
Awkward Adventure of Self-Conscious Teen Saviour

Cheng Jiayi, 28, single and unfortunate still a virgin, remember last before falling asleep he happily cuddling his squishy garfield cat. Miraculously overnight, he transmigrate into a body of 16 years old orphan teenager with the same name and appearance as him. Other transmigrate into grandeur setting with golden finger and not to mention different sort of other perks. They even have a system! But he waking up on hospital bed with head injury. Not to mention that relatives of him that definitely has shady intentions. Oh well, at least he meet a 'study tyrant' that look alike to that one actor he loves watching despite his stiff acting. It is not that Cheng Jiayi can revert to his old self despite how he want to. Well anyway he still can cuddle the bossy cat in his hostel room and enjoy the life of teenager, minus going to school all over again, not that education is not important, mind you. The 'study tyrant' with appearance like his favourite stiff actor could not stop emphasize this to him. But why this 'study tyrant' seems chanting mantra and churning out charms and amulet like he practicing to be a devil vanquisher monk in mainland drama. Yang Guang surely can be good looking monk. But still what with this amulet that he given to him as protections while tutoring him math problems. Seriously, Yang Guang might watch too much fantasy c-drama. Unexpected of 'study tyrant' of his calibre. Yet little that Cheng Jiayi know, transmigrating to this teenager body is only the beginning of a saga of an epic proportion(its only walk at school corridor at night nothing epic about it - Yang Guang) that filled with suspense (awkward), tensions (bumbling) and excitement ( Cheng Jiayi you are not excited, you basically screaming and crying hideously, I have video proof of that). Shut up fake monk !! Cheng Jiayi was so not screaming and crying hideously. At the very least he definitely look good even when screaming and crying. Well he seen a man with his eyes pop out and tongue longer than any curtain lounging on his bed while singing the current top kpop songs. Look even ghost is keeping up with current trend.

TheInkAlchemist · LGBT+
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39 Chs

Who said Yang Guang has icy cool persona, he is such an attentive person

Cheng Jiayi couldn't help brightens up when the paragon of male handsomeness in his last life coming closer. Wow so handsome ! This could indeed ignite his fanboying spirit that would make him smile like a silly goose. Ok Cheng Jiayi, control yourself. That is not your favourite actor. That is Yang Guang, your 16 years old schoolmate.

"Your phone, oh no wonder, so have you found it ?"

After a few seconds of reflecting on his own fanboying tendency, Jiayi remember the reason why this handsome schoolmate return back to his hospital ward. Wang Churan whom standing on the other side of his bed now looking around the hospital ward.

"Oh, it could be mixing with the gifts over there schoolmate, let me help you find it," without waiting for Yang Guang response, Wang Churan already walk toward the hospital gifts brought by the Yang siblings before.

"No, it's ok schoolmate Wang. I already found it. I left it here on the side table. Thank you for your kind gesture," Yang Guang hurriedly reply while waving the previously claimed 'missing phone'.

"Master you are quite crafty," Fushe do not miss the chance to compliment his master resourcefulness. Yang Guang could only silently rebuke this nagging spirit while smile slightly toward his two schoolmates.

"Ahh already found it ! Great. Ah you are welcome schoolmate. Luckily you were here before. I was totally freaking out when Jiayi screaming in pain," Wang Churan could not help but feeling flustered when saying this.

To be honest, although they are attending the same school, but they are not in the same class and Wang Churan does not really know Yang Guang aside his reputation as study tyrant and school grass simultaneously. Well, who can deny Yang Guang apparent good look. He is currently the "prince charming" of Shishi 1st high school. However, this prince charming always have an aloof nature and icy cool persona. Thus, it limits the number of students dare to get closer to him, and this even including his classmate. But he definitely has numerous secret admirer that eager to be his Cinderella.

Meanwhile Cheng Jiayi frown when hearing his friend remarks. "Wang Churan, I am not screaming in pain," he interject.

