
Haruki's Journey Arc Volume

After the following events of Isaac's mission, Haruki was sent on a mission to discover new power and defeat a few enemies which are known as the The Obelisk. Haruki had firstly went to space to discover a new power. Going from planet to planet until his very last planet, Loguia, and there he found a power but he had to earn it due to the civilization there. Instead, Haruki killed everyone and got the power, left, and destroyed the planet. The power was a ring that made you become the Blue Lantern but it turns red when you become evil. Haruki went back to Earth and chased down the Obelisk, Haruki had discovered that the Obelisk went to space so now Haruki sighed and went back to space so he can hunt down the Obelisk. Haruki had arrived at a planet so called Mogila where was stored an Obelisk Headquarters base. "So this is where you've been this entire time huh?" - Haruki whispered to himself. Haruki stealthly went inside the base that was made out of quartz and a shining chiseled stone floor with a bunch of tech inside. Haruki sees one of the Obelisk's members and decided to stalk him for a few minutes. Haruki got caught by a robot that he didn't even know existed! "Oh, robots.... great..." Haruki slowly said. Haruki ran as fast as possible but one of the Obelisk's members reached to him and locked him up in a cell that contains anti-powers tech. Over at Planet Earth, John was called for a meeting at Madness Force Headquarters. "John, we haven't recieved news from Haruki at space yet, we're a bit worried of the situation so could we send you there to take a look?" The leader asked John. "Sure thing, I can go there." John answered. John had put on an astronaut suit and entered the space pod. He had arrived at the destination and went to look for Haruki. John had went inside and looked everywhere except the basement. When John entered there, he saw Haruki in a cell and finally broke him free. Haruki and John went to hide because of an alarm system going off. The Obelisk members came down while Haruki and John were thinking of the time to start a fight. "Fuck it" both Haruki and John said it and went for a showdown. Blue Lantern and Blue Arrow vs The Obelisk Squad! It's a 2v6 with Haruki at low mana and John at a tireless rate. The Obelisk Squad is at full energy and power. Isaac and John make a plan through a mind controlled technique that is similar to telekinesis. While The Obelisk Squad was making their plan right there with whispers, Isaac was intelligent enough to put a mic on one of the members and now he can hear everything. He told John everything about their plan. The fight had started with Isaac going out first and then stealthly John goes later. The Obelisk Squad was confused on where John was at and why did Isaac go fight by himself. John was doing his part of the plan, a trap was being made, while Isaac was distracting them. To distract even more, there were smoke everywhere so they wouldn't know where John was. There was decoys of John as well. They were so distracted, Isaac was landing every single shot on them. John had finished the trap and finally appeared to the Obelisk Squad. Isaac and John were attacking and attacking to make the Obelisk Squad slowly move over to the trap zone. Unexpectedly John recieves a call in the middle of the fight and the Obelisk Squad would think this is a chance to attack the distracted Isaac and the undefensible John but no, Isaac knew that they were gonna attack and John wasn't only paying attention to the call but also to the Obelisk Squad. The call had ended and the fight was resumed, leaving the Obelisk Squad all confused. When The Obelisk Squad ran to attack Haruki. John had jumped down and started an attack while Haruki was starting his attack so they could combine theirs. The Obelisk Squad saw what they were doing and they knew that they were fucked up and too late to dodge. Haruki's and John's attack was so strong, it launched the Obelisk Squad to the trap and boom! The trap was activated and now the Obelisk Squad was stuck in a magical jail cell but this wasn't any type of magical jail cell. "Tell us intel and we will let you go and live your life however you'd like it to be" John demanded The Obelisk Squad. The Obelisk Squad had rejected and the cell exploded with themselves inside. The Obelisk Squad died an untragic death. Haruki and John destroyed the evidence and by evidence they mean the entire base. Haruki and John went back to the Madness Force Headquarters. They had arrived and everyone was there united like it was a family reunion but more important, more special. They discovered that it was a reunion but it was a code red reunion.