
Awakening Into One's Own (1st in Soul Forged series) (Psuedo - LitRPG)

Are YOU part of the empathic class? Do you ever listen to a song, see a breathtaking scene in nature, or experience a perfect moment in time, where something inside you revels at the moment with rushes of chills, surges of energy, and tingling all over? For reference, search the term "Musical Frisson." But for those truly in the know, it is far from being limited to simply music. This is a story of a young man who learns the deeper truth about this ability to feel that which brings so much more color and intensity to his life. "To touch upon a dream may satisfy you for a night, but to unveil and enliven a deep truth, will satisfy you beyond a lifetime." By unknown. ************ WARNING!! This is a realistic fantasy which reflects a deep respect for the atrocities in life, is tinged with dark humor, builds upon honest feel-good moments, and contains violence and intrigue on a whole other level. This story is not for the faint of heart, casual thrill seeker, or bored reader. Read at your own risk of self-discovery. At least read until the end of Chapter 2 before running away, if you dare. ************* Intro: In the early stages of WWIII, a young brother and sister are forced apart in the fallout of a new munitions test from a terrorist organization. Living at the very edges of their small remote village, they are the only living survivors of a previously untested and ignorantly harnessed magical compound. Resulting from the violent devastation and consequences of magical fallout in a mundane world, the sister was unwillingly drawn into the far future of an alternate reality and chaotic world. Her lone brother, remained on their origin Earth to pick up the pieces of his shattered life as he integrated with science and society. Each adrift in their different realities and split time-lines, they desperately strove to establish themselves and reconnect. 42 years passed on origin Earth before they were able to forge a connection across the tides of time and space. However, the resulting discoveries that each made in their own era, revealed that their origin Earth was in for another terrible tragedy. With the aid of otherworldly powers, the passageway between realities and time-lines was stabilized. Under the guise of a Virtual Reality, and overseen by the global medical and scientific empire of Millennial Enterprises, the unveiling of this new world was done in order to train and sensitize the ignorant citizens of Earth. All this was done in preparation for a magical Armageddon blooming silently on the horizon. (Presented in first person view, starting in Chapter 1) Andrew Matherson, a young college student and patient care technician, who is haunted by a past mistake, unwittingly joins the throngs of participants in this new "Virtual Reality" adventure. Most participants were the result of chance and happenstance. Only a small few, like him, were hand-picked by the brother and sister pair to stand as budding protectors in a world that knew not of its looming fate. However, as man plans, the heavens dispose. ************* Additional tags: Apothecary work, animal companions, deep character growth, emotionally stimulating scenes, dungeon exploration, logical and realistic explanations for fantasy designs, and more. This becomes a Truer Lit-RPG at the start of book 2, but I won't ruin the surprise. Monday/Wednesday/Friday releases as of 6/17/2024 due to my increased backlog and improved writing pace. 30 Advance chapters on Patreon!

Jade_Theif · Fantasía
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56 Chs

Chapter 6 First Delivery & Kernels of Wisdom (Part 1/5)

Getting up out of the capsule, I looked at the time. Thursday, May 21st at 1:39 pm. Making some mental calculations while looking at my calendar, I realized that I had the opportunity to experience 6 more, mostly uninterrupted days in that world's time flow. That was before I had to work again this Saturday afternoon. A resigned smirk crossed my lips as I contemplated this time.


It's too bad that after this week, I had to return to my full-time work schedule for the summer. Thus, limiting my time in learning from Victoria.


Looking around me, I almost expected for there to be a layer of dust on everything, with all the time that had passed, and the things that I had experienced there. Feelings of warmth and chills filled me as I began to feel hope again with the recalled stimulation. Out of everything that I might do to better myself, I feel that my current experiences in that world of fantasy were the most fulfilling and self-realizing thing that I could be doing.


I did however, grimace while recalling many of my actions there. I felt a distinct reduction of self-control and restraint while interacting with Victoria and her associates. I blamed it on the altered mentality present in a young teenage body. It threw me off that Millennial Enterprises was able to simulate those adolescent hormones so effectively. However, while uncomfortable, it was sometimes oddly freeing. Case in point my interest in Gertrude's tortoise-like appearance. My appreciation for turtles was conditioned by my childhood, as we had raised many water and box turtles as a family.


