

700 years ago, a large disaster nearly destroyed the world and almost drove the human population to extinction. But, out of that disaster, a new world appeared, a world filled with mythical creatures, mystical landscapes, and supernatural powers. The surviving humans have found a safe location to inhabit and rebuild themselves. Now, they are ready to start exploring this new world. This story follows a team of 5 people: Kon, Lina, Kaito, Sandra, and their teacher Oscar as they unveil the mysteries of this new world. This is my first attempt at writing a story. Please be as honest as possible, and provide constructive criticism. Thank you for your time, and please enjoy. BTW: I took in a lot of references from other works. I don't own the cover and I did not make it. No idea who the artist is but this looks amazing.

LostOne54 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
2 Chs

Ch.1 Introduction

At the peak of a tall mountain lies a flat plain filled with lush greens, two large cities side by side, a small city between them, and a large lake south of them. The sun slowly rises and shines on the top of the peak as the day starts.

Kon (16-year old) tightens the tie on his blue blazer, long black pants school uniform. And heads towards his school's auditorium. There he sees his fraternal twin kid sister Lina walking and chatting with their childhood friend. Azusa, a voluptuous beauty emanating a mature and sexual aura.

"Yo! Morning Kon." Nacht (son of the school principal) greeted Kon with a bright smile and Davies beside him.

"Hey fatso, sup Davies." Kon jokingly replied.

"Man, when will you stop calling me fatso?" Nacht replied with a slightly annoyed tone.

"When you stop looking like a marshmallow." Davies remarked.

The three looked at each other and started laughing.

"Hahaha, good one, Davies. Man, that was good." Said Kon while giggling.

"Alright, we better be going." said Nacht.

They then headed into the auditorium. And spotted hundreds of first-year students. Kon's school is the renowned Martial God Academy.

Martial God academy is a prestigious school in Revton town, the city between Grand and Sky city. This school teaches their students to hone their Martial art skills by vigorously training them physically and mentally.

(SNP = Supernatural power or Magic)

Every student in the school has the potential to awaken an SNP. An SNP has been decided since birth; to use an SNP, the Martial artist must harness the power of Ki. Only fighters who utilize martial arts with SNP will be considered true martial artists.

Ki is the life energy that continuously flows through the air and earth; it's produced by plants and used by humans and animals. Not many people can harness Ki and physically form it.

Since birth, every human being stores Ki in their abdomen, and Ki naturally is in every cell of a human being. Ki courses through every human's body, but only the gifted can harness it.

At the front of the auditorium, a group of adults lined up on the side of the stage, and a beautiful paled skin woman with auburn hair, in a white dress stood behind an erected podium.

"Hello?" The woman called out

The auditorium went silent and the students suddenly went quiet-unable to speak, then the woman introduces herself as "Vice Principal Alexandra Byurn."

"As you all know, the Martial God academy was established 100 years ago to train talented individuals and turn them into successful martial artists." Alexandra had a soothing voice and all the students' attention.

"This school incorporates talent from Sky and Grand city together, and people of both noble and common birth. I hope everyone can get along with each other."

After 30 minutes of introducing school regulations, a loud laugh came from the auditorium's entrance.

"Yoho... Ho... Ho...!"

"I guess it's my time." Alexandra stepped back from the podium.

A figure flew above the student's head. And came crashing down onto the stage, destroying the podium.

"Hey, can I get some help here?"

The unknown figure was actually an old frail-looking man, sunk neck-deep onto the stage.

"Of course, principal." Alexandra firmly squeezed the old man's head with one hand and a smile on her face.

"OUCH... OUCH... OUCH! That hurts Alex! Knock it off! I'm SORRY!" The principal writhed in pain as she squeezed his head harder.

"Couldn't you've been gentler? No one likes a brute." The principal massaged his head to relieve the pain, but Alexandra's killing intent made him nervous.

"This dumb old man is the principal?" "He looks more like a clown than a principal." "Who wears a tank top, shorts, and sandals for this?" The crowd of students continued to harshly insult the old man quietly and make jokes about him amongst themselves.

"Hey, I heard all that!" The principal was annoyed by the constant insults he was receiving.

"Come on, dad, not the first day." Nacht was filled with embarrassment seeing his father act like a kid.

