

I had always seen myself a certain way, as good and loving daughter and a girl who enjoyed reading and laying on the grass in my clearing staring up at the sky. A simple and good person. But this world is cruel to simple, good people. ---- In the year 1674 I was sentence to death. The people I grew up with, laughed and cried with, the people I shared precious memories with abandoned me, scorned me, called me horrible things and laughed as I died. But the thing about death is... It's not always permeant! But theirs would be. Their deaths would be a long bloody nightmare! ---- Scarlet Grey was betrayed and abandoned by those she thought would always stand by her. So when the opportunity for vengeance is presented to her by a devilishly handsome stranger, she takes it and with it she became the eternal companion of an insane ancient vampire... Evan Evers. And sometimes... Insanity's contagious.

Azalea270 · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Have a Taste

Slowly I sat up feeling like a complete different person it was then that I noticed I'd been laying on top of a stone coffin. He put on top of someone grave?

Strength moved through me, settling into my muscles and my bones. Lifting my hands, I notice no changes in them save for the fact that my skin has taken on a dewy sort of glow that's and my arms were exposed. Glancing down I was surprised to find that I was not wearing the white dress I was executed in. 

"How dare you change my clothes! How dare you touch me without my permission!" I yelled at him, moving faster than humanly possible, I pushed off the coffin ready to rip his hands clean off his arms. Only to fall to my knees, much to the strange creatures amusement. My body would not move the way I wanted it to. What was happening? 

"Relax, give yourself a moment. You have get used to your new strength. You've just had an out of body experience, I mean you did after all just die." He smirked not lifting a finger to help me up. Not that's I'd let him touch me, but he was right, my body did not feel like my own.

Taking a moment to eye the dress I was wearing, it's black silk sleeves fell from my shoulders, a thin strip of red lace barely covered my cleveage which then blended into an exposed black corset with bright red stitching, with the silk shirt pooling around me on the floor.

I normally would have found this type of dress provocative, befitting of a harlot but now... I liked it. It fit then new me. And new I was. 

"To answer your question, yes, I did change your clothes. It had to be done after the execution, they buried you." At his words my heart beat skyrocketed. Did that mean he dug me up?

"Oh... uhm, thanks?" I answered wearily. It suddenly felt very real, people I'd know my entire life, watched my die and then throw me in the dirt. 

"Looks like we'll need to work on your trust issues. I'm not going to try and rape you." He stated, suddenly vanish from the room only to return seconds later, with a terrified woman in his arms. 

How did he do that? Instantly disappear and then reappear. 

Seeing the questions swimming in my eyes he answered. "I'll teach you but first," Twisting the woman in his arms so I could look at her. May Brownwood, this was the woman who found me with Michael. Who screamed her head off telling everyone who would listen that I'd killed him in cold blood. Shocked flooded her eyes when she saw me, and turn to her nature she screamed. It was a terribly loud and piercing sound but even then it brought a sick sort of pleasure to me. Knowing that' the mere sight of me scared her witless. Instantly May tried to flee but he's steel like grip was inescapable.

"Drink." He ordered pushing May to her knees into from of me. Something about her made my mouth water. I could smell her fear in the air practically taste it on my tongue. Her racing heart was music to my ears and the blood flowing through her veins just below the skin of her neck, begged me to sink my teeth into. 

"Come on, don't be scared." Lowing himself to ground behind May. "Have a taste." He smirked as two sharp teeth elongated from his mouth barely touch his bottom lip. Fangs, he had fangs. This man truly was not human at all.

Never taking his hypnotic eyes off mine, he savagely bit into the exposed flesh of her neck. My hunger returned with a vengeance and with a dull ache in my overly moist mouth I felt two sharp points touch my lower lip. I knew what I have to do.

Without hesitating a moment more I leaning forward and sunk my teeth into the other side of her neck.

The warm blood running down my throat was by far the most delicious thing I'd ever tasted. I wanted more, no, I needed more. Tighten my hold on May I drank deeper, practically inhaling everything she is, was and will ever be.  She cried in agony, her voice low and weak she had almost no fight in her. I found true joy in her suffering, feeling rather than seeing the moment she stopped fight knowing her end was near. Once I'd drained every last drop of blood from her body I let go. It was pure euphoria. 

Pushing her corpse from between us, he watched me completely fastinated as if I were the muse he'd already been searching for. 

The taste of blood overwhelmed my sense. More. I wanted more.

My eyes locked onto his blood covered lips. Did mine look the same? Was he like me tempted to lick those lips just to have another taste? 

High of the feeling of power and my first tasted of human blood, I leaned towards him. Thinking only of the fresh blood coating his lips. I wanted it for myself. 

The next thing I knew his soft blood covered lips were on mine. Our lips molded together and a strange yet wonderful feeling filled me. I'd never been kissed before so I was not sure what to expect from the experience but I could see myself liking it. 

He did not touch me, save for his lips which was a smart choice on his part. I would not like it if he touched me without my consent. 

