

I had always seen myself a certain way, as good and loving daughter and a girl who enjoyed reading and laying on the grass in my clearing staring up at the sky. A simple and good person. But this world is cruel to simple, good people. ---- In the year 1674 I was sentence to death. The people I grew up with, laughed and cried with, the people I shared precious memories with abandoned me, scorned me, called me horrible things and laughed as I died. But the thing about death is... It's not always permeant! But theirs would be. Their deaths would be a long bloody nightmare! ---- Scarlet Grey was betrayed and abandoned by those she thought would always stand by her. So when the opportunity for vengeance is presented to her by a devilishly handsome stranger, she takes it and with it she became the eternal companion of an insane ancient vampire... Evan Evers. And sometimes... Insanity's contagious.

Azalea270 · Fantasía
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15 Chs

One Down

Evan pulled me to stop right in front of the pale green double doors. 

"Listen," He whispered, tapping his ear. Concentrating, I found that I could hear movement through out the mansion. Past the foyer into the dinning room someone was putting a plates, down the hall the in one of the back rooms someone was pacing on the carpeted floor. Probably my judge, the town Mayor.

Upstairs someone was crying, no, sobbing heart wrenching sobs while the voice of the a young girl urged the crying woman to stop; Melanie and her mother. I could hear them as they went about their lives with prefect clarity like I was standing right next to them watching it happen. I could also hear their hearts some slow and steady others fast and aggravated but no matter the pace, all those hearts pumped blood through their veins. 

Hungry roared in my gut, like a beast demanding its next meal and I would feed it the blood of my enemies. 

Opening the door I let myself in, everything was exactly as I remember it, even the flowers on the small round table had not changed. Red and white tulips, their sweet scent filled the air like never before. I guest I was sensitive to scent as well as sounds. The discovery brought both joy and distraction.

Focus, Scarlet. 

Deciding to save the Mayor for last, I made for the stairs in search of Melanie and her mother, finding them in Mrs Redford's room, with the latter weeping uncontrollably and Melanie dry eyed and trying to calm her.

They didn't notice me enter the room nor did the notice me when I sat down on Melanie's mother vanity chair and observed them. They were truly sad that he was gone, they mourned him like he was some kind of saint. Not rapist who got what he deserved. Bored with their display of emotion I made my presence known. 

"No tears for your brother, Melanie?" I inquired to my so called best friend. Both heads snapped us in my direction and God, I must say their faces were priceless.

It ranged from pure shock to blinding anger, then worry and confusion only to settle on fear. I could smell it in the air, their fear as it filled and circled the room only fuel my newly acquired insatiable thirst for blood.

"Y-you." Melanie choked out, raising her hand to her mouth in horror . "Yes, me!" I smiled, barely able to contain myself, they smelled to so good.

"D-d, demon!" Mrs Redford screamed pushing herself to her knees and scrambling up her bed, trying to put distance between us. Foolish woman shouldn't have moved, instinct demanded I pursue my prey and next thing I knew. I had my hand around her throat holding her down as I bite into her neck draining her of all her blood. She tasted slightly sweeter than May but delicious all the same. Mrs Redford beat at my side like a child to a solid surface, achieving nothing expect to tiring herself out and making her heart beat faster, pushing the blood into my mouth quicker. 

Melanie gasped stepping back only to fall to her knees in terror as she watched me drain the life from her mother without uttering a single word. I watched her both utterly fascinated by lack of self preservation and completely amused that the town saint was too afraid to try a save her own mother. Laughing, I released the limp Mrs Redford into the soft blood stained mattress. 

Tears fell from Melanie's big brown eyes, the same tears that only days ago I would have done anything to make stop. Melanie had been a good friend to me, my shelter from my mothers cold words and disapproving eye. Maybe I should be merciful? Maybe I could still be kind enough to leave her alive? 

But then I remembered her face when she'd ran out with everyone to find me kneeling over her dead brother. I remember how she smiled, it'd been subtle but it was there. She'd known what he was and still she'd sent me with him. My best friend.

"I asked you a question, Melanie. Have you already forgotten?" I mocked pushing off the bloody bed.