

ZOE: Things in my life were supposed to flow smoothly... It was my final term, last paper of high school and I was about to pursue a life in the liberal arts. Instead of that I have a target on my back that demands a payment, my life. Safe to say nothing is going according to how I imagined it because this world although scary, it is beautiful and this is the world I found love. CHISTIAN: I finally found my fated and she is everything that I have imagined. The fact that she's sucked into my complicated family drives me insane especially because she refuses my protection. The son of the devil can even think of a way to keep his destined. Zoe is this last thing in mind when there's a war that defiantly threatens the very ground she stands. You guessed it, this world is in Africa... you don't get many stories that involves fantasy in here so I'm changing that. This world my dear friends has everything. Werewolves, Witches, Angels, Demons, Necromancer, and breeds. This book is a fiction of my imagination, the characters, the story and the background of all these characters written for your pure enjoyment. Welcome to the outcome of my overthinking.... People that loved and supported me through his book are my best friends Wanya Smith and Thembi Khumalo

ZinBlac · Fantasía
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21 Chs


I thought I was dead. A goner. Flashes of what happened blinded me again. A large Fundum of energy surrounding me. Its power, allowed me to swirl in it depths. I was nowhere but stranded in its depts. I am not dead, alive, I am very lost. I wondered the seemingly darkness. Afraid of being trapped in its emptiness, forever. Calling out to Christian begging him to not give up on me, on us. There were no visible way out of is ink madness. No time. No air. No water. No food. No life.

Wondering if I was made to suffer for the peace of death. Is this the very definition of dying? Losing the numbers to power all that was left is the slow time of senselessness. This day, this very day an angel appeared and I prayed this mental torment would meet its end. No I am not losing my mind, it is her. Her the angel I saw in the vision with just a feather. Her phenomenal beauty, confused me with each stride. Reconnection donned. This is Christian's mother. Shocker? Definitely. The difference now, is that I am willing listen.

"Stop Christian from finding me."

Her melodic voice rang waves to her caution. Stretching her hand out, I grasped it in my own eager to know more about what was going on. Sensing in her heart this wasn't just her story and for the first time a tragic story played out. A story never told, emotions never felt and the beginning suppressed by the jealousy of time.


She was jealous her husband focused on his obsession of trying to create a perfect beings. He spent days and nights on his project while the Olympus, a mighty kingdom they both worked hard to build once upon a time. Once upon a time they both strived for their people and now all of that responsibility was disregarded on her shoulders… While her husband's obsession made him create beings making the image of titans. He, a jealous god of the sky formatted a species as if his incestuous relation with his sister was not enough. Her husband was a bad man, he never allowed her the voice to object the many times he married and never did he once come forth and seek permission to take another wife.

Eventually it looks like she's had enough because she fell in love with what has to be his brother, his name is Haide's. Many images some unexplainable but memories built on happiness passed and some point so was planning of leaving her husband. Who would really blame her though? Zeus allowed himself more wives and indulgence in carnal sin than, he left her to spend countless days and nights keeping their kingdom steady. Sometime Zeus caught the couple, he shot his brothers with the most furious lightning he could conjure and it killed him. The poor woman wept until there was nothing to cry about anymore, she was in understandable unimaginable pain.

To punish her, Zeus made the stupid mortals were her mirror image he would steal and test viability to be his sex objects. Without her true love and her husband making and fucking everything she just had her work to live for. She is the mother of nature, Lilitu. Most commonly known as Lilith. Zeus disrespected the serenity of marriage even after his is beloved mortal wives grew old withered and died he continued as she could do nothing but look in.

Angered at the role she was expected to play, the role woman in general were obligated to play. With that train of twisted thought paradise transformed to a dictatorship. There was an imbalance the council played off as nothing, she was the mother of demons and with that she decided to break chains holding her back. She was more powerful than that council and her being used as an object flared a dominant part. She was viewed as a rebel, her defiantness a caused for their anger and sooner than later she was imprisoned. My dear Zoe, sadly that's not where the chaos started. In fact chaos started with man, humans.

