
Chapter 2

After packing my siblings stuff, I move them to the living room and put them beside the door as I turn around to go back to the room and prepare for school also I suddenly feel lightheaded, I manage to move myself to my room before collapsing on my bed while my head keeps banging like someone is hitting it with a big hammer.After some times the headache vanish like it never happens and I suddenly don't feel lightheaded again, then I check the time and see that I am going to be late if I don't hurry out of the house now. It is not that I am eager to go to school I don't really want to go because I am always bullied everyday but it is my only escape from my parents. My worse bully at school is Billy Baker, an only child who come from a rich background, his father is the head warrior who is highly respected in our world and his mother is one of the enforcers of our world, in short Billy Baker and his families are one of the higher-ups who have strong connections. Everyday Billy choose different methods to bully me, so I am not really looking forward to seeing home today but it is inevitable seeing the Billy and his friends are already at the school entrance waiting for me. I quickly take a deep breath to prepare myself before entering the school gates and making my way into the school, as expected, as I enter in to the school Billy and his friends come close to me putting me intl their middle so I will not escape, like there is a place I can run to. Billy is a rank B ability awakener, he have the ability to control fire to his own will, he will always use his fire ability to hurt me while one of his friends who have the ability to heal heals me. "I will hurt you do bad you will wish you don't know me" he whisper in my ears as he leads me into one of the vacant classroom, as we reach the entrance of the classroom Billy push me in to the room and he and his friends proceed to beat the hell out of me, as Billy and his friends beat me ignore them be cause I am already use to them beating me so I turned the out, I feel a lot of anger bubbling up inside me but I know I can only get angry and not do anything because I am powerless, the teachers knows about Billy bullying me but they decide not to do anything about it I mean who will want to help a powerless teach like me, well one teacher will help me Miss Donna, Miss Donna is from a very powerful and wealthy background, no one know what ability Miss Donna have but we all know that she awaken a rank S ability which is very powerful but no one has ever see her use her ability. Anyways Miss Donna is not here to help me now I can only endure the beating. After 30minutes of Billy and his friends beating me they finally have enough or so I think because immediately after the beating stops Billy begins to torture me with his fire ability while his healer friend heals me, this goes on for another 30minutes before the bell rings to signify the start of today's class. "You should really just kill yourself trash, you are taking up a lot of space" Billy said like I am not already thinking about it, after Billy and his friends left I also decide to leave as well but instead of going to the classroom like everyone I decide to sneak out of school through the back door and go to my safe heaven which is a very high mountain that I found so months ago when I first want to kill myself but was unable to because I lack the courage but today I already made up my mind I am jumping today. As I reach the mountain I drop my things and go to stand at the edge of the mountain, I look down to see the bottomless view I almost did not want to fall again but I keep telling myself that I have to jump to escape this harsh reality, as I am about to jump I heard a loud crash sound,


which aid my jump and send me falling off the edge of the mountain, even though I wanted to kill myself not long ago, I am actually scared for my life.


I suddenly fall to the ground and heard a crack sound but I don't feel anything, my breathing is so heavy, my vision going in and out and I think with a smile on my face 'Finally I am free', little did I know this is just the beginning of my new life