
Awakened Talent: 10,000 Exp Converter!

Awakened Talent:10,000x Exp Converter! In a universe where power is everything, Vincent Magnus stumbles upon a cheat code for life itself. Reborn in the high-tech world of Astrum, this ordinary guy discovers he's anything but average when he awakens an SSS-rank talent: the 10,000x Exp Converter! Every mosquito swatted? 10,000 exp points. Every monster slain? Multiply that by 10,000. Even the mightiest beings in the Origin World? You guessed it – their defeat rains down exp like a cosmic tsunami! But Vincent's journey is far from a cakewalk. Armed with only his wits and a basic Origin Warrior license, he must navigate a universe teeming with monstrous creatures, cunning aliens, and power-hungry humans. The Origin World beckons – a realm of infinite possibilities and equally infinite dangers. As Vincent racks up kills and his exp skyrockets, he faces a choice with every level up: - Boost his rank and tower over his peers? - Master skills that defy the laws of reality? - Forge weapons that could split planets? - Or create an arsenal large enough to arm an interstellar armada? With the power to grow 10,000 times faster than anyone else, Vincent's potential knows no bounds. But in a universe where strength invites challenge, how long before he attracts the attention of forces beyond his wildest nightmares? From a struggling young adult to the potential savior of existence itself, follow Vincent's meteoric rise as he exploits his broken talent to its fullest. In a game where everyone else is playing checkers, Vincent's playing 4D chess with loaded dice! Prepare for epic battles, mind-bending power-ups, and a protagonist who takes "grinding for exp" to a whole new level. Welcome to the world of Astrum – where killing a fly might just be the first step to godhood!

JMSnovel · Fantasía
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13 Chs


As the Black-Iron Bee dissolved into a shower of digital lights, Vincent's eyes widened at the sight of a mysterious white orb hovering amidst the remains. Curiosity overcame his fatigue, and he reached out to grasp the glowing sphere.

The moment his fingers made contact, the orb shattered into motes of light, coalescing into a small white book that floated before him. The title shimmered into view: "Common Stinger Skill Book."

"It dropped a skill book?!" Vincent exclaimed, his voice a mix of surprise and excitement. He quickly composed himself, remembering the potential dangers lurking in the forest.

Without hesitation, he focused on the book, and a system prompt appeared in his mind:

Skill Name: Stinger

Quality: Common

Effect: Increases the damage and status effect of weapon strikes, causing the target to bleed and take poison damage for a short duration.

[Do you want to learn Stinger?]

Vincent didn't even pause to consider. With a thought, he accepted the skill.

As the white skill book dissolved into particles of digital light, he felt a warm energy and newfound knowledge enter his being.

[New Skill 'Stinger' has been added!]

With a mere thought, Vincent summoned his personal attributes visual data:

Name: Vincent Magnus

Rank: Tier 1 - 1★ (50,104/100,000 Exp)

Origin Power: 2300/2300 (mana)

Force: 2 (Overall Physical Output Damage and Defense)

Speed: 2 (Overall affects agility and reaction speed)

Mental: 2.5 (Overall affects mental and spiritual characteristics)

(1 is the average value of a normal person)


● Basic Offensive and Defensive Martial Technique (Proficiency: Adept)

● Basic Meditation Method (Proficiency: Adept)

● Basic Origin Meditation (Proficiency: Novice)

● Basic Origin Movement Speed (Proficiency: Adept)

● Stinger (Proficiency: Beginner)


● C-Rank: Origin Power Enhancement

● SSS-Rank: 10,000x Exp Converter

A smile played on Vincent's lips as he reviewed his stats. 

"Excellent," he murmured, his voice low but filled with satisfaction. 

"Just one kill, and I'm already halfway to breaking through to Tier 1-2★. This new skill will significantly increase my damage output against the Black-Iron Bees."

He paused, considering his next move. 

"One more kill should suffice. Then I'll be able to handle these creatures with relative ease."

Vincent carefully stored the 20 cm long, 3 cm diameter Black-Iron Stinger in his backpack. He needed four more of these materials to complete his mission, and he was cautiously optimistic about obtaining them.

After a brief rest to recover his energy, Vincent surveyed the area, searching for another Black-Iron Bee. It didn't take long before he spotted one.

This time, the creature wasn't sleeping. It buzzed from flower to flower, seemingly collecting precious pollen to take back to its hive. Vincent observed its movements, formulating a plan of attack.

With practiced stealth, he crept closer, his newly acquired dark-steel alloy daggers gripped tightly in his hands. 

As he closed the distance, Vincent channeled his Origin Power to his feet and activated the Stinger skill. His daggers began to emit a faint green glow.

In a burst of speed, Vincent pounced. His enhanced daggers struck true, puncturing the bee's tough hide and sinking deep into its abdomen.


The sound of metal piercing chitin filled the air, followed by the bee's pained buzz. The creature crashed into a nearby tree, its flight suddenly erratic.

As Vincent withdrew his weapons, rusty reddish-brown blood burst from the wound. 

"It worked," he muttered, a hint of satisfaction in his voice.

