

On the roof of the appartment where the Kleitos Family lived, Avren's body appeared. He was preparing to finally go out.

'I thought about hiding my identity but that guy who was spying on me already saw my face. That Clan Head also knows about my identity. So, there's no need to hide my face.'

Avren waved his hand and a black robe with a hoodie covered his body.

'I don't know where is that Clan Head. It's fortunate that I left a mark using my spirit sense on that spying guy last time. Otherwise, I would have to search for him.' Avren's plan was to ask Vidar to meet his Clan Head.

'Here we go!' Avren pointed his finger to the empty air in front of him. Suddenly a black circular portal appeared in front of him.

This portal was a Space Channel. After comprehending the Space Laws, it was easy to penetrate the space here on Earth.

Avren stepped into the Space Channel. When his entire body went in, the Channel disappeared.


In the top floor of the hospital, the head manager's office.

An old man was sitting on the disk. His beard was so long that it reached down his chest. His eyes were closed, as if thinking about something.

This old man was Carlos Hartwin. The Family Head of the Hartwin Family in the town of Northampton.

Tab... Tab... Tab...

His finger was ticking on the disk. The frown on his face deepened with time. That's right. How could he not be worried?

A week ago, he sent Vidar to investigate a young man who seemed suspicious. He thought it was possible for that young man to be a cultivator or someone of those 'special' people. He wanted to know his motives and make sure he wouldn't cause trouble in the town.

But who would have thought...

That young man was surprisingly a Spirit Realm Cultivator!

What shit luck!

He knew very well that all cultivators have a very high sense of pride, especially those powerhouses at the Spirit Realm and above. Even he would be angry if he discovered that someone was spying on him.

He wasn't so naive as to believe that such a powerful cultivator would just forgive his assistant, Vidar, for investigating him. At least he would ask for compensation.

'The only feasible explanation is that he didn't want to make a move where his family lived. But it's already been a week since then and he never came. I believe it's not difficult for him to find us. So why? Did he really forgive us?'

Carlos sighed in depression. Behind him, Vidar was standing anxiously. He had more or less the same feelings of his family head.

"Family Head, do you think that he might really have forgiven us?"

Carlos looked at Vidar from the corner of his eyes then sighed heavily. His old body seemed even more fragile.

"You already know the answer. Someone with that calibre wouldn't allow others to step on their dignity."

He stopped for a brief moment. Vidar kept his silence, waiting for him to continue.

"You know, in this world, people are governed by the law set by their countries. Even cultivators are under some sort of rules and restrictions set by those countries. The only exception is those in the Spirit Realm and above! They have surpassed the influence of the so-called law. Because of that, most of them see other people below them as ants. If an ant doesn't know its limit, it's bound to be stepped on."

Pain and self-ridicule were very evident in his speech. If you can't dominate others, you'll be dominated. That's the principal of this world.

Vidar was surprised by those words. He felt that the clan head was exaggerating a bit.

"Doesn't that mean those Spirit Realm Cultivators could do whatever they want without anyone stopping them? But if that's true, I am sure a few of them would have run amok and caused disasters in the world. But I didn't hear much of incidents like that."

Carlos smiled when heard that. He thought that he made the right choice to choose Vidar as his assistant. He wasn't that clueless after all.

"Vidar, do you have any idea how the current countries came to be? Have you ever thought why big countries only attack certain countries even though there are others with more resources and less power?"

Vidar was startled with that unexpected question. He shook his head, waiting for the answer.

Carlos smiled and said: "This is considered a secret that not many people know. But I--"


A huge explosion suddenly rumbled in his mind. His words came to an abrupt halt. He tried to open his mouth but couldn't. He tried to stand up but he felt his body wouldn't budge. All he could do was to move his eyes.

Behind him, Vidar was in an even worse state. Unable to move and unable to speak. But he could still barely move his eyes.

Both of them felt a pressure they never felt before. The pressure gave off a feeling being able to crush all what's in its presence. Carlos even felt that the pressure could even kill them easily.

Someone who could kill him, a peak-stage Grandmaster, with just the pressure of his cultivation?

Suddenly a thought struck Carlos. He knew. He knew that whoever was releasing that pressure could never be a Spirit Realm Cultivator.

Carlos met a few Spirit Realm Cultivators before and even saw them in action. Although they were extremely powerful, they don't have the power to render him completely immobile with just their pressure.

While both Carlos and Vidar were in shock, they saw a scene that made their jaws slack.

In front of their eyes, a black dot appeared. That dot transformed into a circular black figure. It looked like a space portal in those science fiction movies. A moment later, a black robed young man stepped out of that portal.

Carlos and Vidar were dumbfounded that even if they could speak right now, they would be speechless.

After the black-robed young man walked out of the portal, it vanished without a trace.

As soon as the portal disappeared, the tremendous pressure also dissipated. Carlos and Vidar also gained their ability to move again. But they were in a miserable state right now. Both physically and mentally.

They were breathing heavily and sweating like crazy.

The black-robed man looked at them apologetically and said: "Sorry, it's my first time making a space channel. I couldn't control my power perfectly."

Then he raised his palm towards them. A soft green light appeared in his palm and enveloped them.

Carlos and Vidar felt like being moved from hell to heaven straight away. It took only a moment and the light disappeared, with all their fatigue vanishing with it.