"Principal, don't you have something to say to the students?" Asked Alexandra.

The principal proudly stood in front of the students; he had a scrawny build, short white hair, black eyes, and was short stature. He looked exactly like a weak old man but was abnormally energetic.

The old man confidently introduces himself as "Abraham Gray, the 4th principle of Martial God academy."

The principal then went on to talk about the school administration and the type of committees that help keep the peace and happiness of the school.

The disciplinary committee is made up of 7 students deemed to be the strongest in school. They have all at least reached martial master rank, and some members can match a teacher's strength.

The martial arts power ranking starts at (Martial apprentice, Martial practitioner, Martial master, Ki fusion, Martial truth, Transcendental Ki, Martial saint, and Martial emperor.)

From martial apprentice to martial master, one refines their martial technique, combat skills, and body.

A martial master must learn how to intentionally absorb Ki from their surroundings into themselves; only then can they reach the Ki fusion stage. This explosively increases their stamina, combat ability and grants the ability to sense Ki 5ft away from their bodies. They also explosively increase their physical strength and martial techniques.

The difference between Ki fusion and regular Ki absorption is the speed and amount one can store. When a martial artist becomes stronger, their Ki storage increases.

There is also a student council. They help organize field trips, training regimes, festivals. The student council consists of 7 members, and they're almost as strong as the disciplinary committee.

"That concludes my speech. I hope you all work hard and enjoy the next 4 years of your life here." The principal cheerily walked off the stage. He planned to go spy on the new generation of genius students.

The staff of the academy sighed with disappointment. The principal likes to goof off and let his vice-principal handle all paperwork.

The bell dinged, signaling the start of the 1st day of school. Flocks of students migrated to their classes.

Kon, Nacht, Davies, Lina, and Azusa met at the front entrance of their class. As they greeted each other, Kon walked up to Azusa, placed a finger under her chin, and romantically gazed into her eyes.

"My princess, have you been well? I've really missed your scent." Kon then started sniffing her hair.

"Who's your princess, creep!" Azusa angrily kneed Kon's testicles.

Kon suddenly felt a jabbing pain on his groin, and he fell to the ground in agony. Kon's face tightened from the pain of Azusa kneeing his testicles.

"Oh, my children! I'll never be able to have kids now!" Kon rolled around on the ground, screaming.


"Stupid brother." Lina was filled with embarrassment.

While Kon suffered, his friends went inside.

As the group entered the class, they noticed a boy with a straw hat covering his face, leaning back on his chair, sleeping. A Long-haired blonde beauty with large breasts getting hit on by an arrogant-looking boy with slicked blonde hair. A boy with black hair, a boy with light blue hair, a redheaded girl, and a brown hair girl seated and patiently waiting for the teachers to arrive. The group then sat at the front.

Meanwhile outside

"Hey you, why are you lying on the floor and touching yourself?"

"I'm recovering. Why?" Kon looked up to see who had spoken to him, and three adults stared at him.

The middle person had huge muscles, the one on the left was a middle-aged woman, and the person standing to the right was nerdy looking.

"Recover inside. Class is starting." The muscular man grabs Kon by his collar and throws him inside the classroom.

"AHHH!" Kon flew across the room and landed face down at the front of the class.

"What kind of teacher are you?! Being so violent with a student!" Kon angrily yelled.

"The best kind, brat! Also, I have a name; call me Oscar sensei." The muscular teacher replied

The other two teachers walking down with Oscar introduced themselves as Natsu sensei (the nerdy looking one) and Julia sensei (the middle-aged woman).

"Go take a seat, brat!" Oscar's tone strike fears into Kon.

He complacently did what Oscar wanted, knowing he'd be no match for him.

At the front of the classroom, Oscar informed the students what they will learn.

The genius class is filled with students who will be getting hands-on training to learn how to be an adventurer. They are the most talented students of their year. This only applies to 1st year through 3rd year. 4th-year students get hands-on training regularly to prepare them for the real world.

"When adventuring, students will still have to study. And, since you're all inexperienced and weak, we'll be doing it in teams of 5." Oscar doesn't filter his words.

"Each team will have an instructor guide them, and we'll make three teams in total."

Oscar declared his team members to be Kon, Lina, Sandra, and Kaito.

