was a bit odd." I replied.

"Sure." She said, clearly not believing me. 

"you going straight home again?"

"Yea, I have to babysit again. See you tomorrow, ribbit."

Tsuyu left the classroom, taking one last glance at me before she left, and heading home to her siblings.

Not wanting to go back to the orphanage right away, I opted to enter the schools library for a few hours, I skimmed the isles, picking up a few random books I hadn't read before, and sitting down on a secluded couch.

A few hours go by until the librarian give me a few looks like she's about to kick me out, I get up putting the books I read back into there proper place. Ambling towards the library doors, I go back and pick up a few more books before sitting down again inside.

After being kicked out of the library, I found myself on the dimly lit streets, my curfew was in an hour meaning I had to return to the orphanage now. Greeting Honaka as I entered, I retreated into my shared room, placing my school uniform and bag into my personal space. There wasn't much to do, I spent most of my time before we were forced to go to sleep practicing different applications of my quirk.

Excluding the older teenagers who had a later curfew, most of the children had fallen asleep, guess now would be a good time to go, I've been running low on money after all. 

I sat up on my bed, my bubbling flesh began separating from my arm, slowly morphing into a empty husk of myself perfectly formed, clothes and all, it's body infused with a portion of my soul, and tucked it into bed.

It'd be annoying if someone were to attempt to wake it up, however the lights were off and our caretakers don't normally enter our rooms at night so the chance was low.

With that settled, I slipped out of my room fully transparent, exiting quickly through the side window of the vacant kitchen, the most common exit for when I sneak out, morphing myself into a woman, named Shoko, a woman who had medical enhancer quirk and went missing a few years ago. 

I've been earning small amounts of money by turning into her, and temporarily enhancing or producing extra quirk biochemical's which would increase the power or effectiveness of a quirksimilar to the trigger drug; just without the major side effects.

This small legal loophole works because temporarily increasing biochemicals of someone's quirk isn't classified under medical practice, rather would be the similar to privately using my quirk on someone with their consent. Similarly, morphing my body into Shoko's wouldn't be classified under impersonation, since I don't dress myself up as to look like a doctor, nor actually claim to be her.

The cool wind blowing through my hair as I jogged through the city. I arrived at the side of a black building, lodged between a bar and a pawnshop, it was 8:30pm, the streets were mostly quiet. 

I unlocked the door with a key I was never given, and entered without knocking, causing Giran who was working on his laptop to immediately reach for his pistol, stopping once he recognized me.

"You've gotta stop doing that, how do you even get those keys." He said, slightly annoyed by me.

"The door was unlocked." I lied lazily and ignored his request.

Giran sighed, returned his pistol into his jacket pocket, and messed around on his laptop, before turning it around to show me.

"I've got another client for you who specifically asked for you Suzuki, he'll be in the coffee shop down the street in 15 minutes. He already knows about you're abilities and is willing to pay well, the details are right here." He said, pointing to the laptop.

I gave the laptop a quick look before exiting the building, taking my time walking to the coffee shop and ordering a Swiss roast beef sandwich along with a cherry vanilla milkshake. I don't need to care about what I eat anymore, so I enjoy trying new things, the sandwich wasn't terrible, but the lettuce was soggy, and the bread was hard. The milkshake was very sweet, still enjoyable though.

Around a minute later Death Arms enters in hero costume, he marched over to my table.

"Are you Suzuki?" He asked, his tone audibly tired.

"That's me." I replied with no enthusiasm.

"I was referenced to you by an acquaintance of mine, Sliding' go."

"Is that so?" I replied, again without any interest in the conversation.

"I see, I'll make this quick then. You are able to speed up or produce chemicals within anyone's body, is that correct?" He inquired, curious about my quirk.


"I mean sorta, I can only do certain ones, Quirkistry is the most popular. Like Recovery Girl quirk but for more than healing."

"That's good then. I've reached a bottleneck in my training; Stuck on an invisible wall that's blocking me from reaching my maximum potential. Unsure of what to do, until I was told by Slidin' Go, about how you recently learned how to produce a similar enhancement effect to the trigger drug—without the side effects."

