

ZOE: Things in my life were supposed to flow smoothly... It was my final term, last paper of high school and I was about to pursue a life in the liberal arts. Instead of that I have a target on my back that demands a payment, my life. Safe to say nothing is going according to how I imagined it because this world although scary, it is beautiful and this is the world I found love. CHISTIAN: I finally found my fated and she is everything that I have imagined. The fact that she's sucked into my complicated family drives me insane especially because she refuses my protection. The son of the devil can even think of a way to keep his destined. Zoe is this last thing in mind when there's a war that defiantly threatens the very ground she stands. You guessed it, this world is in Africa... you don't get many stories that involves fantasy in here so I'm changing that. This world my dear friends has everything. Werewolves, Witches, Angels, Demons, Necromancer, and breeds. This book is a fiction of my imagination, the characters, the story and the background of all these characters written for your pure enjoyment. Welcome to the outcome of my overthinking.... People that loved and supported me through his book are my best friends Wanya Smith and Thembi Khumalo

ZinBlac · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs


She took his suggestion because her method was draining her energy rapidly, so she decided to take is suggestion. Listening she focused all her energy on to gazing at only one abnormality at a time. This the image became clearer, a figure with human figures dimed by the darkness loomed. As soon as she saw that one the other ones became clear, their darkness is one of nature than ill intent so she dropped her guard. Besides why would he mother direct her to Christian claiming he will be able to protect her, I know mom would never put me in unnecessary danger.

"Who are they?"

The darkness did not hover but seem to be part of them even the very attractive man before her.

"They my Pannak, a family of sorts."

A couple walk out of the mystery of the woods. The most beautiful woman that put all my favorite models to shame walked out with the most serious guy I have ever met.

"That's Donovan and Chiara."

A scar draped the side of his neck, the pink and rawness at this angle looks extremely painful. Feeling a body lean down close to her and breathes burning parts best unmentioned, he whispered.

"He does not like it, when people stare."

Having him so close the entire world blended with the nothingness and it was just them. Alone and she wanted him to pull her in his strong embrace.

Certain her attention drifted for a moment she focused of the next couple studying her presence. An older gentlemen walking side by side with a Goth lite woman, and by lite I means her level of gothic exterior did not scare or freak her the hell out.

"That is Raven and Alden. The two coming up, the beauty is Loralei and the other ones name is Aibek."

Even the blind could see Loralei beauty but having the man she felt attracted to admit that made her strung a whole lot of jealousy her path. Reprimanding herself, she disregarded her jealousy and focused on the other guy.

Aibek is a good looking blonde with blue eyes and a smile that could make a thousand women panty drop and I noticed an amused glare as if he could read my mind. Perhaps he can, so I pictured a door big and strong enough that she could for her thoughts protection and very violently shut the door. Bolting my mind from intruding mind readers with no sense of privacy and internally reveled as his smile faded replaced by a curious gaze.

"Why did you bring that?"

Loralei stared at Taylor in distain, confused by the diversity her attention focused on the tall dark and very much angelic man she has ever seen.

"I was going to ask the same question."

She hissed, Taylor snarls and I wondered when all this new world became her reality.

"Down boy."

Chiara patronized, blatant hate polluting the air. Still exhausted from recent events my filter was as close to non-existent. I was rational at a good time but the unwelcoming atmosphere made her so on edge she put her foot down.

"Can we stop behaving like animals? Christian my mother said to come to you."

Silence and brooding tension filled the area before the kids got to it again. Somehow her words missed the target and somehow the only person that heard me was the archer.

"His the only dog here."

The archer who so captivated my attention I barely focused on the words spat.

"I dare you to say that to my face."

At that moment time slowed down and all I could think about was stopping Taylors shift. Putting herself in front of Aibek darkened gaze I was thankful when Christian stopped this madness.

"Hold yourselves together."

He demanded and a shiver broke, once again it was just us in the clearing. Letting go of Taylor's chest I focused on the man stalking his every step.

Watching him inhale and exhale like a human, command like an alpha and his focus as fierce as a hunter. His beauty was a sin and darkness, grace. Perhaps a vampire? I felt myself fall deeper and deeper into his unique stare. The emotions were building up into a raging inferno but immediately got demolished by the next words that came out of his mouth.

"You really smell."

Self-cautious the world came back. The ladies were at least disappointed and insulted in my behalf as the boys laughed. Alden smacked his forehead but their reactions were nothing compared to mine. I decided to turn the other cheek and walked away, knowing Taylor got the memo.

Grabbing my hand to prevent me from leaving made a zing of unfiltered electricity pass through my body. Turning to face the powerful source, when I held on to his hand focused our energy it was like fate. Cinderella had her fairy godmother, beauty had her father even unconventionally snow white had seven dwarfed man and they were all kicked towards fate.

"No dogs inside the house."

He laughed before Taylor could enter which is honestly a dick move. Holding the door before it shut I stubbornly stared the man down, relentless.

"Well then, let us speak outside."

It was a tad windy and she felt the cold seep into her bones. Taylor was on this unscheduled adventure with me, there was no way in hell was I going to leave him out and Christian saw when my resolve was settled.

"Ah, but I don't want too."

He whined childishly which made her roll her eyes in humor, opening his house for us Taylor and I faced the intimidating man.

"What are you?"

"I am what you call a demon."

My shock did not last long because he wiggled his eyebrows and I instinctively expected something. Generating fire out of his hand, pointing as if holding a gun he shot is aim precise to the fire place.

I was absolutely awed, never in my years have I ever met a demon. In fact when my mother decided knowing who I am would protect me as much she would have. She told me my birth was a bad bet but keeping me far away from demons could by chance let me live a normal life.

Standing Taylor walked outside before he closed the door he said: "I will be waiting for you outside."

Walking down the stairs Loralei clapped as the door shut.

"Finally the dog has been put out."

"Why do I get the feeling everyone hates Taylor?"

I whispered, asking myself that question but as expected Christian has an answer for everything.

"We don't hate him. Okay I am lying, we do."

"There's bad blood. We don't have anything against him just his kind."

"Their ancestry some cowards who might still be alive today turned their weak, cowardly backs of all kinds of the supernatural world so that only they could survive. They helped hunters and human to track and kill those who are not like them. They weak and weak minded, that is all I have got to say."

I decided to let it go before a renewal of hatred overflows and someone ends up getting hurt. I turned and focused on the enchanting woman next to me.

The hatered of werewolves started when the wolves turned on their kind (the supernatural) to survive and I gave an example by Christians proloug as well as the next chapter. Like it ? Add to library!

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