

Chandler immediately called his right-hand man and gave him some simple instructions before leaving his office with a sly smile on his face.

“I'm on my way to get you!”

On the other side of town, the two had exhausted all the rides available at the amusement park. Because it was already lunchtime, the two decided to leave the park and go to the food court for some fast food.

“What would you like to eat?” Vanity asked, her gaze drawn to the numerous food outlets in the court.

“Burgers,” Heidi replied, which made her happy.

The two went out and bought some beef burgers and orange juice. They then sent the guards to get some pizza for them because Vanity was convinced that a single burger would not suffice.

They ate slowly and exited the park when they were full. Vanity even sent a box to Chandler, who frequently forgets to eat when he is busy, because she didn't want her man to go hungry. He might as well eat what they were eating if she couldn't send him home-cooked food.