"My quirks only works temporary, you'll return back to being stuck once the effects release, I'd recommend going with a recovery and energy boost, that'd be more helpful for a breakthrough."

"You think that would be the best option?" He questioned.

"I'm just guessing, I'm not a doctor, you know. It'd make sense since you have an arm strength quirk, it'd improve you're training sa little."

"I'll go with that then. Another thing though..."

Death Arms sat motionless for a moment, one hand nervously taking down his headband, and using his other hand lift his hair up, revealing his balding hair line.


"I'm not even that old and my hair lines started receding. Are you able to fix that too?" Visibly sweating Death Arms asked, as if I was his last hope.

"That's fine, give me your hand."

He raised his arm right over my food, I grabbed it, channeling energy in his body to complete his requests, watching as small hairs popped out of his forehead.

"I can feel it affecting me already." He said with a smile on his face.

"Yea, I accelerated it a little so you could see the effects. Increasing the intensity further would be bad for your health, It'll grow to the length of the rest of your hair while my quirk is still active in you're body. However it is not permanent, if you shave the hair off or it falls off naturally after my quirks effect is gone, it won't grow back. That and the rest of the effects will last for 20 hours from now."

"I understand, It's honestly can't believe it would be this easy. Oh and um... I... This might be a weird question, but are you able to increase someones... uh... length as well?"

"Right... Anyway your total's 35,000 Yen." I said, adding extra for the stupid question.

Death Arms awkwardly handed me the cash in response to my transparent dislike of his question and walked out of the store after thanking me once more.

I pocked the money he handed over, finished my meal, and stood up to leave. While I didn't need to earn money, doing small tasks like this paid decently, no reason not to start working now.

Making my way home through the familiar empty side-streets. It was a quiet night—Until two fairly quick and likely powerful individuals begun heading in my direction. 

Undoing my transformation, I hid myself around a random store's front door.

At first glance, it seemed like the villain had an acid quirk, with shoulder length slimy hair that was made of the same acid substance dripping from his scalp, and dark purple skin similar to a zombies, I've currently nicknamed him Toxic Chainsaw.

I watched from around the corner as the Rabbit Hero Mirko, violently kicked the villains stomach sending him flying 30 feet in the sky, her ferocity was unbelievable for a literal human rabbit.

"PFFFTKAAAAH That really hurt!" He shouted, sounding more amused than hurt.

She ignored his screaming, sprinting on the rooftop as the villain slashed his chainsaw at her, spraying green liquid in a crescent shaped slash, cutting through the nearby buildings. Flipping off some rubble she quickly closed the gap between them.

Mirko was faster and physically much stronger, her kicks were overwhelming, sending vibrations throughout the street. She sent another kick at him, which Toxic Chainsaw narrowly avoided, barely brushing his shoulder. 

The villains chainsaw revved louder, increasing the output of his quirk in retaliation, he swung another chainsaw buffed attack. Nicking a small part of her cheek, barely visible even from up-close, his poison infiltrating into her blood system.

Her breathing grew heavier, she was getting noticeably slower, and it hadn't even been a minute since the poison had entered.

"That small cut is already affecting me?" She muttered, a little irritated.

But that wouldn't be enough to stop Mirko, a massive grin reappeared on her face, even larger than the ones she had on before. She crouched slightly getting ready to jump, her muscles expanding rapidly.


She took a large breath before leaping at him faster than Toxic Chainsaw could evade, he swung his revving chainsaw at her. Mirko twisted her upper body mid-air, moving out of the chainsaw's reach, she grabbed ahold of Toxic Chainsaw's arms.

"I've got you~" She said mockingly.

While holding both his arms down, she kneed him straight in the face, sending him flying backwards with blood splurting out of his nose, tears blocking out Toxic Chainsaw's vision.

Barely able to see anything, he blindly shot his quirk at her, whizzing past the hero's ears, spraying toxic sludge across the pavement. The range of the fight was very wide, meaning the streets were mostly cleared out by now, Mirko wouldn't need to worry about any citizens.