But when he ran his tongue along my bottom lip, illusiting a gasp from me all thought left my mind. I wanted him, wanted him to kiss me more. Harder and deeper to teach me pleasure without force or fear.

His tongue swept through my lips twisting and tangling with my own, he tasted like wild berries and blood. I could drink him in all day, slowly coping his movement, I drew closer to him. Our bodies almost touching I let out a moan as lust and blood clouded my judgment.

But when he trailed his fingertips up the side of my arm, setting both my body and mind on fire. The action a mirror to the one a monster had performed upon me just days ago. Placed my hands on his chest and gave him a small push effectively separating our lips. 

"No!" He froze in place with a stillness that's was not humanly possible. The emerald of his eyes was barely visible, darken by desire.

"I can't. I- ," Not three days ago I was almost raped by someone I'd known and trusted for years and now here I am almost in the lap of the most beautiful man I'd ever seen. This didn't sit right with me. I might have become a strange creature of the night but that doesn't mean I should start sleeping with men I barely know. In fact I don't even know this man's name.  He saved my life and I don't even know his name. 

"I understand." He said with a small smile, leaning back on his arms. 

 The understanding in his now bright emerald green eyes told me truly did understand. 

"Who are you?" I blurted out hoping to break the silence, we'd settled into. Not wanting to think to hard on the fact that we'd just killed someone who's body was laying right next to me. Or about how I just had my first kiss and cared more about that, than the woman I'd just murdered by drinking her blood. 

He smirked finally getting me to ask the question he wanted. Standing up and lightly kick May's body out of his path. Her limp corpse sailed threw the air like it weighed nothing and hit the wall with a thump.

A few days ago I would have felt remorse for what I done, but not today. Today she was simply one step in the many I'd take to right the wrongs committed against me.

"My name is Evan Evers," He replied with and elaborate bow.

"I'm a vampire and now you are too." He stilled awaiting my reply.

"How?" I've heard about the creatures of the night, the ones that lurk in the shadows. But there has never been talk of one to close to home.

"What was in those veils you gave me?" I asked slowly getting to my feet. 

"Oh those, my blood was in them. It is a necessary part of the transformation. The first time you drank my blood it killed you, in fact you died in your cell before your execution." What? Then that time when I got sick, when it felt like my body was on fire, I never blacked out, I died. What is going on? 

Calmly straighten his bloodly jacket ignoring the look of shock on my face he continued.

"You were already well on your way to becoming a creature such as myself by the time they dragged you out to that morbid looking tree." As I watched him ran his slender fingers through his hair, I tried to process everything he'd just told me. But it just didn't make any sense. 

"But I died at the execution. I know I did." Shaking my head to clear the feeling that eternal nothingness pressing in from all sides. 

"Oh that, you were only able to see and remember that place because you are a vampire. Purgatory is for the supernatural. The second time you died you were sent there, that will be our final end one day. But you need not worry your pretty little head about it now." He stepped towards me grinning from ear to ear. The sight of his smile was both mesmerizing and utterly terrifying. 

"You will be immortal, I completely the process by feeding you my blood once again. You will never age, never grow old and weak. You will be forever beautiful, forever powerful." His words in replayed themselves in my mind on repeat. 

Forever beautiful.

Forever powerful. 

And while he did not say it, I knew I would forever be a slave to the hunger for blood. 

"Immortality can wait. There is vengeance to claimed. These liar and fakes, I promised them death. I must keep my word." I growled at Evan. Caring not for the eternity tomorrow but for revenge today. My creator smirked reaching into his beast pocket once more and handed me another vile filled with some kind of green liquid. 

"Drink this." He tossed it to me. 

"What is this?" I asked calmly. Another veil, this time green? 

"This is how you will be able to walk in the sun darling, drink." Could I not walk in the sun? That's right, all the stories about vampire say that the sun is deadly to them. Staring down at the green liquid before bringing the vile to my lips.

I doubled over in pain as the liquid spread throughout my system. With a cry of intense pain, I dropped to the floor only to be cradled in Evan strong arms.  His expressionless face, was calming to me like nothing had ever been. It help me breath through the pain. 

"I'm okay now." I say moving away from him. Not feeling any different, though I still felt like a stranger in my skin. 

"If your ready, then let's go." He saif as I smoothed the silk of my skirt. 

"Let's go." Edward announced leading me to the exit, a door of solid stone and wrought iron. Whoever was buried here I must have been very important the someone to spend so much time and money on a last resting place. 

With little to no effort even pushed open the door and the sunlight streamed in. It was bright and warm and completely magical like I see it for the first time. 

Fresh air filled my lungs it tasted different somehow, like it too was a new being like me. Tomb we'd been in overlooked a small settlement, my former home.

They must be having a blast, living their mundane little life's like they hadn't just murdered their neighbour. 

The very thought of it of them continuing on like they done nothing wrong sealed my resolve. With complete surety, I knew I would make suffer.

A sick smile bloomed on my face, my long dark hair floated around me as I  ploted murder of everyone I ever knew. 

Today would be one for the history books. 

There it is a bloodly kiss.

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