"Huh what are you saying you are screaming and crying as well. I saw it with my own eyes, even classmate Yang saw it. Am I right ?" Wang Churan directly denied Jiayi self-assertion. He even include the tall and aloof Yang Guang to ascertain his statement.

Yang Guang could not help but smile slightly when hearing the two friends' banter. Seeing the smile on his look alike favourite actor, sure does makes Jiayi heart flutter. Seriously he really need to check on his favourite actor soon enough or else his position would be snatched by this school grass.

"Well, first you can call me Yang Guang. Second, I am sure schoolmate Cheng does not realise his own expressions at that moment, schoolmate Wang," Yang Guang remarks is truly subtle, but it clearly means that he did indeed screaming beforehand. Jiayi face change as soon as hearing this while Wang Churan smirk triumphantly.

"However, its easily understandable. Schoolmate Cheng must be in severe pain before," Yang Guang continue his speaking. While doing so he takes something out from his jacket pocket. Its an amulet that you can usually get from Taoist temple.

"Schoolmate Cheng, I have forgotten to deliver this well wishes amulet that my mother obtain from prominent Taoist priest. She wish you can keep it with you so it can protect you and to have a speedy recovery." Jiayi is almost blinded with how smooth and articulate this handsome teenager deliver his word. When Yang Guang give him the suppose amulet he just reacted instantly by receiving it.

Meanwhile Yang Guang only put a slight smile on his face while listening to Fushe jubilant compliment. "Master, you does well indeed. As long as this amulet stay with him, it can cover his aura and no ghost could see his delicious soul anymore."

Jiayi on the other hand turn his attention toward the amulet in his hand. Even Wang Churan coming closer to him to get the better look at the amulet. Well, he never really seen one. His parents quite a staunch believer in socialism. There is inscription on it that both him and Jiayi do not understand.

"Thank you schoolmate Yang," after observing the amulet for a few seconds Jiayi finally remember to thank Yang Guang. He lift up his head and a bright smile lit on his face as saying this.

"Just call me Yang Guang, and you are welcome."

"Oh," Jiayi smile deepened hearing this reply. He turn and look at Wang Churan that sport an expressive countenance while looking at Yang Guang. "Hey," following a sudden impulse, he poke at the chubby face.

"Hei what are you doing," Wang Churan reaction sure satisfying. Jiayi chuckle a bit hearing it. "Oh, just nothing."

Wang Churan glance at his suppose best friend and another expressive reaction display on his face. He is such an expressive teen and Jiayi could not help but feel fond toward this teen. Maybe, he is not exactly the real Cheng Jiayi, however he can understand why he became best friend with Wang Churan.

"Schoolmate Cheng, I also wish you speedy recovery. If you need anything else just inform the hospital staff or else you can reach us out. My family has left our contacts to the hospital as well as to Mr and Mrs Wang when you are first delivered to the hospital."

Yang Guang delivered the exact same statement during their first meeting, nonetheless this time it is utter with less impassive and has a slight warmth undertone. If Wang Churan can hear whatever churning in Chang Jiayi mind, he would definitely declare where is the different ? What warm ? Jiayi your head must be muddled because of the injury. That is Yang Icy Guang, the study tyrant. Don't get dupe by his good look and outstanding appearance.

But luckily for Jiayi, Wang Churan cannot read his mind that now in giddy because he can have a very good look at Yang Guang feature that look so similar to his favourite actor. " He really look like my Renren, but he does not have peach blossom eyes like Renren. Woah his nose and lips look the exact same. His brow definitely not, Renren less heroic than this Yang Guang."

"Yes. Thank you err Yang Guang, hmm you also just can call me Jiayi. Please send my regards to your parents and err also thanks your mother for this amulet," Jiayi remarks despite his fanboying state. Anyway this is not truly his dear 'Renren'. Yang Guang giving a vibes that would make people admire him but dare not to become closer. It scream Yang 'You can look but don't come any closer' Guang.