Toxic chainsaw squinted his irritated eyes, his chainsaw still spraying acid, seemed to have locked eyes on me, a second before being kicked in the head.

"Luna Fall!" She shouted, a smirk plastered on her face.


Taking a risk, he tried to block Mirko's vicious kick by spraying a powerful stream of acid a meter away from his head. The acid absorbed a decent amount of the force behind her kick, but it backfired on him. 

While he melted some metal off her shoe, she reflected a portion of his acid back onto his face, melting one of his eyes and other less important areas, combined with the might behind Mirko's attack, Toxic Chainsaw laid limp on the concrete, half of skull exposed the to chill night air.

Assuming he was incapacitated, The hero stepped back, taking out her device to inform the police. During that slight interval of oversight, Toxic Chainsaw in his half-conscious state, used a burst of acid to launch himself towards me.

Caught off guard by his last ditch attempt, Mirko, slightly surprised by my appearance, wasn't fast enough to intercept him, causing more blood was unnecessarily spilt on the city streets.

Not my blood though, as I had lazily sidestepped the villain, who had been moving at around 70 KM face first into a brick wall, his previous damaged head getting more injured, stuck into the bricks, and a near lethal amount of his blood dripping out from it, further cementing his defeat.

"A kid?" She questioned, looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"that looks like it could be bad." Ignoring her comment, I pointed at the barely alive villain.

Mirko glanced over to him, looking at the puddle of blood he'd created, her expression completely unfazed, and then shrugged.

"Eh, he got what coming to him." She said, clearly unconcerned if he lived or died.

She walked over to me, not stopping till she was less than a meter apart, studying me briefly with that intense and unwavering look.

"What's a kid like you doing here at this hour anyway?"

I doubted she actually cared much about why I was out, she'd had a history of being expelled from her middle and high-schools for illegal underground fighting, rule breaking, and other things you could expect from a battle junkie. If anything she'd probably respect my sneaking out, not that it mattered.

"nothing special really." I said, then looked at her leg. "doesn't you're foot hurt?"

"It's nothing more than a scratch." She replied.

Taking her med-kit out while waiting for police to get here, she pulled out some antiseptic wipe, to clean her injured foot. Right before she could continue the treatment, I spoke up.

"i can fix it for you, if you want."

She looked up at me, without her signature smirk on.

"This? You think I need patching up from a kid?" She scoffed, though sounded intrigued, as if she wanted to see what I'd do.

"my quirk is very good for healing, i can only treat small injures, but that acid burn would be easy." I stated, my voice completely monotone, yet still full of confidence.

"Alright kid, but any funny business and I'll beat your ass." She exclaimed.

I reached out, slowly placing my hand onto her thigh, we both stood by silently as the acid burn on her foot began fading, the damaged muscle regenerating to their previous condition in seconds.

"Not bad, you got rid of the poison too?" She questioned, noticing the poisons side effects disappearing.

I replied by simply nodding.

Her grin had reappeared as she rotated her foot in circular motions, and then strolled over to the newly arrived policemen, without sparing me another glance, to explain the situation.

Turning around, I blended in the shadows of the side street, morphing into another random civilian, leaving before I could be questioned for my involvement. Lacking anything else I wanted to do, I casually heading back to the orphanage, letting the silence settle in around me on the journey home.


Ch 6 End

This chapter took a while to come out, I spent a lot of time on the art, redrawing a few parts multiple times, which I wanted to avoid badly to avoid time wasting, but I kept getting stuck on the writing, so I redraw parts of the mirko vs toxic chainsaw fight it every time I got stuck on it. 

Speaking about toxic chainsaw, I kinda fucked up on his hair, it was only redrawn once as I cared more about mirko, I could of redrawn it again, but this chapter was already taking way longer than usual to come out anyway.

I also got sick and couldn't do jack for 2 days.

it was technically my 2nd time writing a fight scene, the first time was intentionally extremely one sided though, so I don't really count it as one.

As always point out any errors or inconsistences I may of missed, thanks.