I fell in love with Lucifer before his fall. Lucifer lived in the temple, his untamed curiosity a cause to some problems which were forgiven by our fathers, his Zeus and mine Uranus. He was a very handsome, good humor, charming and charismatic man. His free-spirited nature drew me in like a moth to the flame. Eventually we found love. He was my fated and I his, although I was raised to follow principle. I always listened to his fantasies, humored his curiosity and that is a mistake I will forever regret.

He desired to prove the new species are not a perfect as they were said to be. I was tasked to some life and the constant separation made him to follow me one day to, Eden. We were not to be seen or heard but Lucifer studied the beings scoffing at their senselessness. I was summoned home, oblivious of the travesty that was to happen.

I found it suspicious that I was summoned by Gabriel, somehow he knew what Lucifer planned and called me because he knew I would stop my fated. I was tasked to look after Lilitu and like Lucifer her free sprite was targeted to be broken. Weeks after the travesty news came that my fated was dammed and humanity is to see what they have done. Forbidden from seeing a demonic being shunned by his own, I reluctantly agreed. My anger knew no bound, Lucifer made a decision that had the potential to change our relationship alone and for a while I held that grudge. Tasked to look over more humans, I went along with my responsibilities without a hitch. Until I saw him, I spent weeks following him little to none did I know he knew and one day cornered me. I was furious, he continued to make a foolish mockery of the burden of separation.

His personality was one for the ages, pure, vibrant and bubbly. I was in love and I did the forbidden. I was certain that if I was made to choose, I would walk the paths of hell with him. Not long after Karma paid us a visit, our relationship remained a secret until I found out I was pregnant. My family wished to marry me off and once my pregnancy was known, even they knew the only man I had been with is a fallen. Angered and disappointed they insisted I give up my baby. There was no way I would allow an innocent life suffer for my choices so my family exiled me.

Two souls dejected, abandoned and lonely. But we built our lives together, Lucifer a fallen and I exiled. Unfortunately darkness follows us were ever we go and a travesty struck one day… We knew Christian was too young to control his abilities so we kept him by our side. Hunters burned down our home, took my fated and at a desperate attempt I ran away with Christian. Taking him to a trusted friend, I left. I couldn't bear the thought of leaving my son but I wouldn't bear the pain if Lucifer died. I was too late all was gone, making my way to Mount Olympus to beg Apollo and his son Raphael to help.

I realized returning was a mistake. Lilith has been stripped of her wings as all the angels roared their hatred. Her free- spirit was to be crushed even it meant they murder her. That day she bared punishment for our transgressions (Alexandria and Lucifer) but her sacrifice was not enough. Her wings are her power, they made sure to rip them off but they wanted more. That day I, Alexandria Morningstar made another decision. I decided to help her escape and I will never regret it. Once we outsmarted those idiots, we broke the chained imprisonment and like magic her wings connected with her once again. We ran, we had to run… I found solace in a place I never thought possible, I help Lilith heal from her wounds caused by angelic magic, not even angels have the ability heal from that. They need something from her, something other than her wings they should never possess.

Raphael, Gabriel and Apollo have a false sense of power that needs to be stopped. We have no way of receiving help but we have an idea for temporary safety and a plan to end their unjust reign. Zoe don't worry about the details, there's a war that has been pending for more than one hundred years now. You will remember this when the time comes, make sure whatever happens, happens in Mount Olympus.

Dropping her delicate hand, I felt her withdrawal and her expression gave nothing. A shy hand cupped my cheek, gentle with its warmth and an encouraging smile danced as her eyes watered.

"I thank fate every day that you found my son and all I ask is that you never give up on him."

With her words the world began doing summersaults and sooner than later I was running, suddenly I tripped and fell in a void. Sitting up. After I saw familiar exhausted eyes positioned by my side, I released a deep breath of relief. His gorgeous shocked expression, breaking into a large grin and I knew I was home.

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