The teachers drew straws beforehand to see who gets who.

"How unlucky to train an idiot and slacker." Kon and Kaito vexed Oscar's thoughts.

But, Oscar overflowed with happiness, knowing Lina and Sandra, two beauties, would be on his team. They were respectful enough to not sleep in class on the first day and touch themselves in public.

Oscar had perverted thoughts about them "Two S class beauties, what more can I ask for." grinning discreetly.

Natsu announced his members: Zi (slicked blonde hair), Nacht, Davies, and Jun (light blue hair).

"I object, Sir!" Zi exclaimed.

"You can't object." Natsu kindly replied.

Zi, annoyed, then asked if he could switch with one of the boys on Oscars team. Zi knew the 7 disciplinary committee members were all Oscar's students.

Oscar is known as the best teacher in the academy. His students are all extremely powerful. And Zi wants power to dominate.

Zi also wanted to be on the same team as Sandra and Lina, two incredibly gorgeous beauties.

Natsu then gave Zi an intense glare, sending chills down his back. "I already said no. Don't make me repeat myself."

Zi reluctantly sat down. The whole class closely paid attention to the event, and they realized the teachers can be frightening.

"Looks like I'm not the only one with troublesome students," Oscar remarked.

"I hope the other members can help reform his attitude for the better." Natsu sighed.

Oscar assured Natsu that his first year of teaching will be fine.

Julia announced her members: Azusa, Yoshi (timid, pushover, black hair), Elizabeth (red hair, ruby eyes, average looking), and Hinata (Brown hair, Brown eyes, cute).

With the teams' decided Oscar informed the students their first adventure would be 2 weeks from now. The students will attend the class like regular students until then. Oscar advised the teams to start introducing themselves to each other.

Zi grabbed Sandra's wrist as she tried to leave. "Oy, Sandra, where are you going?" Zi impudently asked.

"I-I'm just going to greet my teammates real quick. I'll be back soon." Sandra nervously said with a fake smile.

"You better come back. You know what'll happen to your family if you don't." Zi smirked.

"Of course, I would never leave you." Sandra hastily walked away from Zi and up to Kon.

"Sandra Weber, Eldest daughter of the Cancer house. Nice to meet you." Sandra's voice was transparent and harbored kindness.

Kon stood up and proudly introduce himself. "Hiya, I'm Kon Lione Eldest, son of the Leo house. Nice to meet ya."

"Leo house?!" Kon's background shocked Sandra.

The Leo House was the 2nd most influential household in Grand city, only under the city lord.

There are 13 wealthy households based on the zodiacs in Grand (7 houses) and Sky (6 houses) city. They govern both cities and are extremely rich. Each house's power is ranked 13-1, with 1 being the strongest house and 13 being the weakest.

Sandra's attention searched for her other teammates.

"I'm Lina Lione, eldest daughter of the Leo house. Nice to meet you."

When Lina introduced herself, Sandra was overwhelmed with Lina's elegance. She had a graceful voice. From her smile to her manners, it felt angelic.

"We're twins!" said Kon

Sandra was in disbelief, Kon was a hot-blooded buffoon, but Lina was elegant and calm. They were polar opposites.

Sandra noticing Kaito sitting behind Lina, tried to introduce herself, but he interrupted her asking, "Why do you let him treat you like that? You disgust me."

Kaito's cold attitude made Sandra nervous. "W-What're you talking about? Hehe."

Sandra tried to make small talk with Kaito. "Your name's Kaito, right?"

"Yeah, now buzz off, liar." Kaito's words made Sandra burst out in tears.

"Hey, why are you such an ass?!" Kon was furious at what Kaito said to Sandra.

"What an insolent person." Said Lina, "Oscar sensei, I can't work with someone like Kaito."

"The principal said this is final. I can't do anything about it." Oscar told Lina.

Zi walked up to Kaito and grabbed the sunhat that was covering his face.

Under the sunhat, a childish-looking face, amber eyes, and messy red hair were revealed.

"You're just a child?" Kaito's childish face stunned Zi and left him speechless.

Kaito then positioned his chair upright and stood up, "Give me that back while I'm asking nicely." Kaito threatened Zi, but Zi was unfazed by it.

The students' looked at the transpiring event and were also shocked to discover that a child was in the genius class.