I had come to love watching the many antics of those tiny shelled comedians, especially when it came to feeding time. Such entertainment had blossomed into a childhood dream of mine, to ride atop the shell of a Galapagos tortoise. As I grew into an adult, such dream transformed into the desire to raise children that could ride it for me.


In real life, I could only gaze longingly at the Galapagos islands on a map and see the majestic turtles at the zoo or online, yet couldn't closely interact with them. Unless I wanted to volunteer at a zoo or something, then I had to stand at a ropes distance away.


All these thoughts and new experiences in a far less restrained world, made me wonder about the changes that I could make in my own life. If I were to go back in time to my own 14-year-old age, what decisions would I make differently? What friends would I still associate with? How much time would I spend secluded in my room, reading mystery and adventure books as well as playing games, instead of going out to experience real adventure? 


One might say that me being in this VR was also a game of sorts, yet I would argue that its practical application in real life was beyond reproach and filled with opportunities. 


I certainly could not go back in time to correct past mistakes, as based on the number of times I had pleaded with whatever cosmic power was out there, I should have elicited some response, if it were truly possible. Even if it was but a simple no. However, I could live in the here and now, and so I must make the most of it.


In the end, I feel it comes down to 3 things. Intent, application in reality of said intent, and measurable progress. It is now my aim to make those 3 goals into a reality, and I had a whole new world to explore and learn from, in order to make it happen.


Setting aside these deep thoughts, I began doing what I needed to do with eating, swimming, and performing necessary hygiene, before promptly returning to the capsule and returning to a world of magic and lessons to be learned.




Waking the next morning, I was curious as to what today would have for me. Outside of the expected routine of an amazing breakfast and dedicated studying, I didn't know what else to expect. 


A weight, both familiar and previously unexpected settled on my chest. Grasping at the amulet, which lay beneath my shirt, I smiled gratefully at the thin tendril of warmth and chill that formed just behind it. It was a great relief that Victoria and Gertrude had determined it safe, and to allow me to keep this always with me. Although the time had been short, but the previously absent sensations already appeared to be slowly growing within my core. With one concern off my mind, and renewed hope on the horizon, I began my day.


Just as I had suspected, the morning had followed the routine that I had believed in. At lunch, Victoria again appeared pleased with the results of my studying. This time, I was surprised at no poisoning.


"The results of your studying have been proving satisfactory." She told me. "I do however, want to impress upon you the importance of refreshing your knowledge of all your prior studying as well. Just a surface recollection and a clear recall could determine the difference of life and death as an Apothecary out in the field."


Nodding with understanding, I began assisting her with clearing the dishes, as she continued. "Today, I have a last minute requested delivery to the red district at the near opposite side of the city. As I do not have time to attend such, I will send you in my place by coach."


She paused as if to see if I had anything to comment. I had no reason to complain, as I could mentally go over what I studied before during the trip. I was also somewhat interested in seeing more of the city. As such I responded with, "I'm happy to do so."


With a brief smile she continued. "Since we haven't had time yet to discuss your apprenticeship, I'll go over it with you right now. As my official apprentice, you receive a few perks."


My eyes lit up in interest as I waited to see what those may be.


"First, as you will need to do much experimentation on your own at times, you are permitted the free use of 3 miniature tinctures of any material in the front end of my shop. Any more than that, you must pay for out of your own finances. Second, as far as obtaining money, you are allowed to seek outside income, however I will not leave you destitute. You will have the opportunity to make many deliveries. I will pay for any necessary coach rides, and you will get to retain any delivery fees paid beyond the price of the product ordered." A side of her lips quirked in humor. "I trust that my name will not allow you to be short changed in those transactions."


She then pulled out a sash from behind a counter. "In preparation of such, I had this made for you." It was a vivid emerald green sash, lined with black vines along the outer edges. In the center it had 1 hollow black star and 2 solid gold stars with purple lining around their edges. Going on to explain she said. "This sash pattern is known exclusively to be mine. The black star represents your strength so that others know to limit their interactions with you based on propriety and tolerance."


