

I had always seen myself a certain way, as good and loving daughter and a girl who enjoyed reading and laying on the grass in my clearing staring up at the sky. A simple and good person. But this world is cruel to simple, good people. ---- In the year 1674 I was sentence to death. The people I grew up with, laughed and cried with, the people I shared precious memories with abandoned me, scorned me, called me horrible things and laughed as I died. But the thing about death is... It's not always permeant! But theirs would be. Their deaths would be a long bloody nightmare! ---- Scarlet Grey was betrayed and abandoned by those she thought would always stand by her. So when the opportunity for vengeance is presented to her by a devilishly handsome stranger, she takes it and with it she became the eternal companion of an insane ancient vampire... Evan Evers. And sometimes... Insanity's contagious.

Azalea270 · Fantasía
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15 Chs

'Told You'

The second Melanie swung the door open and I saw the Mayor Redford my reaction surprised even me. I burst out laughing. Loud belly twisted laughter fill the space.

Evan, strange and deadly creature he was, had a marvellous sense of humour.

He'd strung the Mayor up like a pig on the spit. Wiggling no stop on his stomach like a worm, hands and feet tied together and bound to each other behind his back and he yelled into the make shift gag Evan had fashioned for him.

It was truly a sight I would not forget for a long while.

Nor was the rage that rushed forward the moment our eyes met. In less than a second I was inside the study -the same study us girls were never I allowed to even look into- staring down at the man who sentenced me to death.

"Good evening, Mayor Redford." Smiling sweetly down at him I offer my greetings.

"Have you missed me?" I asked gleefully watching terror fill he's swollen red face.

Evan calmly tossed Melanie into an armchair before snapping off the gag around the Mayor's head. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water before finally speaking up.

"Impossible!" He muttered eyes wide and darting between my eyes and neck. He gulped at the blood, he's wife's blood all over my skin.

"I saw you hang!" He said shaking his head in disbelief. "You are dead!" The Mayor yelled at me, grating against my overly sensitive new ears drums.

"Silence, human." Evan hissed, slamming the pig's head into the desk with the flick of a finger.

"Your posturing bores me." Annoyed my Sire held the Mayor's face to the desk with his index finger.

"You've had your moment in the sun, Michael. Its now time to pay for your own actions." The Mayor glared at us all terror and righteous fury.

"She killed my son!" He seethed, the word push forth through clenched teeth.

Genuine pain shimmered behind every word.


It must have been so simple for him. In he's own twisted way the Mayor had loved his son. I suddenly realized- a bit foolishly on part to on think of it now- the mayor did not care what Michael was, he did not even blink at the fact that his own flesh and blood was rapist and a killer. He loved him still and I'd killed him, of course he would meet my eye now.

Not with blind terror or fear and that is not to say the Mayor is not afraid- he is- but no he met my righteous fury… with his own.

I am not a victim to him. In he's story I am the perpetrator. I am the monster who ended he's precious sons life.

But if we've being honest Mayor Redford is the one who created the man that was Michael Redford Jr. The Mayor had moulded his precious boy in his image, and I would bet my right hand that he knew about and probably encouraged Michael darker appetites.

So he's loss would not save him from me. As my pain did not spare me he's cruelty.

"And you," I glared right back. "Made my own father kill me!" I looked to Evan and he stepped away allowing the Mayor to lift his head and see his daughter quaking in the chair behind me.

"Since you're in the business of having family members kill each other," I continued, my rage present in every word to leaving my lips.

"I thought it would be rather poetic to have Melanie here," I waved in her direction as the man's eyes snapped to meet mine, as I paused for dramatic effect watching and waiting for understanding to dawn in our proud

Mayor's eyes like flower in bloom.


"To finish off your evening with a bit of patricide." The Mayor immediately release a pained moan, the finally moments of a wounded deer. It was a beautiful sound.

Evan draped himself over the Mayor office chair the picture of debauched nobility waiting to be entertained. His eyes dropped to the sharp letter opener laying harmlessly atop a stack of unread correspondence before gesturing for Melanie to come forward and pick it up.

The poor girl stopped breathing the second their eyes met, she trembled as she came forward knees knocking together at the force of her shaking.

"Breathe honey, all well be over soon." Evan told her with a voice soft as silk, she immediately took a breath, then another and another. Still the shuddering continued all the way to the corner of the desk where she reached forward and closed her trembling fingers around the letter opener.

"Come one Mel. We don't have all night." I said to her talking a small step back to make room for her to stab her father. "I -" She locked eyes to her father, tears running down her bloody cheeks.

"Don't you dare Melanie." He told her firmly, glared at her then me. "This demon has no power here." He screamed at us.

"Silence!" I slammed my palm against the desk, the wood cracked under the force of the blow. "You had your time to speak. It is now my turn and I have chosen Melanie to fulfil the role of avenging angel."

"Now if you would kindly silt this pigs throat." I say gently to Melanie. "I- I a- m sor-rry!" She chocked on the words as she raised the knife to his throat and froze once again.

With a deep sign I look to my creator, who watches on in silence.

"It is him or Ian. You can only have one life." She shook her head weeping once more. "Choose!"

"Dead here with your father or live with Ian. He at least can claim to have done me no harm so he would've lived if the poor man was not your beloved." I smirked at the Mayor.

Michael Redford had put his all into raising he's monstrous son, Melanie was left to her mother raised to be a lady who would marry for the males in the families benefit. While he was never cruel towards Melanie, he was never interested in her either.

Mayor Redford had never taken the time to get to know his daughter and now he was the noose around her beloved Ian's neck.

I was quite sure what selfish little Melanie Redford, would do to save her precious Ian. I even knew what she was telling herself right now.

It was to save someone's life, God would forgive her. Her father was a bad man. It was all his fault. It was all my fault. She was innocent, I was forcing her to do this.

She was innocent.

I could practically hear her inner monologue, watch the thought pass through her wide frighten eyes and weave together to make her the victim of this story.

"Do it!" Evan whispered, a twisted smile taking form on his full red lips. He could her hear it to, see her making this decision and it amused him to no end.

"Go on, kill him!"

And like the good little girl Melanie Redford had convinced herself she was … she killed him.

She'd silt his throat apologizing through the stray of his hot thick blood.

Her own father.

My judge, jury and executor.

Dead at my feet, I thought I'd feel something, pleasure or even relief instead I was left with nothing but disgust. At him, at his children even at myself.

But the rage remained, constant and demanding. Disgusted as I may be there was a whole town of 'good' people left who'd abandoned me to suffer. I think its time they did some suffering of their own.

Starting with my parents!

Long Time I know but hope you enjoyed the chapter let me hear your thoughts on the event.

Azalea270creators' thoughts