The wounded Black-Iron Bee, now bloodied and desperate, began to buzz its wings frantically. The air around it grew heavy with vibration, forcing Vincent to leap backward to avoid the dangerous airwaves.

"Not so fast," Vincent called out, his voice calm but determined. He brandished his daggers once more, purple eyes focused intently on the weakened insect.

Vincent knew he had the advantage now. The bee was bleeding profusely and weakened by the poison from his Stinger skill. 

"Just one more strike," he thought, preparing to deliver the final blow.

With a swiftness born of adrenaline and his honed reflexes, Vincent lunged forward, his daggers poised to strike. 

The Black-Iron Bee, despite its weakened state, attempted to dodge the incoming attack, but Vincent's enhanced speed proved too much.

In a single, deadly thrust, he plunged his daggers deep into the bee's thorax. The creature's buzzing reached a fever pitch before abruptly ceasing, its wings falling still as Vincent withdrew his weapons. 

The glow of Origin Power faded from the edges of his daggers as the bee's body collapsed into digital specks of light.

A familiar warmth spread through Vincent's body as the system notifications appeared:

You have successfully killed a Black-Iron Bee!

You have received 5 exp!

Talent 10,000x exp multiplier activated!

You have received 50,000 exp!

[Available Options:

● Level up to Tier 1 - 2★ (requirement: 100,000 exp!)

● Increase skill proficiency (requirement: 100,000 exp!)

● Increase skill quality (requirement: 100,000 exp!)

● Increase item quality (requirement: 100,000 exp!)]

Vincent's eyebrows rose slightly in surprise. "Interesting," he mused, studying the unexpected options before him.

"It seems my talent doesn't automatically level me up as it did during my initial breakthrough."

Although all the available options were enticing, Vincent knew exactly what he needed most at this moment. Without hesitation, he chose the first option.

A surge of Origin Power flooded into his Origin Core, filling him with renewed energy and vitality.

He had officially reached Tier 1 - 2★.

Despite his satisfaction with the level up, Vincent's expression turned thoughtful as he realized the Black-Iron Bee hadn't dropped any items this time.

"Perhaps I used up my luck with that skill book earlier," he pondered, shaking his head slightly in disappointment. However, he quickly pushed the thought aside, refocusing on his mission.

It took only a few minutes of searching before Vincent stumbled upon a pair of Black-Iron Bees. One rested motionless on a flower, while the other buzzed about, heavy with pollen.

Feeling more confident with his increased strength, Vincent formulated a quick plan. Gripping his daggers, he took careful aim and threw one at the stationary bee's head. In the same fluid motion, he pounced on the active bee, driving his remaining dagger into the back of its thorax.

"Puchi! Puchi!"

Two simultaneous strikes ended the lives of both Black-Iron Bees. The system notifications appeared once more:

You have successfully killed 2 Black-Iron Bees!

You have received 2.5 exp!

You have received 2.5 exp!

Talent Activated!

+ 25,000 exp!

+ 25,000 exp!

As the experience points were added to his total, the two Black-Iron Bees left behind their stingers and a single white orb of light. 

Vincent collected the stingers before turning his attention to the orb, anticipation building as he reached out to touch it.

Upon contact, the white orb collapsed into digital lights before reforming into a yellow-copper pair of leather armguards. Though only of common quality, Vincent equipped them without hesitation.

Curious about his progress, he checked his personal attributes once more:

Name: Vincent Magnus

Rank: Tier 1 - 2★ (50,104/200,000 Exp)

Origin Power: 2000/2800

Force: 2.5

Speed: 2.5

Mental: 3

"The experience requirements for leveling up are substantial," 

Vincent observed, his tone neutral but his mind racing. 

"Without my experience multiplier talent, progress would be considerably slower."

He also noted that he had yet to find an opportune moment to utilize his C-Rank talent. 

"All in due time," he reminded himself. 

"For now, the focus is on continued growth."

With renewed determination, Vincent set out to hunt more Black-Iron Bees. Two hours of intense combat later, he had finally accumulated 200,000 exp. 

His efforts had also yielded more than the required five Black-Iron Stingers and wings, though unfortunately, no additional skill books or armaments had dropped.

Now, Vincent found himself resting against the trunk of a massive tree, replenishing his energy with a ration he had brought from the real world. As he ate, the familiar options screen appeared before him:

[Available Options:

● Level up to Tier 1 - 3★ (requirement: 200,000 exp!)

● Increase skill proficiency (requirement: 100,000 exp!)

● Increase skill quality (requirement: 100,000 exp!)

● Increase item quality (requirement: 100,000 exp!)]

Though tempted to explore the other options, Vincent's pragmatic nature won out. 

"Increasing my cultivation level is the wisest choice for now," he decided, selecting the option to break through to Tier 1-3★.

Another wave of energy suffused his being, and Vincent could feel his strength improving once more.

A small smile of satisfaction played on his lips as he finished his meal.

Suddenly, his enhanced senses picked up a series of approaching footsteps. Vincent's body tensed, his hand instinctively moving towards his daggers.

"Who?" he wondered.

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