Cheng Jiayi can tell from his experience handling rich client, this is the kind of person who would instead send their personal shopper and provide a long list of details on what they like or not. Even if they grace the store, he would never really have the chance to attend this kind of client, their manager or those in upper management would come in person to welcome them. Beside of that, Yang Guang scream 'old money' that usually speak a little but can deliver plethora of insults and variance of statement just from one look, in contrast with the flamboyant nouveau riche.

The Yang 'embodiment of old money aura' Guang only nodded his head slightly hearing Jiayi words. "I will deliver your gratitude intent, schoolmate Cheng."

"Uh ok thanks," Jiayi awkwardly reply to this. What an abstinence person. Does this person have any closer schoolmate or friend Jiayi wonder as Yang Guang sure has the kind of 'we are not close, so I keep a distance' attitude.

"However schoolmate Cheng, erm Cheng Jiayi."

"Huh ?" Jiayi's active mind cease a bit hearing this. Wah what an attractive tone. Maybe Yang Guang can explore the possibility to become voice actor, its a pity such a fine voice with rich timbre is not sharing with mass population. He can kill tons of fan boy and fan girl with voice alone, Jiayi assume.

"Please keep this amulet close to yourself always. Its my mother kind intention, would you assent to this requests, please. I will be very grateful," Yang Guang smile reach his almond eyes most definitely this time. Such persuasive tone cause an influxes of emotion varied from 'omg this acting god alike is so dashing' to 'Renren is not even this charming' and many others thought. Within second, Jiayi already smile exuberantly.

"Yes definitely, don't worry I will carry it with me always."

Yang Guang feel relief hearing this. At the very least, this amulet can help cover Jiayi aura from leaking and attract ghost or demon left and right. That amulet is indeed given by his mother but its just a mere well wishes amulet with little or no protection function. However, he already added King Yama protective charm within the amulet. He hope this could help cover Jiayi constitution. Besides, with this kind of aura he would not only attract ghost or demon but human with bad intentions as well.

This is so burdensome. But he could not disregard Jiayi disposition, and this would create good karma for him. Not to mention his family indeed indebted to Cheng Jiayi that saving Yang Hui. There now a karmic relation exists between his family and Cheng Jiayi. Protecting him would sooner or later is a prerogative for them.

He also need to refer Jiayi's condition to his grandfather. The old man might have much deeper comprehension than him upon this matter.

Yang Guang does not tarry for long after achieved his intended purpose. Both Cheng Jiayi and Wang Churan send his departure from the ward with different expression on their young face.

While Jiayi sure in good spirit despite his injury meanwhile Wang Churan has a thoughtful mien on his face. He seems like in a big puzzle and Jiayi can actually imagine a big question mark on his head.

"What do you think so hard ?"

"Huh, oh nothing," Wang Churan reply instantly. "That Yang Guang, he is unlike what I had seen or heard about him in the school," he continue.

"What is he like in school? We are not that close or known him that well before this," Cheng Jiayi reply absentmindedly while looking closely at the amulet given to him. "People still believe in charms and such. I thought every rich people is a staunch believer of capitalism," this it what come in Jiayi's mind.

Wang Churan at this moment, is basically rolling his eyes hearing Cheng Jiayi remarks. He push his spectacle up and said, "Jiayi, I think we really need to immediately scan that injured head of yours. Before isn't it you that said Yang Guang is such a pretentious icy cool mofo after you accidentally seen him throw away all the gifts and letters given to him."

"I do ?" Jiayi wonder aloud after hearing this.

"Yeah you did. You know his reputation in the school, an icy study tyrant that has paralysis face and 'I am holier than thou' attitude."

"But he doesn't seem as such. Beside, maybe our schoolmate is exaggerating about his personality," Jiayi reply.

"Who said he has icy cool persona. I think, he is quite attentive."

Yiyi : My Renren look alike is so cool and attentive

Stiff acting god : I am not Renren and stop call me stiff acting god (sending dagger eyes to the author)

Ancient spectral Fushe : Master why I speak only a sentence this time. I need more 'sentences'to express my opinion.

ChuChu : Yiyi acting so silly after his injury

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