

I had always seen myself a certain way, as good and loving daughter and a girl who enjoyed reading and laying on the grass in my clearing staring up at the sky. A simple and good person. But this world is cruel to simple, good people. ---- In the year 1674 I was sentence to death. The people I grew up with, laughed and cried with, the people I shared precious memories with abandoned me, scorned me, called me horrible things and laughed as I died. But the thing about death is... It's not always permeant! But theirs would be. Their deaths would be a long bloody nightmare! ---- Scarlet Grey was betrayed and abandoned by those she thought would always stand by her. So when the opportunity for vengeance is presented to her by a devilishly handsome stranger, she takes it and with it she became the eternal companion of an insane ancient vampire... Evan Evers. And sometimes... Insanity's contagious.

Azalea270 · Fantasía
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15 Chs


Our progress down the mountain was slow, which was entirely my fault. I felt like a new born, my body never doing what I wanted, the way I wanted. It was so frustrating, I either moved to fast, tripped over my own feet and uprooted whole trees, or I put my foot down to hard and crushed boulders to dust, much to Evan's twisted amusement. He'd said I was quite strong for one so young, that among our kind true strength came with age. Evan was glad to know he'd chosen well, for his first progeny in decades.

Now, if only I could walk with damaging anything around me. 

As darkness began to settle around us, slowly chasing away the last ray's fading light, our surroundings only became more beautiful, the sounds and scents a balm to my feelings of failure and irritation.  

"Has it always been like this?" I stopped taking in the magnificent view before me. "Has what?" Evan signed, turning towards me, green eyes practically glowing in the dark.  

"How have I never noticed, how beautiful the night time is?" The stars above a blinding array of colour and pale bright light, the very sight of it stole my breath. 

They were an audience, come witness my vengeance. I suspected they've witness a great deal atrocities over their long lives and would witness a great many more. But tonight I felt they had come to watch mine, to see me spill blood in the name of justice. To watch as I righted the wrongs committed against me, to watch me burn that town liars and fakes to the ground.  

"You were human. To humans the night brought danger, it is the time us creatures roam the earth. The night has never been safe for humans, and they hate everything they fear." He replied twisted forward and continued making his way through the trees. "Why would notice the beauty of the night. You were taught that darkness brings only fear and death, which is true but why can't that also be beautiful." 

"Fear and death, huh?" I smiled as turned the words over in my mouth. Yes, I would bring fear and death to all who'd wronged me, and it would beautiful.  

"Indeed. I rather enjoy pain and suffering, I think you will too, Scarlet" Evan stated holding out his hand to help me over a large protruding tree root. I almost took it considering I'd managed to trip over every single root I'd come across, but I didn't. I didn't need him to help me, not to walk, sit or stand. I had to learn how to do those basic things on my own, just like I would kill everyone in town tonight, on my own. 

"Allow me to aid you, Scarlet. That is why I am here, after all. That is my role in your life, as your sire. To show you the way and help you up when you fall." That sounded a lot like what a parent should be, ignoring the dull ache in my chest at the subtle reminder of what my own parents are not. 

"I will never abandon or betray you Scarlet, you are my chosen blood." Evan vowed, his bright green eyes clear and honest as he held out his hand to me once more. "As a vampire you should understand that there is nothing more important to us, than our blood." In a way, his words rang true, I might not have been a vampire for very long but I felt a connection to Evan I'd never known before. This must be what he meant, vampires could choose their family and he'd chose me, the lest I could do was take his hand.  

My sire lead me to the outskirts of town, down the wide dirt path that would lead us to the Mayor's mansion. What used to my grandfathers home was built about a mile away from the town, I suppose it was his way to ensure the privacy of the family.   

The painted white wooden structure appeared in larger than life but cold and desolate. All the light had been put out not even a torch burned on the pouch. Seems everyone had turned in for the night.  

Tilting my head I glanced over at Evan, wondering if he was coming too, he simply nodded gesturing for me to go, so I did. Hardening my resolve, I made my way toward the house of the man who would forever haunt my nightmares. To the family that demanded my death, and smiled during my execution.  

This was a fitting place to begin my night of vengeance.  

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