"For example, you wouldn't be dragged into a bar fight or drinking contest due to their fear of harming you and thus receiving my wrath." That last was said with an excited baring of her teeth. "As for the gold stars, this is a representation of your reliability. In honesty I would give you 3 stars, however, such would require you to be bound by certain magic oaths that I think you would be better off not engaging in. Of course, you have the final say if you ever decide to take those oaths on your own. Just be aware that the purple lining around your gold stars represents that you have a respectable patron that will vouch for your actions. This grants you access to many of the 3 gold star tasks among the various guild request boards, without the binding oaths. I myself have earned 4 gold stars as an independent, which is the max allowed for non-military personnel. There are additional oaths that may be required depending on if you join with any other associations or guilds. My personal advice is that for now, you avoid joining them and taking such oaths."


That was a lot to take in, but I feel I got the gist of it. I also wholehearted agreed with her suggestion of not joining other guilds or factions within the city. From stories I'd read before, strong Independents tended to be able to avoid getting embroidered into various troublesome causes that they may not agree with, in the name of solidarity or politics, due to their non-affiliation. Thinking back on my world, it was unfortunate that civilian independents tended to be the ones who suffered much from their lack of representation. Too often, it seems politics only gave the choices of the lesser of two evils or bad choices. What was even worse though, is that people would far too often passionately defend their side, knowing that their candidate or stance was heavily flawed, simply because they were terrified of the visible alternative.


After processing what she had told me, I was ready to go whenever. However, it appeared there was more to do first as Victoria explained. "I do need an additional concoction made from breaking these down into fine powder." She handed me a jar full of dried berries with a dark blue coloring. "Go ahead and take a seat at the shop desk and take out a mortar and pestle to get started. I'll check in on your progress to correct any mistakes you may make. Once you are done, you'll be taking that along with another package for delivery." After speaking, she then departed to take care of some other things in another part of her home. And so I set myself to task.


Washing and drying my hands first in preparation, I then settled down at the front desk. Opening the jar and getting myself the required tools to begin, I took a hesitant sniff at the contents. It gave off a kind of spicy fruity scent that felt somewhat invigorating to my senses. Interesting. Putting any further thoughts aside, I began crushing the berries as finely as I could, before progressively filling another glass jar to my side with the finished product.


Victoria only came down once to take a look at my progress. Picking up the partially finished product, she held it up to eye level and swished the jar around a little, watching as the fine powder moved about within. "This is acceptable." She proclaimed with a nod. "Complete the remainder and seal it. Let me know when you are done and we can hail you a carriage."


I estimated that it took about 2 hours to get the entire product down to a fine powder. Due to the muscle strain, I had to switch hands several times for grating down with the pestle. As such, both of my hands were feeling quite sore with several spots threatening to form blisters.


Running by the kitchen to wash my hands again, I informed Victoria that I was done and ready to go.


It didn't take long to hail an open carriage for me, and with the short instructions to the driver to take me to Miss Callestro's in the Red district, I set out on the way. To be honest, I was feeling pretty good about this. The professional looking sash worn across my chest and bearing responsibility for merchandise that both my master and I jointly made was something new and exciting for me.


The pathway that the carriage took, was different from the trips I'd gone on prior to this. The first two times, had been in the direction of the City council and the mages guild, which were south east of the marketplace. Instead, after crossing through the most-busy part of the marketplace, we headed a more north easterly direction. Victoria had informed me that each direction to my destination today may take about 1-2 hours, depending on various conditions. As such, I had brought my coin pouch with me to pay for dinner, or at least a snack along the way.


Gazing out at the various middle class looking houses, which filled both sides of the street, I enjoyed observing the various architectures and fired clay rooftops. After seeing several variations of homes, many of which gave me some personal inspiration for my own designs, about 20 minutes into the ride, their quality and upkeep began to gradual decline. After about 50 minutes into the ride, I was getting a bit fidgety from all the sitting, and wanted to stretch. However, the surroundings had begun to look far more unkempt and wilder. 


Stray animals were seen being chased by raggedly dressed children. Occasional small groups or individual adults could be seen skulking into darker alleyways, glancing about as if worried they were being followed. Others lay about smoking various substances or just lounging on the ground with empty bottles strewn about them. In addition to their unkempt appearances, their gazes appeared broken and worn down.